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China DID access US user data on TikTok


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nawt surprised:shakeno:

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13 minutes ago, SmittenCake said:

funding war

Let's go through some theoretical exercise real quick.


Off the top of your head - what are some contemporary examples of China committing regime change?


None? Okay Maybe that's too niche. What are some contemporary examples of China funding proxy wars through unilateral military aggressions, arms deals, and sanctions? Still nothing coming up?


Okay, let's get real local. That's where I think we definitely see territorial disputes going back decades. I think that's perfectly reasonable to take issue with China's over-presence in the South China Sea (I understand even the name is controversial/disputed) as an aggressive trade competitor. But I feel like anyone with common sense can see something's not adding up that can take us from "China unfairly harms surrounding fishing economies for its benefit" to "IF YOU LET THIS CHINESE APP ON YOUR PHONE, CHINAMEN WILL STEAL YOUR AMERICAN INFO!! DEFEAT THE RED DRAGON!!!!".


The kind of hysteria and the caricature of China that exists in these conversations outs itself as such because it is so often removed from and doesn't even pretend to be concerned with the bread and butter issues that people in Southeast Asia would actually benefit from if dealt with. 


Let alone.. what does any of this have to do with the basic understanding of how app development works? :deadbanana4:


12 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

Yes, because stanning for a government that enslaves and murders people because of their religion isn’t totally weird at all (hint, it is). Good thing the majority of people around the world agree with y…oh wait: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/10/06/unfavorable-views-of-china-reach-historic-highs-in-many-countries/

Yes, I'm sure most Chinese netizens and its government are upset largely European governments and governments like *checks notes* Imperial Japan following the Rape of Nanking do not hold favorable views of China.


I wonder how other parts of the world feel...



Uh-oh Spaghettio! :hoetenks: Guess Tik Tok isn't going anywhere. :gaycat6:

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1 hour ago, Communion said:

Of course they did. How do you think Chinese developers will access the backend of the app without doing so?

That this is nearly a month old and made no noise shows Buzzfeed over-estimated another China-bait article.



Wait until some of you realize ATRL staff can view your DMs in the same way all social media companies can access all user data. :skull: Even if it's just Admins with database access - if something is ENTERED into a forum's database, anyone who then can ACCESS that database has access to it. By this logic, the entire concept of app development or web development is 'snooping'. :skull:

You're really dense aren't you? Your tweet is a moot point since Beckerman claimed that NO ONE in china could access US data information because all of the data was stored outside of China. So next time you try to come up with a pathetic defense of desperately searching twitter, do actual research on what TikTok execs have been claiming about data protection since it's all been revealed as a lie.


It's actually disturbing that you're defending a company that's been harvesting vital data about minors after promising that it hasn't.

Edited by Cannon
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Just now, Communion said:

Let's go through some theoretical exercise real quick.


Off the top of your head - what are some contemporary examples of China committing regime change?


None? Okay Maybe that's too niche. What are some contemporary examples of China funding proxy wars through unilateral military aggressions, arms deals, and sanctions? Still nothing coming up?


Okay, let's get real local. That's where I think we definitely see territorial disputes going back decades. I think that's perfectly reasonable to take issue with China's over-presence in the South China Sea (I understand even the name is controversial/disputed) as an aggressive trade competitor. But I feel like anyone with common sense can see something's not adding up that can take us from "China unfairly harms surrounding fishing economies for its benefit" to "IF YOU LET THIS CHINESE APP ON YOUR PHONE, CHINAMEN WILL STEAL YOUR AMERICAN INFO!! DEFEAT THE RED DRAGON!!!!".


The kind of hysteria and the caricature of China that exists in these conversations outs itself as such because it is so often removed from and doesn't even pretend to be concerned with the bread and butter issues that people in Southeast Asia would actually benefit from if dealt with. 


Let alone.. what does any of this have to do with the basic understanding of how app development works? :deadbanana4:


Yes, I'm sure most Chinese netizens and its government are upset largely European governments and governments like *checks notes* Imperial Japan following the Rape of Nanking do not hold favorable views of China.


I wonder how other parts of the world feel...



