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Predominantly white crowd sings the N-word at Roddy Ricch concert; Twitter dragging

State of Grace.

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This is such a touchy topic but even the title of this thread is somewhat racist because it's singling out white people that are fans at a concert. It's upsetting that people can't see that we are all equal and the same and we can enjoy and like who ever we want. There has been mistakes Made by everyone in the past this is true but the problem is grouping people into a category and that's not fair. We are all individuals no matter what color we are and we have no choice over that. We should all learn to love and get along. That's how I feel and I hope everyone starts to feel that way too. 


Anyways lots of love to you all. 

Edited by Shaner69
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1 minute ago, Hurem said:

I’m pretty sure an antiblack people wouldn’t go to Roddy Ricch’s show or listen to his music :rip: 

Yeah, they would. Anti-Black people have never had a problem with being entertained by Black people :skull:


You can't say a racial slur against Black people with ease and not be Anti Black. I don't really care what "nuance" you're gonna try to apply to it, either. 


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4 hours ago, Thinking Of You said:

Ever since I literally received a letter of my great great great grandmother being given away during slavery as a birthday gift, I stopped saying the N-word. It’s different when the hardships of the word is right in front your face in a letter from such a horrendous time.


White people should not be saying it at all, especially with how they are. But I think even the Black community should leave it alone too. It’s a horrible word.

Agreed. I think it’s time to retire the n-word. Everywhere.

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Not him letting the crowd chant the n-word to him for a bag.

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13 minutes ago, Wicked said:



These artists aren't making music for non Black audiences but because every group on earth in western society has a fetish for Black people (more specifically Black Americans) they just do and say as we do.


Absolutely bizarre take to imply African Americans are only popular in "western society" because of fetishization  :deadbanana4:
Never mind the talent and artistry.

But also you're wrong. Artists generally want to reach the largest amount of people they can. So definitely they are making music for more than just African Americans to consume. 

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1 minute ago, flower moon said:

Absolutely bizarre take to imply African Americans are only popular in "western society" because of fetishization  :deadbanana4:
Never mind the talent and artistry.

But also you're wrong. Artists generally want to reach the largest amount of people they can. So definitely they are making music for more than just African Americans to consume. 

If you're ignorant you can just say that. Everything that Black Americans do has been pillaged from us and repacked, resold across the world without our permission or compensation, the world has been obsessed and fetishized Black people from the beginning of time, it's starting to happen more often with our Jamaican & Nigerian fam too. I'm not sure how talent and artistry negates the fact that people fetishize Black Americans. If you're not Black I don't wanna to hear it tho. 


That is the farthest thing from true :skull: 

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15 minutes ago, Wicked said:

Yeah, they would. Anti-Black people have never had a problem with being entertained by Black people :skull:


You can't say a racial slur against Black people with ease and not be Anti Black. I don't really care what "nuance" you're gonna try to apply to it, either. 


So you think everyone who sang the n-word at the show is antiblack? :rip: Good lord...

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People who believe that there are 50.000 racists in that video :deadbanana2: if you care so much about the word usage why not also be against about it being in mainstream songs? 

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Can’t rappers just stop using this word… :rip:

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9 minutes ago, Wicked said:

If you're ignorant you can just say that. Everything that Black Americans do has been pillaged from us and repacked, resold across the world without our permission or compensation, the world has been obsessed and fetishized Black people from the beginning of time, it's starting to happen more often with our Jamaican & Nigerian fam too. I'm not sure how talent and artistry negates the fact that people fetishize Black Americans. If you're not Black I don't wanna to hear it tho. 


That is the farthest thing from true :skull: 

This isn't about history lessons its about artists releasing and promoting their music worldwide in 2022. When they do that they are going have significant influence. If you want to call that stealing and repacking then you do that but its not a uniquely AA thing to have some kind of cultural impact.

Did they or did they not chose release this music globally? :ryan2:

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N I don't want to fight this exhausting fight but sorry, the "well, if black artists can use it, so can people!" line of thinking is so stupid xjbbgfh


The onus of people using that word is not on those that reclaimed it. Period. You can try to argue that that reclamation has "normalised" it to such a degree that it just does not register as a reclaimed slur to vast audiences, but that line of thinking doesn't track either because of how demonstrably anti-black the world is. Sure right now they're singing it along in the  "" heat of the moment "" :deadbanana2:, but watch them very quickly use it outside of concerts and music to berate black people in their lives or online. 

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1 minute ago, flower moon said:

This isn't about history lessons its about artists releasing and promoting their music worldwide in 2022. When they do that they are going have significant influence. If you want to call that stealing and repacking then you do that but its not a uniquely AA thing to have some kind of cultural impact.

