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Did I take some paint off the side of the apartment garage? Help?


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Hello, all!

Living in an apartment for the first time.

I tried to park in the garage, however, I noticed my roommate didn't park close enough to her side of the garage, but me feeling ambitious, I tried to park in the garage anyway. The whole car was going in except for my right side view mirror, which hit the garage. Now, when I backed out of the garage, I noticed a small silver-like mark on the right side of the garage (almost like the paint came off a bit). Not sure if that mark was there before, since the left side of the garage (which I would have had no way of hitting, since I came in on the right side, and my roommate had the left parking space) had a dent in it, and the "frame" of the garage looked dented/a bit dirty upon closer inspection.

Should I bring up the state of the garage to the landlord? I own up to the possibility I might have taken some paint off the garage, however, because the left side of the garage also had dents, I'm not sure if that silver-like mark was there to begin with or if I just did not spot it (this is my first time using the garage).

Also, I noticed there was a small hole in the upper part of the garage door-- I for sure did not do this because the garage door was completely up when I tried parking in the garage.

I think I'm going to forego the garage just because I don't want to be responsible for further damages to the garage. As annoying as parallel parking is, at least you don't have to worry about property.

Any ideas on what to do about this situation? Thanks!

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:rip: this sounds like the first time you ever did something wrong tbh, don’t worry it’s going to be ok 

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12 minutes ago, Breathe On Moi said:

:rip: this sounds like the first time you ever did something wrong tbh, don’t worry it’s going to be ok 

Thank you! <3 Should I tell the landlord? 


And yeah, sadly, I have generalized anxiety disorder and was raised by two helicopter parents, so I'm an anxious mess as an adult lol

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Wow, you're going to JAIL


jk, you're fine. Small accidents like that are normal and are expected. For example, I recently moved out of a rental, and although i left some small dents on the wall and marks on the carpet, I got my full bond refund back (not sure if rental bonds are a thing in the us/seppo land).


I think you should keep parking in the garage, since your 'damages' are inconsequential and it's probably safer to park in the garage. Tell your housemate to park more carefully, they should park more considerately if they're living with other people with cars.


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Didn't you give a deposit? I would take pictures of everything wrong inside the house and let your landlord know (in writing, send them via WhatsApp or something). Unfortunately some landlords use any excuse to not give your deposit back.

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Try to rub the mark with Jif Cream Cleaner. If its come out then dont say anything. I use jif to remove scratchs paints on the car so you can try. If its dont come out just mention it to the landlortn but dont make a big deal out of it.

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I wouldn’t even mention it to the landlord unless they mention in to you, in which case, play dumb. They probably have no way of knowing it was you/it’s the garage, they don’t care. They. Do. Not. Care. The only reason they would care is if it’s an excuse to deduct money from your security deposit when you leave. 

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https://homelet.co.uk/landlord-insurance/landlord-lowdown-blog/article/wear-and-tear-what-is-deemed-acceptable#:~:text=Normal wear and tear refers,period of months and years.


I think this article is good summary for your dilemma. 


In these instances, perhaps keep this one to yourself. Are they REALLY going to know EVERY mark left on their property from the point YOU moved in, and how would they prove it comes directly from you, unless there's CCTV? 


Stay calm I think everything will be alright Xx :heart:

Edited by sugarysunflower
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lol jk don’t worry you’re fine. Worse things can happen than this but it’s okay you’re upset by it. 

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U sound sweet and new to life 



keep ur mouth shut and if they say something deny deny deny 

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Thank you guys <3 Moving is still a huge adjustment; I just know to be more careful around the area. I decided to use street parking since expenses are tight, anyway. 

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