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Doja Cat mocks Amber Heard via TikTok


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in her defense: maybe she didnt know this was from amber heard's case? its a tiktok trend - maybe she just wanted to hop on the trend on have a cute laugh. oh well :lakitu: we shouldn't immediately expect the worst from someone. 

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it's getting weird how y'all turned on her this fast :rip:

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She's such an unfunny and try hard person, I can't wait for her 15 minutes to expire



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6 minutes ago, popmusicisdead said:

it's getting weird how y'all turned on her this fast :rip:


Fickle as ****. She's annoying, but she's ALWAYS been this way. This is what happens when you stan for numbers.

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Somehow this doesn't surprise me. :skull: Isn't she the one who was fraternizing with racist incels on Tinychat? :isudumblmao:

Edited by Sugar-Rush
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3 minutes ago, Sugar-Rush said:

Somehow this doesn't surprise me. :skull: Isn't she the one who was fraternizing with racist incels on Tinychat? :isudumblmao:

Right? Like did we all forget about that? That video of her with all those incels.. :deadbanana4:

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The queen of "I'm not homophobic for using the ***", working with Dr Luke and beefing with children strikes again. Funny how she has huge ass meltdowns when she gets the tiniest bit of backlash online for acting like a fool, but then has no problem joining in when the entire world starts harassing a woman for daring to speak out against her abuser and rapist without even naming him. She's always been a real class act, huh?

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This is not it and I say this as someone who's defended her past controversies.



And the "maybe she didn't know" thing isn't going to work here.

She's chronically online and especially on Tiktok so she knew what it was + mocked the exact mannerisms of Amber.


She clearly wanted people to get her "joke", even if it was at a DV survivor's expense.



This "break" she begged for is really putting her in self-destruction mode & showing who she really is.

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My god doja... Twitter was already on her neck these past few days and now this ....

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She’s so ******* gross, immature and an idiot.


How can anyone support this girl? She’s an awful person. 

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Determined as hell to stay in the headlines with antics like Azealia Banks and unlike the latter, actually will make said headlines in the first place. 



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Amber Heard isn't a DV victim and calling her one is actually mocking legit DV victims. That's the irony of all this faux outrage. Were y'all equally as mad at the lies she got exposed for telling?? Or is this more performative outrage??

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6 minutes ago, 6_INCH_HEELS said:

Amber Heard isn't a DV victim and calling her one is actually mocking legit DV victims. That's the irony of all this faux outrage. Were y'all equally as mad at the lies she got exposed for telling?? Or is this more performative outrage??

Funny how confidently you're saying this cause the only proof of her lying is Johnny and people working for him and living with him saying she's lying. I'd argue that a man with a history of violence who keeps dragging his ex through multiple courts while laughing and fist pumping his lawyers while watching a video of himself yelling at his ex and smashing up the kitchen or while listening to her testimony about him raping her while claiming that he is a DV victim is the one mocking the DV victims.

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1 hour ago, storminthedark said:

She makes it hard to like her music


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- Dr. Luke enabler

- Hangs out with racists on tinychat

- Spreads missinformation about covid

- Mocks victims of police violence

- Hates Paraguay

- Slides into DM of underage boys

-Mocks victims of domestic violence



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i had no idea the bee thing was from amber heard 


doja’s dog literally stepped on a bee. what is the outrage

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7 minutes ago, Mobility Mary said:

Funny how confidently you're saying this cause the only proof of her lying is Johnny and people working for him and living with him saying she's lying. I'd argue that a man with a history of violence who keeps dragging his ex through multiple courts while laughing and fist pumping his lawyers while watching a video of himself yelling at his ex and smashing up the kitchen or while listening to her testimony about him raping her while claiming that he is a DV victim is the one mocking the DV victims.


No one is arguing with you. Everyone watched the same case, saw the same lies, witness her shitty testimony. She's not a DV victim and never has been. Cry a river. And Doja isn't getting canceled because of this because MILLIONS feel the same. Cry more.

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She will be the first to fall of the new girls.

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4 minutes ago, 6_INCH_HEELS said:


No one is arguing with you. Everyone watched the same case, saw the same lies, witness her shitty testimony. She's not a DV victim and never has been. Cry a river. And Doja isn't getting canceled because of this because MILLIONS feel the same. Cry more.

You are the one here having meltdowns because people are calling out your homophobic fave who bullies children for also bullying victims of DV now. Not sure which one of us is crying luv.

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