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Biden's job approval plummets to 33%. Only 26% dems want a 2nd term (NYT)


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More than two-thirds of independents also now disapprove of the president’s performance, and nearly half disapprove strongly. Among fellow Democrats his approval rating stands at 70 percent, a relatively low figure for a president, especially heading into the 2022 midterms when Mr. Biden needs to rally Democrats to the polls to maintain control of Congress.


In a sign of deep vulnerability and of unease among what is supposed to be his political base, only 26 percent of Democratic voters said the party should renominate him in 2024


The backlash against Mr. Biden and desire to move in a new direction were particularly acute among younger voters. In the survey, 94 percent of Democrats under the age of 30 said they would prefer a different presidential nominee.

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I voted for him, but clearly he doesn't need to run again. Nothing to do with age and everything to do with apathy among voters, who won't show a second time and therefore hand Tee Rump another 4 years. (And for the Berners -- he hasn't got a chance in hell, either).

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I will forever blame the white voters, who saw themselves as political pundits, jumping from a new flavor of the week to end up giving Biden the nom. We told you :cm:  He has a very looong history in politics. Nothing about him was redeeming. We can only hope those voters act accordingly now 

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Time to step down for “health reasons” to save whatever is left of his “legacy” (and the Democratic Party). :giraffe:

Edited by nadiamendell
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I don't like Biden but I can't believe he decided to do this instead of enjoying retirement.

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28 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

I will forever blame the white voters, who saw themselves as political pundits, jumping from a new flavor of the week to end up giving Biden the nom. We told you :cm:  He has a very looong history in politics. Nothing about him was redeeming. We can only hope those voters act accordingly now 

Yet the two very white states with the first two primaries did not support Biden at all.  

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1 minute ago, byzantium said:

Yet the two very white states with the first two primaries did not support Biden at all.  

Like I said. White voters were jumping from flavor of the week to flavor of the week. Yes, white voters were favoring Pete at that moment until Nevada where he left with 1% of the hispanic vote. :toofunny2:


I’m sure it was just a coincidence that after Pete dropped out and endorsed Biden. That his very white supporters followed suit. A hit dog will holler

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Is this the lowest for any president ever?

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I was hopeful about what his presidency would entail (after the disaster that was Trump's presidency) but he's been useless for the most part so far. :doc:

Edited by justjess
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6 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

Like I said. White voters were jumping from flavor of the week to flavor of the week. Yes, white voters were favoring Pete at that moment until Nevada where he left with 1% of the hispanic vote. :toofunny2:


I’m sure it was just a coincidence that after Pete dropped out and endorsed Biden. That his very white supporters followed suit. A hit dog will holler

This does not really make sense.  Your argument is the other major candidates (Sanders and Buttigeig) had too little white vote?  You may need to look back at the results of the primaries.  

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Seems like Gavin Newsom is testing the waters already :gaycat: :gaycat5: 

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LOSER. Is there a list of campaign promises he actually followed through with? 

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It’s gonna be an unprecedented disaster if he actually runs against DeSantis. Like… Reagan 1984 numbers. The Dems are too incompetent to realize it but they desperately need to come up with something quick (but not Kamala or Pete). They need to start pushing literally anyone else. She annoyed me by the end of the last primary and would struggle with men but Liz Warren would even be smarter to run at this point.

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1 minute ago, byzantium said:

This does not really make sense.  Your argument is the other major candidates (Sanders and Buttigeig) had too little white vote?  You may need to look back at the results of the primaries.  

You are in need of looking back. When data in the primary clearly showed that a new influx of white suburban voters were overwhelmingly going with people like Pete, Klobuchar, and even Warren at one point. You could just say you didn’t remember. Even in South Carolina they saw an increase of white voters, and a decrease of Black voters. :toofunny3:

It might hurt to realize for whatever reason. White voters kept shuffling around different candidates with low to no Black and/or Latino support. Until ending up supporting Biden. After their first choice dropped out and endorsed Biden. It only happened two years ago for you to not remember. Unless it’s a conscious effort to ignore these facts. 

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1 hour ago, XIAN said:

biden achieved his lifelong dream of becoming president only to be hated :ahh:

Truly the real life male version of Selina Meyer :dies:

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11 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

You are in need of looking back. When data in the primary clearly showed that a new influx of white suburban voters were overwhelmingly going with people like Pete, Klobuchar, and even Warren at one point. You could just say you didn’t remember. Even in South Carolina they saw an increase of white voters, and a decrease of Black voters. :toofunny3:

It might hurt to realize for whatever reason. White voters kept shuffling around different candidates with low to no Black and/or Latino support. Until ending up supporting Biden. After their first choice dropped out and endorsed Biden. It only happened two years ago for you to not remember. Unless it’s a conscious effort to ignore these facts. 

They switched because the candidates literally pulled out of the race.  It would be insane to continue supporting a candidate that was no longer running. 


it is just really weird that you are trying to spin a narrative that white people are the reason Biden won the primary when it is well documented that the black vote largely gave Biden the win.  

Edited by byzantium
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He’s been utterly useless on many things. Tragic. The only good is getting that lunatic Trump out of office. 


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19 minutes ago, Beyonnaise said:

It’s gonna be an unprecedented disaster if he actually runs against DeSantis. Like… Reagan 1984 numbers. The Dems are too incompetent to realize it but they desperately need to come up with something quick (but not Kamala or Pete). They need to start pushing literally anyone else. She annoyed me by the end of the last primary and would struggle with men but Liz Warren would even be smarter to run at this point.

she's 80 years old too tho.  

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Useless president, useless results :cm: won’t be getting my vote come 2024 

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6 minutes ago, byzantium said:

it is just really weird that you are trying to spin a narrative that white people are the reason Biden won the primary when it is well documented that the black vote largely gave Biden the win.  

The data did not bare this out. This was largely perpetuated by, again, only Biden, and Bernie having any support from racial minorities. Which didn't help when people like Pete were call Black voters homophobic for not supporting him. :cm: 


7 minutes ago, byzantium said:

They switched because the candidates literally pulled out of the race.  It would be insane to continue supporting a candidate that was no longer running.  

Is that a logical response after those same voters were supporting every candidate except Biden for 12+ months, because of their worries about Biden's electability? Those worries just magically flipped into support. :skull:

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7 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

those same voters were supporting every candidate except Biden for 12+ months

So you agree, white voters did not want Biden.  


9 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

The data did not bare this out. This was largely perpetuated by, again, only Biden, and Bernie having any support from racial minorities. Which didn't help when people like Pete were call Black voters homophobic for not supporting him.

So you agree.  Biden's win was largely the result of racial minority support. 


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