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Biden's job approval plummets to 33%. Only 26% dems want a 2nd term (NYT)


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1 minute ago, GhostBox said:

I could see Michelle dominating in a General election. ?


and yea bernie would’ve been in the pits as well if he won. 

What’s up with Dems obsession with continuing to run Clinton and Obama family members for President? :rip:

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1 hour ago, frenchyisback said:

The same America you always side against in just about every international dispute

"You wanna give Americans healthcare but don't want them to bomb Yemeni children?? **** you!"


WHAT :deadbanana4:

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"bernie would’ve been in the pits as well if he won" no, he wouldn't, because he's not corrupt, dishonest neoliberal trash



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50 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

It's going to be hard to believe there is no one with enough political ambition to primary Biden. What an easy campaign to run. These people just lack courage. 

The potential for personal damage and being smeared as “the reason fascism won” due to the wrong lessons being learned from Carter’s loss: that you should never primary an unpopular president no matter how damaging they are to the party’s brand. It is buried so deep within the party’s ethos that the party infrastructure would never dare to even support a legitimate challenge to an incumbent.


The fact that the Party leverages its power to keep Green Party candidates off the general ballot tells you everything and more about what they will do in races that they even more full control of.


The Republicans had primary challengers to Trump, and they were never even given air or daylight by the RNC.

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On 7/11/2022 at 9:45 PM, Miss Show Business said:

Another day, another Biden Bashing thread. I'm so close to just accepting that the far left is going to just willingly give this country away to literal Nazis. I mean, we thought it wouldn't get this bad... Yet here we are. Fully expecting SCOTUS to allow state legislatures to choose electors and steal the 2024 election — and for leftists to blame it all on Democrats as per usual when they were the cause of all of this by not voting in 2016 to begin with.


Have fun y'all. I'm getting the f*** out of here eventually (I am lucky enough to have a pathway out of this mess). I'm done with this bullsh**. **** all of you.


It is literally the “far left” that stops literal Nazis and it is liberals like you that allow material conditions that create fascism to worsen...because you bend over backwards to defend your deliberately ineffective party and the fools in it. But go off about blaming the people doing work outside the system to try and help those most vulnerable in their communities and blaming them for increasing fascism while folks like you probably just waltz into a polling booth every now and then thinking you’re doing something. You were never a help anyway because as you said you’ll jump ship the moment **** inevitably hits the fan in this dying country. 

Edited by Gov Hooka
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completely ineffective, reactionary, and just a total bomb


but all fault can be attributed to bErnIe bRoze and SuSaN SaraNdoN!!!11!


eliminate student debt? nah, but flirt with the idea and string along young voters. codify roe? manChIn & SINema! break up big tech? b-b-but they fund my campaigns! crack down on wall street? b-b-but I, President Biden, have fought decades for the rights of bank of america



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8 minutes ago, One Rude Boy said:

completely ineffective, reactionary, and just a total bomb


but all fault can be attributed to bErnIe bRoze and SuSaN SaraNdoN!!!11!


eliminate student debt? nah, but flirt with the idea and string along young voters. codify roe? manChIn & SINema! break up big tech? b-b-but they fund my campaigns! crack down on wall street? b-b-but I, President Biden, have fought decades for the rights of bank of america




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On 7/11/2022 at 6:56 PM, ClashAndBurn said:

That's... because nobody who would run against a sitting president would be given infrastructure support at all. Like... they won't even do any debates. It won't even remotely be a fair race.


Not that it was the first time either. :ahh: 

ffff tea :ahh:

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18 minutes ago, One Rude Boy said:

completely ineffective, reactionary, and just a total bomb


but all fault can be attributed to bErnIe bRoze and SuSaN SaraNdoN!!!11!


eliminate student debt? nah, but flirt with the idea and string along young voters. codify roe? manChIn & SINema! break up big tech? b-b-but they fund my campaigns! crack down on wall street? b-b-but I, President Biden, have fought decades for the rights of bank of america




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10 hours ago, frenchyisback said:


The left is Unified in their hatred & condescension toward everything America & American and won't stop until they made us into Europe.




