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Ukraine to consider legalizing same-sex marriage amid war


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The petition has more than 28,000 signatures, meaning President Volodymyr Zelensky now has 10 days to respond.


Homosexuality is not illegal in Ukraine, but same-sex marriages and civil partnerships are not recognised.


This has caused particular problems for LGBT people signing up for the military following Russia's invasion.


For example, under Ukrainian law if someone in a same-sex relationship dies, their partner cannot collect their body or bury them.


The online petition says: "At this time, every day can be the last."


One LGBT organisation has described the petition as an "important moment" for members of the community


"It is important that LGBTQ people have the right to see their partner and take their body from the morgue, and seek compensation if needed," Oksana Solonska, media communications manager at Kyiv Pride, told the BBC.

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For example, under Ukrainian law if someone in a same-sex relationship dies, their partner cannot collect their body or bury them.


Yeah, for this reason especially, hopefully this goes through.

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Come on, Volodymyr. Don't be shy!

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This would be a fantastic step for Ukraine. So many people of the LGBTQ+ community are fighting for Ukraine rn, too. 

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Hopefully this goes through especially with injured people and people dying, husbands/wives need to be able to see them and have equal rights.

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Good. If they want to join EU they better respect minorities and consider this. 

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This would be solely to piss off Russia and to get closer to the EU and they wouldn't even consider it under normal circumstances, but it'll surely help society accept it faster :clap3:

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@ZIVERT let's get married sis :heart:

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Proud of Ukraine!

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Then, once they are in the EU & are feeling a lil more confident, watch them pull a Poland & Hungary. :gaycat6:


I hope the EU learned their lessons so far and won't let them in. I like Macron's idea of a European Community that would integrate Ukraine in the market without giving them full veto power over the entire future of the EU.


The EU should not take any new member until they change the unanimity-rule insanity if they know what's good for them.

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