Did they or did they not chose release this music globally? :ryan2:

"this isn't about history lessons" lmfao. I didn't say only Black Americans have cultural impact, I said we're fetishized, which we are. But since you don't like history idk why you are continuing the conversation.


Black Americans do not control their music releases, we do not control ANYTHING. That is the point :deadbanana4:


16 minutes ago, Hurem said:

So you think everyone who sang the n-word at the show is antiblack? :rip: Good lord...

The world functions on Anti blackness, there's no way around it. 

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Black people should just retire that word for good. There's nothing empowering about it. It's vile, the need to make it into "taking back power" is not and has not worked. 

Now it's just a word every kid who wants to feel "cool" says. 

Decades of people being beaten to death, raped, hanged on trees as fruits being used as entertainment is ridiculous. 


You can't always go on a tangent assuming people using that word when they're just singing a song are racist. That's too easy. 

Edited by BnPac
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The thing that really gets me is that I’m black and I never say the n-word even when it’s in the lyrics, so I don’t understand why it’s so hard for some white people to not say the n-word when they’re at a rap concert :toofunny3:

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4 hours ago, Vin said:

If you're a Black musical artist, and you keep using the n-word in your art, which I personally don't think is necessary, then you will always have to deal with the consequences of corny, ignorant White people who do stuff like this:

Thank you.


 Nobody should be using this word. Just end it already.

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The white crowd in there should be ashamed of themselves :biblio:

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The way you people think that crowd would silent at large concert just because of one word, you are really delusional. Get off social media and enter the real world.

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If they don’t want their fans to sing that word back to them, they shouldn’t write it in their lyrics.

Edited by frenchyisback
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1 hour ago, Shaner69 said:

This is such a touchy topic but even the title of this thread is somewhat racist because it's singling out white people that are fans at a concert. It's upsetting that people can't see that we are all equal and the same and we can enjoy and like who ever we want. There has been mistakes Made by everyone in the past this is true but the problem is grouping people into a category and that's not fair. We are all individuals no matter what color we are and we have no choice over that. We should all learn to love and get along. That's how I feel and I hope everyone starts to feel that way too. 


Anyways lots of love to you all. 

You cannot be racist against white people. They are the oppressor. 

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5 hours ago, Sugar-Rush said:

How does coercing a crowd of White people to say the n-word because a Black artist purposely put the word in their song make the audience racist? :psyduck: 

5 hours ago, Sugar-Rush said:

So they're all just supposed to self-censor in the heat of the moment while they're all singing along following Roddy's lead? :deadbanana2: 

If they're used to not saying the word in life, why would they have to "self-censor"? :deadbanana2: Nobody has been forced or coerced into saying the N-word and blaming the mob mentality of a crowd doesn't wash. Everyone has autonomy over their words and actions.


I listen to the same handful of hip-hop albums repeatedly and have never felt the need to sing/rap over the word when it comes up. 


You make it sound like using a racial slur is somehow an easy trap to fall in... it is not. 

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idk why people act like it’s so difficult to just censor yourself and stop rapping along for half a second :deadbanana2:

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6 hours ago, Sugar-Rush said:

How does coercing a crowd of White people to say the n-word because a Black artist purposely put the word in their song make the audience racist? :psyduck: This is the Kendrick thing all over again. 

Yeah. I am genuinely wondering if people on Twitter ever log out from their social medias to live in the real world. This does not make the audience racist by any mean :dies:


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worms in their brains. literally so easy to not say the n word just keep your mouth shut 

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The word shouldnt be in songs. Lets start there. It’s a horrible word with a horrible background and reclaiming this word was never a good idea. 

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I'm sorry, but this "reclamation" thing just won't work, or at least not ANYTIME soon. Outside the US and maybe other Western countries, the concept seems ridiculous (not saying that it is, just the perception of a lot of people) and most people don't even have any idea of it. This includes words like *** and whatnot. I get that a community can "reclaim" it within itself and use it with each other in a none-hateful manner, but policing what people outside the community say is literally impossible. A lot of people outside the US/detached from US culture and history would do it out of spite, and even within the US, people who aren't online a lot just don't care. For a lot of people, the dissonance between black artists using the word in mainstream songs made for the masses and the expectations not to say it in any context just doesn't make sense. If it won't be white Americans (a lot of whom really don't give a f), it would be other people in other cultures who would simply not care or resist with the same talking point a lot of people here said already: "if it is so offensive, then why say it/use it in mainstream songs?".


It is an unfortunate reality that Western liberals and progressives ignore because it makes them uncomfortable to criticize other cultural norms and attitudes, which makes the whole "reclamation" thing MUCH harder to get a broad, global implementation (if not outright impossible). 


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