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Was Biden's presidency a non-event?


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I'm not sure how to explain myself, but each presidency of the 2010's had something polarizing. Obama's second term was filled with the Afghanistan mess but somewhat "peace". While Trump's was obviously such a shocking win + his term was full of messy decisions and social tension.


Biden just doesn't have that spark, his win felt almost forced with some air of "relief" that he might solve what the Trump administration did, instead he is just equally hated by both parties and the majority of Americans for literally doing NOTHING.


Is it truly that Biden's era tanked and flopped with zero noise?

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I literally forgot who our president was the other day so yes


it is, however, an event in the sense that it's been messy

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He is literally senile panned Republican trash





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Yes. I don’t even think “Biden” is home anymore. The DNC never should’ve pushed this senile candidate down our throats. 

Edited by GraceRandolph
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Yes and the Democrats can kiss my ass in the midterms and 2024. I was over them sabotaging Bernie for a while now but with this recent Supreme Court mess, it's become extremely apparent that we needed another FDR for this moment to fight back. Biden couldn't give less of a **** to do so. 


Democrats are now conservatives - they fight to conserve the way things currently are that aren't working, while Republicans effectively push us further and further to the right.


I'm never voting Democrat again and I don't care what anyone has to ******* to say about it. I don't have hope in a single one of them. They are all ineffective fraudulent losers.

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Why did I read this thread title as "Was Biden's pregnancy a non-event?" at first? :deadbanana2:


OT: As a non-American I can't really weigh in on this conversation, but it doesn't seem like he did for the US what the Democratic voters thought he was gonna do.

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3 minutes ago, Buddy said:

Yes and the Democrats can kiss my ass in the midterms and 2024. I was over them sabotaging Bernie for a while now but with this recent Supreme Court mess, it's become extremely apparent that we needed another FDR for this moment to fight back. Biden couldn't give less of a **** to do so. 


Democrats are now conservatives - they fight to conserve the way things currently are that aren't working, while Republicans effectively push us further and further to the right.


I'm never voting Democrat again and I don't care what anyone has to ******* to say about it. I don't have hope in a single one of them. They are all ineffective fraudulent losers.

Are you voting for third party candidates? What's the plan?

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7 minutes ago, TROPICUM said:

Are you voting for third party candidates? What's the plan?

I will still most likely vote Democrat locally (assuming said candidate isn't a corrupt pos) but never presidentially again, at least not for a LONG while. I don't think there will be any hope on that level for another decade or two or even three or four.


Probably won't vote third party either as the Green Party has never been appealing to me.


I've essentially become an accelerationist at this point.

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8 minutes ago, Buddy said:

Yes and the Democrats can kiss my ass in the midterms and 2024. I was over them sabotaging Bernie for a while now but with this recent Supreme Court mess, it's become extremely apparent that we needed another FDR for this moment to fight back. Biden couldn't give less of a **** to do so. 


Democrats are now conservatives - they fight to conserve the way things currently are that aren't working, while Republicans effectively push us further and further to the right.


I'm never voting Democrat again and I don't care what anyone has to ******* to say about it. I don't have hope in a single one of them. They are all ineffective fraudulent losers.

Democrats prevent progress, while Republicans undo progress.


And the people who support progress are called ... :oh:




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I'd say the opposite, he's incredibly polarizing and his presidency will for sure mark a significant shift in the story of the democratic party. The truth is the party is splitting.

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I think you can shift some blame to the senate. Dems barely have the majority and they all cannot get on the same page. Republicans can get in line behind any cause they are going to push while the democrats suck because of the moderate/progressive divide. 

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He’s governed like trump: more deportations, more detention of migrant people fleeing violence inflicted by the US, more drilling permits on federal lands, continuation of border wall construction, increased federal funding of police, increased defense budget, increased military industrial complex handouts in the name of “human rights,” etc.

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3 minutes ago, JC. said:

I think you can shift some blame to the senate. Dems barely have the majority and they all cannot get on the same page. Republicans can get in line behind any cause they are going to push while the democrats suck because of the moderate/progressive divide. 

Why is Joe Manchin still the chair of the Senate Energy committee? 