Uh-oh Spaghettio! :hoetenks: Guess Tik Tok isn't going anywhere. :gaycat6:

Essays upon essays upon essays about why stanning for an authoritarian government is a good thing….please, get some new material, the propaganda coming outta your mouth from Bejing really isn’t working all that great 

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5 minutes ago, Communion said:

Let's go through some theoretical exercise real quick.


Off the top of your head - what are some contemporary examples of China committing regime change?


None? Okay Maybe that's too niche. What are some contemporary examples of China funding proxy wars through unilateral military aggressions, arms deals, and sanctions? Still nothing coming up?



CCP might not be funding proxy wars but they are funding terrorism and a good example of that is the CCP rushing to recognize the Taliban. Which is currently harassing India and betraying their fellow neighbor, Pakistan. The CCP thinks this is a good thing because they're trying to claim land that belongs to India as their own! 


CCP cant slap sanctions but they can bribe their way to continuously be predatory towards Island + African nations with lies and debt traps. But of course you wouldn't want to see this through your CCP-Tinted shades. Justifying racist, predatory actions is the CCP way and you Tankies will do just about anything to defend what makes CCP look worse than what they are. 

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16 minutes ago, Cannon said:

You're really dense aren't you? Your tweet is a moot point since Beckerman claimed that NO ONE in china could access US data information because all of the data was stored outside of China. So next time you try to come up with a pathetic defense of desperately searching twitter, do actual research on what TikTok execs have been claiming about data protection since it's all been revealed as a lie.

Did you even read your article?


Beckerman claimed that the databases that store mostly American users' data would be moved.

To achieve this, the American developers needed the help of the original Chinese developers. 



Despite a TikTok executive’s sworn testimony in an October 2021 Senate hearing that a “world-renowned, US-based security team” decides who gets access to this data, nine statements by eight different employees describe situations where US employees had to turn to their colleagues in China to determine how US user data was flowing. 


The company is currently attempting to redirect its pipes so that certain, “protected” data can no longer flow out of the United States and into China, an effort known internally as Project Texas. In the recordings, the vast majority of situations where China-based staff accessed US user data were in service of Project Texas's aim to halt this data access.


“Everything is seen in China,” said a member of TikTok’s Trust and Safety department in a September 2021 meeting. In another September meeting, a director referred to one Beijing-based engineer as a “Master Admin” who “has access to everything.”

It's just an outlandish celebration of ignorance to what app development is. 


Of course there will still be Chinese developers who have access, in some capacities, to the data if they are then lead engineers on the entire development of updates and changes to the app. :deadbanana4:


You're not even arguing "we want reassurance that Chinese developers who have to have access to the backend are not misusing Americans' data" (the singling out of Chinese businesses as uniquely wanting to harm Americans being itself sinophobic). You're essentially arguing: "Well we don't want any Chinese people working on developing the app". :skull:


Not really selling the "it's not the people, it's about the government" line when declaring that a private business in China can't allow its most skilled private engineers to work on a project... because they're Chinese.

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13 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

Essays upon essays upon essays about why stanning for an authoritarian government is a good thing

"I don't want an app on my phone if a CHINESE PERSON built it!!" - you, for some reason. :skull:

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1 hour ago, SmittenCake said:

USA is also trying to ban TikTok. They're just mad China did what the USA has been trying to do :michael:

That's not why they are mad. It's cuz it's harder for the GOP to regulate a foreign tech company on letting them spew their conservative misinformation. 

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1 minute ago, Communion said:

"I don't want an app on my phone if a CHINESE PERSON built it!!" - you, for some reason. :skull:

“Who cares that China is currently committing genocide at this very moment in time, I’m gonna bring up Japan and it’s 80+Year old past instead! Aha!”-you, for some reason. :rip:

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Just now, 1DES said:

That's not why they are mad. It's cuz it's harder for the GOP to regulate a foreign tech company let them spew their conservative misinformation. 

Also true 

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2 minutes ago, Communion said:

Did you even read your article?


Beckerman claimed that the databases that store mostly American users' data would be moved.

To achieve this, the American developers needed the help of the original Chinese developers. 


It's just an outlandish celebration of ignorance to what app development is. 