If I wanted to live in Europe, that's where I would have immigrated. :supaspaz:



Didn't you say that you wanna move to Spain maybe, cause you work in IT and could work remotely there, and now that the dollar is stronger than euro, you would get more for your money? If Europe is so bad, why would you even consider that? Sorry if I mistake you for someone else, but I think I saw you in that "USD stronger than euro" thread anyway. Either way, I'm from Finland, and while there is an element of not wanting to do certain jobs bcuz the social benefits are higher than the work salary would be, social security still does have a pacifying effect on the society. People are more mentally stable bcuz at least they have money for rent and food no matter what. And it's not that the benefits are high, it's the salaries that are low. In the US it's definitely possible to get much higher salaries. Many Europeans could only dream of working for $15 an hour. However, I do believe that one of the reasons for high crime rate in the US that people are allowed to lose control of their lives much more than here in the Nordics. And overall the USA has much more of a variation in people's livelihoods. Some people are piss poor (not all from their own fault), but some are fantastically rich (not all from their own merit). It's two worlds in one country.

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3 hours ago, anti-***** said:

Didn't you say that you wanna move to Spain maybe, cause you work in IT and could work remotely there, and now that the dollar is stronger than euro, you would get more for your money? If Europe is so bad, why would you even consider that? Sorry if I mistake you for someone else, but I think I saw you in that "USD stronger than euro" thread anyway. Either way, I'm from Finland, and while there is an element of not wanting to do certain jobs bcuz the social benefits are higher than the work salary would be, social security still does have a pacifying effect on the society. People are more mentally stable bcuz at least they have money for rent and food no matter what. And it's not that the benefits are high, it's the salaries that are low. In the US it's definitely possible to get much higher salaries. Many Europeans could only dream of working for $15 an hour. However, I do believe that one of the reasons for high crime rate in the US that people are allowed to lose control of their lives much more than here in the Nordics. And overall the USA has much more of a variation in people's livelihoods. Some people are piss poor (not all from their own fault), but some are fantastically rich (not all from their own merit). It's two worlds in one country.

But I also said that my original plan was to do it in Colombia. So you think I believe the US should be more like Colombia economically or administratively?


I love the fact that the USD & US economy are so powerful that I have the option to live anywhere I want in the world for a few years while still working for a US company without having to worry about cost of living and with every country’s administration welcoming my stay with arms wide opened.


I love Spain for the superior food, I love that it’s closer to Africa which is a place where I wanna spend more time in again, I like that it’s probably one of the few European countries that is racially diverse like the US, & I like Barcelona’s weather…. They do have beautiful people there too which doesn’t hurt.


But do I want the US to have their crazy sky high unemployment &  lower standard of living for the middle class?  


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I regret voting for Biden. And I will NOT be making that mistake again. I’m gonna write in Harambe just for the kiiiiiis

we are pretty much leaving a 2nd trump administration without the crazy tweets. 


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16 hours ago, frenchyisback said:

I don’t care tho :michael:

After having been compared to a slave owner by the left for paying my housekeeper $15/hr as per DC law last March, I have already established here that I’m voting GOP for house. DEM for senate and President for the foreseeable future.


My only goal going forward will be to paralyze  both extremes.


So any divided government is a win to me at this point. :celestial5:



The sociopathy on full display :rip:

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1 hour ago, Headlock said:

The sociopathy on full display :rip:

Instead of attacking me personally (as only the left know how to); you need to worry about why so many people who should be allied to the left now thinks that the left is as bad or worst than the right.

  • Voters of Color are voting more and more right.
  • Elon Musk who made his whole fortune on Global Warming has now flipped like a vers. :skull:
  • Even Elizabet Warren couldn't get pass her detestation for the Bernie Bros to endorse her friend Bernie :gaycat6:
  • & now, left to the center women are getting cancelled and harassed in the most misogynistic ways instead of being sat down with and educated on issues because they dare to have an opinion of womanhood that doesn't align 100% with ours.


I hope you enjoy your purity in the minority :fan:


To prevent typical leftist dishonesty (or lack of reading comprehension), let me clarify that I think Macy Gray was wrong for a simple reason: It really doesn't matter what genitalia the person has or if they have changed them, the overwhelming majority of T-women on this earth have not gone through surgery and their civil gender is still recognized as female. So what she said was very violent against them. My point is cancelling & harassing Cis women for having a different idea of womanhood is not how you get them on board. 

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25 minutes ago, frenchyisback said:

Instead of attacking me personally (as only the left know how to); you need to worry about why so many people who should be allied to the left now thinks that the left is as bad or worst than the right.

  • Voters of Color are voting more and more right.
  • Elon Musk who made his whole fortune on Global Warming has now flipped like a vers. :skull:
  • Even Elizabet Warren couldn't get pass her detestation for the Bernie Bros to endorse her friend Bernie :gaycat6:
  • & now, left to the center women are getting cancelled and harassed in the most misogynistic ways instead of being sat down with and educated on issues because they dare to have an opinion of womanhood that doesn't align 100% with ours.