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It'll end up as a wasted 4 years. All the problems this country is facing and Biden is just sitting on this hands waiting for Manchin and Sinema to tell him what he can do. :rip:


Of course anyone could have predicted this. Hopefully the Democratic Party gets it together but considering what they have lined up after Biden, there isn't much hope. 

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Zero noise would be a lot better for him. He is actually disastrous for the liberal idea of "just vote". It is a damning event of elections in this country.


At the very least people would vote out all of the dinos in leadership right now. We will see how primaries go in 2024. I'm hopeful :dancehall3:  

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Well, y'all can always vote for a Republican and let your country become as hysterical as a mexican telenovela, if that's what you prefer.

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15 minutes ago, Buddy said:

I will still most likely vote Democrat locally (assuming said candidate isn't a corrupt pos) but never presidentially again, at least not for a LONG while. I don't think there will be any hope on that level for another decade or two or even three or four.


Probably won't vote third party either as the Green Party has never been appealing to me.


I've essentially become an accelerationist at this point.

You should join your local mutual aid chapter, PSL chapter, and help your local organizers. 

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He stopped trump from winning in 2020. He did what most people wanted him to do. Probably will do it again in 24 ?

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Just now, GhostBox said:

He stopped trump from winning in 2020. He did what most people wanted him to do. Probably will do it again in 24 ?

Anyone who thinks trump has the gop nomination in the bag is foolish. It will very likely be DeSantis and he is much worse and effective than trump. this country’s lack of a true working class leftist movement outside of the pathetic candidacies of Bernie and eye roll-inducing “yass queen” worship of “progressive” politicians like AOC and the Squad is a large reason why the US will become more rightwing. 

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8 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

You should join your local mutual aid chapter, PSL chapter, and help your local organizers. 

Maybe eventually but right now I'm far too mad & over all of it. 

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2 minutes ago, Gov Hooka said:

Anyone who thinks trump has the gop nomination in the bag is foolish. It will very likely be DeSantis and he is much worse and effective than trump. this country’s lack of a true working class leftist movement outside of the pathetic candidacies of Bernie and eye roll-inducing “yass queen” worship of “progressive” politicians like AOC and the Squad is a large reason why the US will become more rightwing. 

Trump will run if he thinks it’s stops all these investigations into him and his family. 

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I get people’s frustration but I’d rather a non event over somebody who tried to overthrow a democratic government for their own delusional grandiose narcissistic ego, or who let almost a million Americans die from COVID by spreading misinformation and lies about its existence, its severity and how to treat it (or have we forgotten about Bleachgate?), a non event over somebody who stacked the surpreme court with anti abortion republicans including one who sexually assaulted women. 

It’s serving somebody missing their abusive ex because the drama was “exciting”. 

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6 minutes ago, Buddy said:

Maybe eventually but right now I'm far too mad & over all of it. 

I know exactly how you feel but joining an org that isn’t the Democrat party or whose mission isn’t aligned with electoralism (so not the DSA - but there are committees within certain local chapters doing good work on the streets) is one of the most important things for leftists to do in this moment. Building Systems of support outside of the government (and building up a robust labor movement and increasing union membership) is what we should all be doing. 

Edited by Gov Hooka
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13 minutes ago, GhostBox said:

He stopped trump from winning in 2020. He did what most people wanted him to do. Probably will do it again in 24 ?

So you agree Biden hasn’t gotten anything done since he’s actually been in office?

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5 minutes ago, Slap said:

I get people’s frustration but I’d rather a non event over somebody who tried to overthrow a democratic government for their own delusional grandiose narcissistic ego, or who let almost a million Americans die from COVID by spreading misinformation and lies about its existence, its severity and how to treat it (or have we forgotten about Bleachgate?), a non event over somebody who stacked the surpreme court with anti abortion republicans including one who sexually assaulted women. 

It’s serving somebody missing their abusive ex because the drama was “exciting”. 

More people died from covid under Biden’s presidency than trump, and Biden admin has loosened several restrictions despite covid surges happening a few times in the past six months. They basically took “advice” from the Delta CEO requesting the quarantine to be lowered to 5 days. 

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