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Do you have a lateness issue?

bad guy

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After being late to my summer job three days in a row now, I'm getting annoyed with my late issue. I have trouble getting out of bed but I do it, it's just that I take my time getting ready or get distracted. This is the same for meeting up with friends too. If I say I'm on my way it usually means I just got out the shower and picking my clothes out. When I say I'll be there in 10 minutes it probably means 20-30. I'm not always late to classes but last semester I think I was late over half the time to my 9am class. I'm not lazy or anything I just can't keep track of time at all unless I really focus. Nobody's ever brought it up to me as an issue but I do wanna fix it for work or appointments (I don't really care about personal/school ngl :rip:). I know I'm not alone in this because my closest friend is even worse than me but I feel like I should change


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yes, i'm always late for things since school.  I always remember walking in late, even at parties, even meeting with friends, I'm never on time.




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The only thing i never late is procrastinating 

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Yes but only when I'm feeling comfortable or with my friends. I take so much time getting ready and also always use the "im omw" lie. It helps that most of my friends are also like this so whenever we agree to meet in 1hr we all know deep down that it's actually 2hrs. :dies: 


For important appointments, exams, internships, etc my anxiety wakes me up early so it's kinda blessing Ig :rip: 

Edited by State of Grace.
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I have an earliness issue :thing: I’ll literally show up like 30-40 mins early for everything . I show up 30 mins early to work every day and I HATE it but I get so anxious that I’m gonna be late so I set off so early


although I have a friend who has a lateness issue and it’s the most annoying thing ever & ive legit considered cutting her off bc of it . Imo making ppl wait around for u and lying about how far away U are is really disrespectful 

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I hate when people are late tbh, I'm always on time. I recommend having a healthy sleeping schedule and.. looking at the clock :gaycat6:

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No, and I can't stand when people are late and don't respect other people's time :biblio:

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I am late sometimes, lol, but what I do to avoid this most of the time is to think of the amount of time I will need to do a task and double it.

For instance, when I need to be at work at 8:30 am, I know it will take me 1 hour to prepare and get there (eat breakfast for like 15 minutes, shower and more for 30 minutes, and then drive for 15 minutes).

So I will set my alarm at 6:30 am, 2 hours before my work, because I know I won't get off my bed immediately when I wake up. Plus I will have more time to relax before starting work.


Quite a classic trick but it works most of the time to me lol :giraffe:



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Nothing more than 5-10 min late (if late at all) to friend events. Friends that are consistently late are trash 

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If I'm excited about something that day I won't be late, but any other day I'm more likely to be late than not :toofunny3:

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yes nnn i always think i have enough time and spend too much time on my phone

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yes. the longer i have to get ready the slower i will go.


i am currently procrastinating getting ready rn. :giraffe:

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I just hate when people glamorize being late as if it’s something funny, like what? I had a friend do this as if I was happy to just sit by myself at a bar for over an hour.
I’m usually on time, but if I am late it has to do with traffic or delayed trains etc. SOMETIMES I am intentionally late to work (20-30 minutes tops) if I come in on my day off because they’re short staffed, I’m overworked and/or I’m feeling unappreciated.  

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I'm a good person so no.

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"If you're early, you're on time; if you're on time, you're late."


CPD exists But you have to create a brand new routine, and add 15-30 minutes on top of your usual schedule. It's annoying but you get used to it.

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2 hours ago, bowdown said:

No, and I can't stand when people are late and don't respect other people's time :biblio:

This tbh, it's rude :skull:


I would always HATE IT when people walked into lectures late and disruptive... whilst holding a cup of coffee...

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I'm never late for work or appointments but for social occasions eg meeting up with friends I am ALWAYS late :rip: it's a joke at this point. I'll either spend way too long in the shower or lose track of time picking an outfit or something stupid

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Yep… it was a huge issue for me for years.


I’m never late for things that are important, and for me that includes my job… but if there’s not really a “set time” at a social gathering, or if I’m visiting family etc I always seem to loose track of time.


I’ve made an effort to work on it and I completely understand why some people don’t put up with it.

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5 hours ago, unclefloprry said:

I’m Mexican :cm:



OT: Yes, I have ADD. One of my worst fears is me simply getting distracted and missing expensive appointments, which has happened in the past. It's improved as I've gotten older mostly because of the consequences of my past mistakes, and now I catch myself almost obsessively counting down the hours and minutes before I'm scheduled to do anything. 

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16 hours ago, ariananext said:

I hate when people are late tbh, I'm always on time. I recommend having a healthy sleeping schedule and.. looking at the clock :gaycat6:

This. I loathe when people are late.  And they can fix this issue they just don't care. Ugh!

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15 hours ago, BGKC said:

I just hate when people glamorize being late as if it’s something funny, like what? I had a friend do this as if I was happy to just sit by myself at a bar for over an hour.
I’m usually on time, but if I am late it has to do with traffic or delayed trains etc. SOMETIMES I am intentionally late to work (20-30 minutes tops) if I come in on my day off because they’re short staffed, I’m overworked and/or I’m feeling unappreciated.  

TEA!  When I am late I feel sorry. 

When someone is late it's not funny and it's not a small deal if it's being done constantly. It needs to change. 

Edited by Aristotle
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