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Stalkers break into Selena's house, spell her name with blood & more


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Wtf. I'm glad she's okay.

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this is actually disturbing, i can't imagine being at her place

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2 hours ago, toy soldier. said:

Out of all the people you could stalk you choose Selena? :skull:

Are you stupid or...?


JFC, thank god she's okay. Being a celebrity is def NOT worth it.

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11 hours ago, Isaiah said:



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12 hours ago, toy soldier. said:

Out of all the people you could stalk you choose Selena? :skull:


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Ariana, and now Selena. The ex-acts are in danger. :dancehall:

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What on Earth :skull: this is SCARY

Edited by leightxn
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spell her name with blood & more

Was it Johnny Depp by any chance?

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Some people are ******* wild. Like who tf would think it’s a good idea to write in blood on a mattress and then set it on fire outside of someone’s house. Literally electric chair. 

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15 hours ago, Zack said:

I'd be selling up and using the funds to buy a luxury apartment/condo somewhere, where these crazies would have to climb 20 floors before they can get anywhere near. 


I know it's the done thing to get these huge sprawling houses, but the risk of such a large perimeter is too much if you're being targeted by dangerous stalkers. You'd need to spend astronomical costs on weaponized security to constantly guard every inch of your property and even then, someone can slip through and all it takes is just a few seconds to endanger your life. 


Selena girl, ditch this cursed mansion and find a cute penthouse or something, the stress from this house...I couldn't do it! 

My thoughts reading this the whole time. 


Same goes for Taylor and her stalker(s). Too much property space. Mentally and emotionally I just couldn't handle it. 

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It's kinda curious how the ones with the wholesome goody-2shoes images have the most stalkers (her, Taylor, Lana...)

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22 hours ago, toy soldier. said:

Out of all the people you could stalk you choose Selena? :skull:

Love or hate Selena? Fine, but this statement making light of a woman being harassed is disgusting. :biblio:

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