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Not funny, girl: Glee actress/victim triggered over Lea’s Funny Girl announcement


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It's been what, 10 years since that. Not an excuse, but she apologised, so just move on.


It's the way life works, you're not going love all people you work with, and probably come across some vile people too.



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10 hours ago, Generation Braindead said:

I feel like this girl only speaks out to get attention, her career clearly hasn’t been successful as Leas she’s only landed a few minor roles since Glee. I’m suspecting a bit of jealously mixed with black girl energy. Time to bury the hatchet girl.

A white girl getting more roles, recognition and success than a black woman... shocking...

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Isn't Leah mad talented though? :skull: 


It's not like she got the job with no credentials. 

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Lea is trash. 
people defending her like we know she feels some kind of remorse, I haven’t seen any statement that would lead me to believe that. 
They could of chose any non famous/less famous person who could do the role just as well, but you know money and headlines. 

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6 hours ago, InventedGays said:

We also have a right to not continue putting terrible people on a pedestal when we could simply move on to other more deserving artists 

Ok first of all you need to chill and second, nobody is putting Lea on a pedestal. As someone already mentioned, Broadway is no joke. They probably have the strictest selection process in the entertainment business. If Lea got it it’s most likely because she deserves it. Who the f*** are you to say other artists are more deserving? Were you in her audition? Did you get to audition other artists as well? Then shut up and stop attacking others just because they don’t have your same opinion.  

People need to stop emitting opinions as if they have the whole picture or insights as to what or how things happened. Truth is, no one here knows anything first hand, only what we’ve read. At the end of the day we’re all humans and if someone apologized and has been paying the price for literally years (she has barely got work post-Glee) maybe it’s time to stop crucifying them. People also forget we make mistakes too, difference is we’re not famous or on the spotlight so we get to make our mistakes in private mostly. 

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17 minutes ago, Michael196 said:

A white girl getting more roles, recognition and success than a black woman... shocking...

Wasn’t she a side character and not even in that many episodes? :rip:it would be different if we were comparing Amber 

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10 minutes ago, Robyn. said:

Isn't Leah mad talented though? :skull: 


It's not like she got the job with no credentials. 

I absolutely cannot tolerate her but people forget this… she IS extremely talented, great vocals and very good acting skills as well. And people here are forgetting that. But you know this forum, ATRLers with baseless opinion? What else is new? :toofunny2:

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22 minutes ago, hector.adriel said:

I absolutely cannot tolerate her but people forget this… she IS extremely talented, great vocals and very good acting skills as well. And people here are forgetting that. But you know this forum, ATRLers with baseless opinion? What else is new? :toofunny2:

Kevin Spacey is also extremely talented actor

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3 minutes ago, McNulty said:

Kevin Spacey is also extremely talented actor

Do you really think that's a fair comparison? And I'm pretty sure he's employed as well.



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God she seems just as annoying as her character in the show

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1 minute ago, okgo said:

Do you really think that's a fair comparison? And I'm pretty sure he's employed as well.



yes it's an extreme comparison but people here excuse her insufferable personalty and her bullying because she's "talented"



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15 minutes ago, McNulty said:

yes it's an extreme comparison but people here excuse her insufferable personalty and her bullying because she's "talented"



Her having a bad attitude/being an emotional bully to some costars behind the scenes should not be compared to someone who's been sued/charged with sexual assault/battery multiple times in any way you look at it. And I don't know why you're surprised as people have always excused bad behavior from celebs as long as they deliver* on stage (*deliver obv being subjective), just look at him who, despite an abhorrent personal track record, is still getting gigs - and while I'm aware he's had quite some backlash too, it's probably been equivalent to the hate and ridicule Lea Michele has received on social media herself which should tell you something. These extreme comparisons are more harmful than her getting a job imo especially when they usually only apply to women.


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20 minutes ago, McNulty said:

Kevin Spacey is also extremely talented actor

people here are dumber than I give them credit for :deadbanana2:


12 minutes ago, McNulty said:

yes it's an extreme comparison but people here excuse her insufferable personalty and her bullying because she's "talented"



Where on my post did I excuse her behavior? Comprehensive reading. Also, comparing her to a person accused of sexual assault? The absolute ignorance :rip:

I was saying how ATRLers have a thirst for social justice and just plan to erase people who made mistakes off the face of the Earth when we’ve all made different mistakes in our lives and have been able to come out of them mostly unscathed simply because we were not on the public light. keep whining, she still got the job, and from what I’ve read, deservingly so

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i mean her feelings are valid :michael: but at the same time iirc lea already apologized and wanted to reach out to her personally, she refused to do so… i hope she is humbled now and doesn’t treat people like **** anymore

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11 minutes ago, hallucinate said:

i mean her feelings are valid :michael: but at the same time iirc lea already apologized and wanted to reach out to her personally, she refused to do so… i hope she is humbled now and doesn’t treat people like **** anymore

I just don’t see how this has anything at all to do with her, like did she expect Lea Michele to never ever work again? This just makes her look bitter. She was in a couple of Glee episodes that got a fraction of the ratings it got at its peak. Move on :rip:

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Idk why but not funny girl is sending me :skull: 

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These replies ain't it. I guess y'all are Team Tormentor...this week.

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2 hours ago, hallucinate said:

i mean her feelings are valid :michael: but at the same time iirc lea already apologized and wanted to reach out to her personally, she refused to do so… i hope she is humbled now and doesn’t treat people like **** anymore

Well, by bringing it up and tweeting every time Lea is in the news or gets something, it gives her a little bit of a spotlight she normally wouldn't have. Girl is milking it...

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Who knew y'all caped for Lea Michele like this? :bibliahh:

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8 hours ago, POPTART said:

It's been what, 10 years since that. Not an excuse, but she apologised, so just move on.


It's the way life works, you're not going love all people you work with, and probably come across some vile people too.




7 hours ago, Robyn. said:

Isn't Leah mad talented though? :skull: 


It's not like she got the job with no credentials. 


6 hours ago, hallucinate said:

i mean her feelings are valid :michael: but at the same time iirc lea already apologized and wanted to reach out to her personally, she refused to do so… i hope she is humbled now and doesn’t treat people like **** anymore

The tea. 



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I can really understand her frustration as I’ve been through similar stuff before and I truly hope she could find her peace and move on:chick3: 

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16 hours ago, phreshprince said:

Ok I have a question. When do we forgive and move on? Should someone be reminded by their poor choices for the rest of their lives? This woman’s feelings are valid. She was literally abused and it’s clearly triggering any time she sees Lea. I’m sure Lea has privately apologized. But when do we let go and move on? This woman clearly still hasn’t healed or she wouldn’t be talking about this. Again, her feelings are VALID. But…when do we just give people a chance again?

Regular people let it go

atrl is selective in who gets a pass and who doesn’t 


it’s about who it’s more fun to justifiably bully 


like Camila cabello 

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I mean Lea already received backlash, the most she can do is move on and show her talent at this point.

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