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Was Biden's presidency a non-event?


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13 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

He’s governed like trump: more deportations, more detention of migrant people fleeing violence inflicted by the US, more drilling permits on federal lands, continuation of border wall construction, increased federal funding of police, increased defense budget, increased military industrial complex handouts in the name of “human rights,” etc.

It's true, Biden is very Trumpian





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8 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

More people died from covid under Biden’s presidency than trump, and Biden admin has loosened several restrictions despite covid surges happening a few times in the past six months. They basically took “advice” from the Delta CEO requesting the quarantine to be lowered to 5 days. 

Yes, but based on what Trump said and did, do you really think things would’ve been better under him in regard to COVID? He listened to televangelists who wanted to sell bleach. He listened to conspiracy theorists about medications. 

I’m not saying Biden is great - but he certainly hasn’t been telling people to literally consume bleach. Trump radicalized huge amounts of people during the pandemic into believing the virus was a hoax, that it wasn’t a big deal, that we shouldn’t wear masks or take public health measures to protect the community, and to use treatments that were not only dangerous but had no evidence. Do you think that kind of damage to public perception of COVID just magically changed overnight when Biden was elected? Or when the capitol was stormed? Or during the hearings recently where Trump’s criminal plot to overthrow a democratic nation was exposed?

No. Because his supporters are idiots that are unfortunately just dumb enough to think that they’re smart.



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He can make it an event by forgiving the $1.7t and growing outstanding student debt held by the fed.


Imagine how his presidency would turnaround from freeing 30M people from debt servitude overnight. 

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53 minutes ago, Planet Mars said:

I'd say the opposite, he's incredibly polarizing and his presidency will for sure mark a significant shift in the story of the democratic party. The truth is the party is splitting.

Ineffective failures aren't remembered by the people who failed them. People remember Lincoln, while Buchanan is hardly on the tips of the tongue of most Americans. People will remember the next Republican who'll bring to fruition fascism in America due to Biden's negligence or the progressive Democrat who does what joe failed to do. 

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2 minutes ago, Communion said:

He can make it an event by forgiving the $1.7t and growing outstanding student debt held by the fed.


Imagine how his presidency would turnaround from freeing 30M people from debt servitude overnight. 

But that’s “inflationary,” and Larry Summers has his ear so we’ll be lucky to even get 10k in relief that’ll just get wiped out by interest in a matter of months anyways :gaycat6: 




Anyway, to OP’s question, the level of party damage Biden has done to the Democrats’ overall branding has certainly been… eventful. So how can you say his presidency has been a non-event? :gaycat: 

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4 minutes ago, Communion said:

He can make it an event by forgiving the $1.7t and growing outstanding student debt held by the fed.


Imagine how his presidency would turnaround from freeing 30M people from debt servitude overnight. 

But let's be honest, his Republican ass would rather lose to Trump than do alladat

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2 minutes ago, rihannabiggestfan said:

But let's be honest, his Republican ass would rather lose to Trump than do alladat

He's seen his biggest favorability drops amongst:

  • Young Voters
  • People with College Degrees (though 40% of debt holders don't have degrees!)
  • Latino & Black Americans

And yet these are the groups who'd largely benefit from student debt forgiveness.

One has to ask why they're refusing to budge on the issue. 

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Yes. I cant believe Americans chose to elect this man as their president :deadbanana4:

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  • ATRL Moderator

Honestly, if anything he took all the consequences of trump, created consequences of his own, and now has bolstered the GOP by his complete floppage :deadvision: a nightmare!

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It was an EVENT of epic proportions, because sadly even disasters are events.

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7 minutes ago, madonnas said:

Honestly, if anything he took all the consequences of trump, created consequences of his own, and now has bolstered the GOP by his complete floppage :deadvision: a nightmare!

I was so depressed when Biden & Trump were our choices for 2020 - and look where we are now :deadbanana: 

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Just now, MusicTalker said:

I was so depressed when Biden & Trump were our choices for 2020 - and look where we are now :deadbanana: 

The fact that 2/3 of the country have said they don't want Trump or Biden in 2024, and we're most likely stuck with one or the other no matter what. This country is an utter disaster. :rip: 

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I wouldn't frame it in that way, it certainly was....something :rip:

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1 hour ago, GhostBox said:

He stopped trump from winning in 2020. He did what most people wanted him to do. Probably will do it again in 24 ?

And what did he do after that??


Certainly didnt reverse the trajectory to fascism, even continued some of Trump's policies

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2 hours ago, Buddy said:

Yes and the Democrats can kiss my ass in the midterms and 2024. I was over them sabotaging Bernie for a while now but with this recent Supreme Court mess, it's become extremely apparent that we needed another FDR for this moment to fight back. Biden couldn't give less of a **** to do so. 


