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Julia Michaels: "Life would be much easier as a lesbian", gets ratio’d


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She better delete that. Twitter will obliterate her (and rightfully so). 

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what possessed her to say that 

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Ah yes, life is much easier when you're considered a criminal in half the countries on planet earth, and when you have your rights threatened every day even in 'gay friendly' countries. Or when you get called a groomer for existing! loves it

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She has Charlie Puth'd herself on Twitter lately. dk why this keeps happening with my faves

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21 minutes ago, Bindi said:

39 likes :hoetenks:

It only went up one like in the last 20 minutes :rip:

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What does "ratio'd" mean? The girls on LSA always use this term but I guess I'm not hip or young enough to know what that is. :rip:

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Also, it's not that serious, almost every girl I know has said something like this at some point. It's their way of saying men are awful and they don't deserve their love :giraffe:

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The lengths that some people go to just to appear "likeable" and/or wOkE :coffee2:

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5 minutes ago, Sugar-Rush said:

What does "ratio'd" mean? The girls on LSA always use this term but I guess I'm not hip or young enough to know what that is. :rip:

More quotes than likes :rip: 

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5 minutes ago, Sugar-Rush said:

What does "ratio'd" mean? The girls on LSA always use this term but I guess I'm not hip or young enough to know what that is. :rip:

I had to search in Urban Dictionary :rip:


It means a response got more likes than her.

The tweet seems to be deleted tho

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Yeah, let's cancel people over obvious sarcasm like they made a serious statement. Especially people that aren't homophobic to begin with but this desperate faux online outrage culture is only making LGBT acceptance decline in society, I wonder why. Grass is begging to be touched.

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48 minutes ago, SimpleKindofLife said:

I’m just shocked that she’s not with JP anymore:deadbanana4:

Why? They both lead exciting glamorous rich lives, very easy to constantly meet exciting people constantly that staying with one person is hard

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1 minute ago, Protocol said:

Why? They both lead exciting glamorous rich lives, very easy to constantly meet exciting people constantly that staying with one person is hard

Idk I just like to believe in love:weeps: maybe I’m projecting

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48 minutes ago, SimpleKindofLife said:

I’m just shocked that she’s not with JP anymore:deadbanana4:

Why? They both lead exciting glamorous rich lives, very easy to constantly meet exciting people constantly that staying with one person is hard

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I read Jillian Michaels and thought “isn’t she?”

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