I hope you enjoy your purity in the minority :fan:


To prevent typical leftist dishonesty (or lack of reading comprehension), let me clarify that I think Macy Gray was wrong for a simple reason: It really doesn't matter what genitalia the person has or if they have changed them, the overwhelming of T-women on this earth have not gone through surgery and their civil gender is still recognized as female. So what she said was very violent against them. My point is cancelling & harassing Cis women for having a different idea of womanhood is not how you get them on board. 

These are a lot of straw men to distract from the fact that you literally stated you want US politics in chaos and are deliberately voting for it to stay that way, because it benefits you :rip:

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1 hour ago, Headlock said:

These are a lot of straw men to distract from the fact that you literally stated you want US politics in chaos and are deliberately voting for it, to stay that way because it benefits you :rip:



I don’t want chaos :rip:


I just don’t want the angry right wing or the hateful left wing to take over. I don’t wanna wake up in Argentina or in Hungary.


Inertia seems like the best we can settle for right now. :cm:


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6 hours ago, MotoPapi said:

I regret voting for Biden. And I will NOT be making that mistake again. I’m gonna write in Harambe just for the kiiiiiis


This is such a dangerous way of thinking but you do you I guess.

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1 minute ago, Death & Decay said:

This is such a dangerous way of thinking but you do you I guess.

Biden's Republican ass isn't entitled to anyone's vote. If he wants more votes, then he should try sucking less 

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Makes sense. Job approval ratings are all about optics and messaging and the Dems have neither so lol.


And yeah, Dems don't want him running again. We understand when someone isn't the right fit and we move on and want someone else. Can't say that for the other side that wants to nominate a man who lost the House, Senate, and Presidency. :ahh: 


Dems need to figure out who they want in 2024 and start pushing them now. It looks like Gavin Newsom may be in the running, which I'm here for, but we won't know until later on.

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31 minutes ago, frenchyisback said:

I don’t want chaos :rip:


I just don’t want the angry right wing or the hateful left wing to take over. I don’t wanna wake up in Argentina or in Hungary.


Inertia seems like the best we can settle for right now. :cm:


We are currently in a state of chaos and have been since 2016. To say you want "inertia" currently is literally wanting chaos :rip:

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13 minutes ago, rihannabiggestfan said:

Biden's Republican ass isn't entitled to anyone's vote. If he wants more votes, then he should try sucking less 

There’s going to be a Republican candidate & a Democratic candidate. And there will be others but let’s be real, it’s highly unlikely they’ll win. So to just say you aren’t going to vote/you’re going to throw your vote away is crazy to me. You should always vote. Vote for who you think is the best candidate, even if you don’t like them…because one of them WILL be President.

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1 hour ago, Headlock said:

We are currently in a state of chaos and have been since 2016. To say you want "inertia" currently is literally wanting chaos :rip:

The chaos to me was when Dems gave free money to everybody to stay home months after the vaccine was widely available.


As a result, I worked like a slave to keep my business opened for services when staff were not returning to work and refusing to pick up more hours. It was HELLISH and I walked around sleep deprived looking like a Zombie. It literally affected my mental well-being as I became extra irritable.  It was not even worth the extra money I made. :skull:


The left hates small business owners and they made it known LOUD & CLEAR. We can die for all they care.


If the left is not gonna care about finding a solution for business owners who are left short staffed due to their generous childcare & unemployment programs; If they are now even gonna acknowledge it as a problem; then the current system works much better for me.


Thank you very much!


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1 hour ago, Death & Decay said:

There’s going to be a Republican candidate & a Democratic candidate. And there will be others but let’s be real, it’s highly unlikely they’ll win. So to just say you aren’t going to vote/you’re going to throw your vote away is crazy to me. You should always vote. Vote for who you think is the best candidate, even if you don’t like them…because one of them WILL be President.

seems to me some would rather be thrown into a concentration camp and die with dignity cuz of "her emails" than to actually swallow their pride and vote for the lesser of two evils.

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92% of democrats would vote for Biden again; the delusional members and their hatred for Biden are blind to reality. Biden would win re-election against trump, the alternative is a right wing nation  

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  • ATRL Moderator
47 minutes ago, XAMJ said:



92% of democrats would vote for Biden again; the delusional members and their hatred for Biden are blind to reality. Biden would win re-election against trump, the alternative is a right wing nation  

Great. Now do independents.



Q10. If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidate were: [CHOICES ROTATED]

Joe Biden, the Democrat  — 92% Dems;  7% Reps;  37% Ind/Other

Donald Trump, The Republican — 4% Dem;  85% Reps;  39% Ind/Other


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