Democrats are now conservatives - they fight to conserve the way things currently are that aren't working, while Republicans effectively push us further and further to the right.


I'm never voting Democrat again and I don't care what a⁰nyone has to ******* to say about it. I don't have hope in a single one of them. They are all ineffective fraudulent losers.

Welcome to politics. 

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Just now, Armani? said:

And what did he do after that??


Certainly didnt reverse the trajectory to fascism, even continued some of Trump's policies

Essentially nothing, and he admitted it at the debate?



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It's pretty clear that winning the two Georgia Senate races out of the blue was the worst thing that could have happened to a Democratic Party that clearly wanted to coast by for two years on doing nothing but not being Donald Trump. Getting caught with a surprise (bare) majority meant that they actually had expectations to meet, but since big tents can't agree on much (other than not being Trump), there couldn't really be much to achieve.


Only positive thing of substance has been the nomination of KBJ which... great I guess? Stops an insurmountable 6-3 conservative SCOTUS majority from becoming 7-2 instead. Doesn't stop any of the horrible rulings that we'll be stuck with for generations. And Biden being an institutionalist through and through while said institutions are crumbling all around him probably makes him one of the worst possible presidents to have at this moment, but hey. At least he's not Trump.

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He’s the ultimate ‘go girl give us nothing’


if he runs again, America is doomed.

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32 minutes ago, Robert said:

He’s the ultimate ‘go girl give us nothing’


if he runs again, America is doomed.

This, including the "lack of energy" part. I've visited a senior home so many times and even the people there have more energy :skull:




I mean, his absolute lack of energy is almost contagious. I feel myself getting tired watching this tragedy




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He’s not a legitimate president. He was not elected but rather selected, by the fed and central banks.  Bernie and trump were too much of a risk for their master plan to unfold. Trump was too much of a wild card.   Biden made for the perfect dumb senile mouthpiece.  We been known.  hes  useless, like he’s been so his entire career. 

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On 7/12/2022 at 6:21 PM, Buddy said:

Yes and the Democrats can kiss my ass in the midterms and 2024. I was over them sabotaging Bernie for a while now but with this recent Supreme Court mess, it's become extremely apparent that we needed another FDR for this moment to fight back. Biden couldn't give less of a **** to do so. 


Democrats are now conservatives - they fight to conserve the way things currently are that aren't working, while Republicans effectively push us further and further to the right.


I'm never voting Democrat again and I don't care what anyone has to ******* to say about it. I don't have hope in a single one of them. They are all ineffective fraudulent losers.

the party of Nancy dems


i will never support that trash party ever again. Even if they screech at me  “no vote or third party is a vote against choice and gay maahhr…..” :toofunny2:




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On 7/13/2022 at 2:27 AM, ClashAndBurn said:

The fact that 2/3 of the country have said they don't want Trump or Biden in 2024, and we're most likely stuck with one or the other no matter what. This country is an utter disaster. :rip: 


Definitely the least eventful presidency in awhile, for better or worse. You can’t really blame people for voting 3rd party anymore when you see that Biden/Dems don’t follow through on their promises.


What Dems need is a younger candidate with the charisma and likeability of Obama but the progressive views of Bernie who actually inspires people to vote, the slayage and turning point that would be. But instead you’ll get Biden again, Kamala or Pete, all awful choices  :toofunny3: 

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1 hour ago, manwhore said:

the party of Nancy dems


i will never support that trash party ever again. Even if they screech at me  “no vote or third party is a vote against choice and gay maahhr…..” :toofunny2:





24 minutes ago, CaptainMusic said:


Definitely the least eventful presidency in awhile, for better or worse. You can’t really blame people for voting 3rd party anymore when you see that Biden/Dems don’t follow through on their promises.


What Dems need is a younger candidate with the charisma and likeability of Obama but the progressive views of Bernie who actually inspires people to vote, the slayage and turning point that would be. But instead you’ll get Biden again, Kamala or Pete, all awful choices  :toofunny3: 

Nnnnnnn. If we have Mayor Pete vs. John Fetterman you know the establishment media will call us homophobes if we prefer Fetterman. :rip:

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On 7/13/2022 at 12:57 AM, Slap said:

I get people’s frustration but I’d rather a non event over somebody who tried to overthrow a democratic government for their own delusional grandiose narcissistic ego, or who let almost a million Americans die from COVID by spreading misinformation and lies about its existence, its severity and how to treat it (or have we forgotten about Bleachgate?), a non event over somebody who stacked the surpreme court with anti abortion republicans including one who sexually assaulted women. 

It’s serving somebody missing their abusive ex because the drama was “exciting”. 

this. but Americans so stupid sis...

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