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Nicki mobbed by Barbz in London and is surrounded

The Slayer

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Update: she returned





Nicki arranged a free meet and greet with her fans in London, originally set for 12pm but she showed up 5 hours late. Nicki did pay for food for all of the barbz waiting.


It appears Nicki was unable to get out of her car because of the amount of fans. It is unclear if she will be returning :rip:



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That comment asking about masks :dies: 

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12 minutes ago, The Slayer said:

Okay she's actually coming back



It's never just 1 line with THEE Onika Maraj




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Should I pack my **** and run to see her too 

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3 minutes ago, Bacardo Royale said:

but atrl told me she was over since 2017

Her fans be loyal, this is insane!



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Tell people where you’re going to be and keep teasing them with your arrival for 5 HOURS by sending food and you’re going to have a small crowd. Mind you just 2 weeks ago Rih was only VISIBLE in a barbershop in Crystal Palace and had people scaling the building.



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The police just said she's not coming anymore and the Barbz are insistent she is



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It's always a smart PR move to show your influence by announcing and popping up in a public place. Smart move. 

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5 hours late ? :dies: At least she paid for some food.

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12 minutes ago, Bacardo Royale said:

but atrl told me she was over since 2017

It’s Atrl lol, anything said on this site NEVER translates to the real world. Let them keep having their fake hate for Nicki 

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Nnnn I remember waiting 3+ hours for Tinashe (waited outside her tour bus after a show, with a few others), but at least I got a hug, picture, + she signed my vinyl :jonny: 

5+ hours for just a glimpse of Nicki is insane, I would never :jonny:  

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The idiots actually waiting. :ahh: 

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not 5 hours late :deadvision: barbz are very dedicated, i’ll give them that

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the police :bibliahh:


Is there no heat wave in the UK?


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