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Renewables provided 49% of Germany's power in 1st half of 2022


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Renewable generation, which along with wind includes solar, hydro, biomass, waste and geothermal energy, contributed 139 billion kWh to the total, up 13.5% from a year earlier.


Germany last year reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 39% compared with 1990 but aims to reach a 65% reduction by 2030, for which it needs to roll out more zero-carbon renewables. 

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Which is still way too little. Conservative & neo-liberal politicians f*cked us over with their fetish for coal, gas, nuclear & oil.

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Sounds great, but we could be doing so much better. We have the funds. 

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Hopefully increasing more year-on-year. 


USA, Russia & China can learn a thing or two.

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Imagine an economy as big as Germany one day (in the nearer future) being completely independent from energy imports. The country will generate a positive trade balance of more than $900 billion. (it peaked at $220 billion a few years ago).

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