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Leonardo DiCaprio offered speaking advice to Pete Buttigieg during presidential run


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What a ridiculous offer :rip: Leo has spent his entire career reciting lines from a script, what could he offer someone who's debating a group of seasoned politicians, many of whom are lawyers by training

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Is Leo where Pete got the idea from to cynically abandon his support for M4A while also dodging questions about his support for conscription and closing down homeless shelters? :siptea:

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1 hour ago, Communion said:

Is Leo where Pete got the idea from to cynically abandon his support for M4A while also dodging questions about his support for conscription and closing down homeless shelters? :siptea:

All the Sunday shows this week had a hard-on for his move to Michigan to be closer to his husband's parents, as if he had any remote chance to win any office there :deadbanana4:

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2 hours ago, Communion said:

Is Leo where Pete got the idea from to cynically abandon his support for M4A while also dodging questions about his support for conscription and closing down homeless shelters? :siptea:

I was going to say, you can improve your speaking and rhetorical skills all you want, but when your product is still intellectual snake oil, speaking only goes so far.

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