Of course there will still be Chinese developers who have access, in same capacities, to the data if they are then lead engineers on the entire development of updates and changes to the app. :deadbanana4:


You're not even arguing "we want reassurance that Chinese developers who have to have access to the backend are not misusing Americans' data" (the singling out of China as uniquely wanting to harm Americans being itself sinophobic). You're essentially arguing: "Well we don't want any Chinese people working on developing the app". :skull:


Not really selling the "it's not the people, it's about the government" line when declaring that a private business in China can't allow its most skilled private engineers to work on a project... because they're Chinese.

No. We don’t want Beckerman lying to the American government and people saying that no one in China is accessing American user data only for the exact opposite to be revealed months later. 



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50 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

Yes, because stanning for a government that enslaves and murders people because of their religion isn’t totally weird at all (hint, it is). Good thing the majority of people around the world agree with y…oh wait: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/10/06/unfavorable-views-of-china-reach-historic-highs-in-many-countries/


Majorities say China has handled COVID-19 outbreak poorly

Yes, nothing bigoted about that at all. :deadbanana4: liberals always exposing themselves as racist, and xenophobic

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16 minutes ago, Bears01 said:

I’m gonna bring up Japan

You brought up most Japanese people having a negative view of China to somehow... justify that Chinese engineers needing to be part of the process of helping their America co-workers re-route data from China to America is... evil?


Odd how Japanese nationalism for some reason always flies under the radar of the great American RadLib and their quest to discuss how "America isn't the only imperialist nation in the world". :skull:


14 minutes ago, Cannon said:

saying that no one in China is accessing American user data 

Except this was literally not said. It is even referenced in the Buzzfeed article that the decision of what access is given to the new server is by American employees:


Despite a TikTok executive’s sworn testimony in an October 2021 Senate hearing that a “world-renowned, US-based security team” decides who gets access to this data, nine statements by eight different employees describe situations where US employees had to turn to their colleagues in China to determine how US user data was flowing. 


You seem to be, for some reason, continually misremembering Beckerman's statement on if the Chinese *government* has access to their data:


"We do not share information with the Chinese government," Beckerman responded.

From the same article:


Beckerman also testified that TikTok's U.S. user data is stored in the United States, with backups in Singapore.


"We have a world-renowned U.S. based security team that handles access," Beckerman said.



Again, Buzzfeed's own reporting showed that nearly all cases of this "data sharing" was American developers needing to reach out to their Chinese co-workers who better understood the system than them. And that all of the work the Chinese engineers were doing was to finish the project that blocked off US user data from them:deadbanana4:


At one point we just have to call Sinophobia for what it is. You're advocating for not using projects or services if Chinese people are who is working on them because you claim we can't trust Chinese people to not be subservient to their government. :michael:

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Just now, A Bomb said:

Yes, nothing bigoted about that at all. :deadbanana4: liberals always exposing themselves as racist, and xenophobic

Tell me you failed to read beyond the headlines, without telling me you failed to read beyond the headlines. 

Tankies, always exposing themselves for not caring about human rights and stanning for genocide, but claim they do when it’s convenient for them. Better get back to another “but, but BUT, THE WEST!” Thread when another expose out of the Xianjiang concentration camps come out 

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Just now, Bears01 said:

Tell me you failed to read beyond the headlines, without telling me you failed to read beyond the headlines. 

Tankies, always exposing themselves for not caring about human rights and stanning for genocide, but claim they do when it’s convenient for them. Better get back to another “but, but BUT, THE WEST!” Thread when another expose out of the Xianjiang concentration camps come out 


In most countries, views soured significantly since just last year. For example, in Australia – where efforts to investigate China’s role in the spread of COVID-19 have led to heated trade frictions – negative views of China have gone up 24 percentage points since 2019

:deadbanana4: white liberals mimicking Trump talking points. 

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2 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

:deadbanana4: white liberals mimicking Trump talking points. 

