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China DID access US user data on TikTok


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15 minutes ago, Cannon said:

"US staff did not have permission or knowledge of how to access the data on their own, according to the tapes."


3 hours ago, Communion said:

Again, Buzzfeed's own reporting showed that nearly all cases of this "data sharing" was American developers needing to reach out to their Chinese co-workers who better understood the system than them. And that all of the work the Chinese engineers were doing was to finish the project that blocked off US user data from them:deadbanana4:

It's fine to just say you hate Chinese people and thus don't trust Chinese companies because this constant run around where you pretend to be concerned in good faith is just not believable. It's literally "I hate Chinese Tik Tok employees for being smarter than their American co-workers" at this point. :skull:


The Buzzfeed article *literally admits* that nearly every single audio they received - which includes audio from a month before the testimony before Congress - involved Chinese employees having access to the database in the context of helping American engineers finish the project that would set it so only American engineers could have access to it.


You are literally proposing that the mere existence of lead Chinese engineers or people who oversaw the entire project at a "Super Admin" level being Chinese means we could never actually truly trust that only Americans would have access and there'd be no Chinese-made backdoors because... I guess Chinese people are inherently suspicious and sneaky in your mind?


These are professional engineers working for one of the biggest apps in the world. Your entire suspicion of them starts and stops around their ethnicity. Touch some grass. :skull:

Edited by Communion
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Why does every American think every Chinese person works for the CCP?




just becuse  someone is Chinese or looks Chinese, doesn’t mean they automatically work for the CCP. 

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23 minutes ago, Communion said:


It's fine to just say you hate Chinese people and thus don't trust Chinese companies because this constant run around where you pretend to be concerned in good faith is just not believable. It's literally "I hate Chinese Tik Tok employees for being smarter than their American co-workers" at this point. :skull:


The Buzzfeed article *literally admits* that nearly every single audio they received - which includes audio from a month before the testimony before Congress - involved Chinese employees having access to the database in the context of helping American engineers finish the project that would set it so only American engineers could have access to it.


You are literally proposing that the mere existence of lead Chinese engineers or people who oversaw the entire project at a "Super Admin" level being Chinese means we could never actually truly trust that only Americans would have access and there'd be no Chinese-made backdoors because... I guess Chinese people are inherently suspicious and sneaky in your mind?


These are professional engineers working for one of the biggest apps in the world. Your entire suspicion of them starts and stops around their ethnicity. Touch some grass. :skull:

because Beckerman was asked under oath whether or not there were any Chinese employees involved and he stated that US data was stored outside of China and that there was a US council who approved who could access the data when in actuality the US employees didn't have permissions and that they'd have to go to their Chinese coworkers. The fact that you're calling me a racist for thinking that Beckerman's response is problematic after the Buzzfeed leaks says a lot more about you than it does me. Have a good night!!

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1 minute ago, Cannon said:

because Beckerman was asked under oath whether or not there were any Chinese employees involved and he stated that US data was stored outside of China and that there was a US council who approved who could access the data when in actuality the US employees didn't have permissions and that they'd have to go to their Chinese coworkers

Because the American team hired to do the (insane) job of trying to fragment off TikTok's information pathways did not understand the programming in front of them. You are literally refusing to acknowledge that nearly all of the Chinese employees accessing the information were doing so to help the American team finish the project. :skull:



The complexity of the company’s internal systems and how they enable data to flow between the US and China underscores the challenges facing the United States Technical Services team, a new dedicated engineering team TikTok has begun hiring as part of Project Texas.


To demonstrate the USTS team’s independence from Chinese-owned ByteDance, one team member told a colleague in January that “not everyone can join” the team. “Chinese nationals are not actually allowed to join,” he said. 


You are quite literally suggesting a project delay because the American team was struggling was actually something nefarious on the end up the members in China. Even in the article, the company representing the American team brought in to finish the transition of the data and set-up the Oracle Cloud storage in Texas tells Buzzfeed that the publication's suggestion of something nefarious was wrong:


In September 2021, one consultant said to colleagues, “I feel like with these tools, there’s some backdoor to access user data in almost all of them, which is exhausting.”

When asked for comment, Booz Allen Hamilton spokesperson Jessica Klenk said something about the above information was incorrect, but refused to specify what it was. “[A]t this point I’m not in a position to further discuss or even confirm/deny our relationship with any client. But I can tell you that what you’re asserting here is inaccurate.”

The article outlines quotes - which they don't seem to have much of despite claiming to have 5 months of recordings - showing difficulty around the project. Not because the Chinese are nefarious and evil people who were sabotaging the project, but because the premise of completing fragmenting off what user data is stored where and for whom it was accessible to presented a technologically difficult task, especially when meant to be prejudice towards Chinese employees of what is essentially a Chinese app. :skull:


The American employees are literally relieved when finding out when certain information won't have to be stored in the Oracle Cloud like unique user IDs because those legally won't fall under the definition of private user information and they won't be tasked with finding a way to further fragment that information away from Beijing:


In a recorded January 2022 meeting, the company’s head of product and user operations announced with a laugh that unique IDs (UIDs) will not be considered protected information under the CFIUS agreement: “The conversation continues to evolve,” they said. “We recently found out that UIDs are things we can have access to, which changes the game a bit.”

It's genuinely insane to me that your heroes in this situation are far-right Republicans who are claiming the future of American stability will crumble if we allow our "algorithms" to "be in the hands of the Chinese". :deadbanana4:


This is genuinely a cold war. This is genuinely Sinophobia. It's one thing to want to rein in big tech companies and ensure that users have full transparency. It's another for the US government to be prejudicial to an app because it is run by a Chinese company and the intentions of the US is to try as best as possible to slow down China's inevitable ascent in overtaking the US as a global super power. :skull: At one point, Americans with commonsense have to speak up about how this is nonsense, not worth the time of our elected officials, and a distraction to the daily actual struggles the American people face.


Yes, this anger because it's a Chinese company is 100% racism and an insult to any and all Americans that you want to waste American officials time on this nonsense when Americans have actual issues they need solving.

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nobody cares, we’re all gonna die anyways

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7 hours ago, SmittenCake said:

for starters: 

- no freedom of speech

- no freedom of religion

- censored internet regulated by ccp

- sailor moon is banned 


no one should praise an authoritarian government that recognizes the taliban and DPRK 


LGBT films/series are banned too. 

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On 7/11/2022 at 1:59 PM, kwek_kwek said:

LGBT films/series are banned too. 

not to mention Winnie the f*cking Pooh because people said the president looks like him :deadbanana2:

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