Since the headline are apparently what you’re running with: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/06/30/large-majorities-say-china-does-not-respect-the-personal-freedoms-of-its-people/ 

Lots of people apparently don’t Stan concentration camps. Shocking I know! :cm:

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Just now, Bears01 said:

Since the headline are apparently what you’re running with: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/06/30/large-majorities-say-china-does-not-respect-the-personal-freedoms-of-its-people/ 

Lots of people apparently don’t Stan concentration camps. Shocking I know! :cm:

It was in the text of the data YOU decided to post. Why are you so easy to use Trump anti-China talking points? :dancehall: Doesn't seem right

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9 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

:deadbanana4: white liberals mimicking Trump talking points. 

Bigly uncomfortable with liberals claiming Chinese people inherently can't be trusted while their government has forced a man to live in the arctic tundras of Russia for exposing just how much the NSA, an arm of the US government, forces every single technology and telecommunications company operating within the US to comply with giving over any and all records it deems necessary for citizen surveillance. 


The NSA can force T-Mobile or Verizon to hand over your phone records if you book an abortion appointment in Texas but god forbid one of the lead engineers on a largely Chinese app doesn't want to move out of China to keep his job.


The future of our country is at risk if we allow the Red Danger to spy on our vulnerable citizens.

Does THIS look like precious info we want ✰THE CHINESE☭ having access to??




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6 minutes ago, A Bomb said:

It was in the text of the data YOU decided to post. Why are you so easy to use Trump anti-China talking points? :dancehall: Doesn't seem right

Me calling out a country, that literally is throwing its own citizens in concentration camps, and calling them out specifically for throwing them in concentration camps, isn’t “Trump talking points”. What is so hard for you to grasp :rip:


You can’t deflect from THIS: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037.amp forever and try and use words like “racist and Xenophoic” to guilt me into: not supporting mass murder and genocide? The math ain’t mathing on your end sis :cm:

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If it’s free then you’re the product. The government wanting to ban it also has nothing to do with wanting to protect its people, we know full well you have NO privacy from big tech in the US, they’re just pressed China was able to do so on such a massive scale. Especially regarding the new generation (Which both democrats and republicans are threatened by), their algorithms are too on point and can’t be regulated and censored to the same degree as instagram and Facebook where the US government already have millennials and boomers wrapped around their slimy finger. So if it is ever banned, it will be replicated. 

Edited by BGKC
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1 hour ago, Bears01 said:

Since the headline are apparently what you’re running with: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/06/30/large-majorities-say-china-does-not-respect-the-personal-freedoms-of-its-people/ 

Lots of people apparently don’t Stan concentration camps. Shocking I know! :cm:

Its people like this that ruin The Left. They can spend hours speaking up on social justice issues and then praise the genocide in CCP and DPRK. Its truly disgusting how they can say Muslims in Israel are being killed (true) but outright deny the oppression and mass killing in CCP. 

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Some people in here surprised that genocide supporters are supporting genocide :rip:

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Is that Communion user a CCP plant? :skull:

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3 hours ago, Communion said:

needing to reach out to their Chinese co-workers who better understood the system than them.

No, you conveniently left out the part of the article that says the employees in China exclusively had permissions that their American coworkers did not have in regards to user data: 


"US staff did not have permission or knowledge of how to access the data on their own, according to the tapes."


3 hours ago, Communion said:

Except this was literally not said. It is even referenced in the Buzzfeed article that the decision of what access is given to the new server is by American employees:


Despite a TikTok executive’s sworn testimony in an October 2021 Senate hearing that a “world-renowned, US-based security team” decides who gets access to this data, nine statements by eight different employees describe situations where US employees had to turn to their colleagues in China to determine how US user data was flowing. 


You seem to be, for some reason, continually misremembering Beckerman's statement on if the Chinese *government* has access to their data:

Except that it was literally asked about verbatim by Senator Blackburn @1:29: 



"Do any bytedance employees have access to TikTok user data or any role in creating their algorithm"


and Beckerman's response was that US tiktok data is stored in the United States and Singapore and that there's a US based security team who decides who gets to access the data which doesn't even answer the question Blackburn was asking. So don't act like Beckerman's non response  is a satisfactory or straightforward answer to a very straightforward question.


So before you speak on this topic, go back and watch the full interviews with Beckerman and then maybe you wouldn't look so pathetic defending the CCP.

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