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Britney calls America a bully, hated all the docus on her


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I mean - I don’t really think there’s a pop star on her level that has EVER had the press literally so hellbent on destroying her. So I can only imagine the feels of humiliation that she has. 

I feel really bad for her that these documentaries were made without her consent - obviously I’m glad she is freed from her conservatorship - but they clearly also did some damage for her.



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She’s right. Who can look in her face and tell her she’s lying about that? Not a single soul.

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She has every right to be angry, she feels exploited by the media and her trauma is used for profit.


I personally think some of the documentaries were helpful, but I completely respect her opinion, it is her life after all.


She has already expressed her thanks to her fans on multiple occasions, she's just mad at all the documentaries bringing up all of the past.


Also i'd be extremely angry if I poured my heart out in court to have people discredit the strength and bravery she had to do that and place all of the 'thanks' to documentaries than her.


Yes, the documentaries helped in my opinion but her voice was the nail in the coffin. I'm insanely proud of her.

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I agree that america is a bully and those docus were ridiculous but she's delusional if she thinks that they didn't help her case 

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Jane doe would be s great album title

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She probably heard of Britney vs. Spears being nominated for best streaming documentary, yeah that doc was not it. Felt very explotive at times. Controlling Britney Spears >>>

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She's right...but unfortunately when the documentaries came out at the time we didn't know if we would ever hear from her, especially a testimony as explosive as the one she gave. The NYT expose with the following original documentary was the only thing that shed light on the situation after years of the situation being dismissed by the general public, and by the media. There were plenty of parts in the original documentary that probably weren't needed however, and the other documentaries that came after were transparently cash grabs.


At the end of the day though it is terrible that she had to have her past dug up and pushed into the spotlight again. 

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2 minutes ago, bidet said:

I agree that america is a bully and those docus were ridiculous but she's delusional if she thinks that they didn't help her case 

This. The NYT doc completely split open Pandora's box with the conservatorship once it was released and the general public was able to understand what was going on. Let's be real, without that momentum, she probably wouldn't have been able to get her day in court with the live press listening.


Of course some of it was exploitive, but she seems to direct a lot of her negative energy at the wrong targets with these posts. 

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Spilled. The irony and hypocrisy of those documentaries were insane. 

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I understand that these docs are humiliating and that it should be Britney that is telling her story not someone else. But I still think that they helped to expose what is actually happening to her and put pressure on Team Con. 

It's obviously her testimony that helped her get Rosengart and that freed her in the end.

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On one hand those documentaries did put a lot of media spotlight and pressure to make Britney free but she has every right to feel the way she feels after being hurt by the media her whole life

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I’m sorry but the documentaries were helpful whether she agrees or not. I’m sure they were annoying to see. She didn’t have to watch them, however. She finally has the chance to speak out on her own terms and tell her side of the story. Do that instead of dragging these documentaries. I’ll be excited when that book is out and she starts doing some interviews. I think it’ll help her a lot. 

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She’s right. The creative teams behind the documentaries were incredibly invested in her situation and helpful in the sense that some of the investigations they did are now being used in court, but I can’t imagine being her and having these documentaries coming out.

The NYT ones were the most empathetic and even they included shots of her shaving her head and stuff when they didn’t need to. Everyone has seen those images already and they added nothing to the narrative. They honestly felt like the type of things that artists have after they’ve died. It didn’t feel like Britney was a young, living and breathing woman while watching them and people would speak about her in the past tense a lot of the time in the interview segments. 

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Putting myself in her shoes, you just want to move forward and forget all the ugly times and yet both her fans and people who hate her are OBSESSED with her past and things she's done right and wrong before so it's probably incredibly hard for her to truly feel like she's moving on.


I do hate to say it though but I do think the enormous public interest into the conservatorship as a result of the docos put a shitload of pressure onto the court. Pre-Rossengart, I'm pretty sure the system was a rort and her lawyers weren't grifting off of her. The public attention ensured no more of that f**kery. 

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I can't speak on it cause I never saw any of the docs but she has every right to feel that way

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She's right in so many regards but its perfectly legal to do documentaries on a public figure. 

What she desperately needs is some time away from the spotlight to heal and discover who she is. I think so much of her is in arrested development from the abuse she suffered and she's understandably deeply insecure because of it. 


But yeah, America (and really the Anglosphere at large) is a nation of bullies. We relish in coming together to destroy people, particularly female celebrities.

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Grumpy Cat

Controlling helped exposing blackbox. I'm a superstan but she's delulu if she thinks that docu and that alex dude coming out with info didnt help


Come on now brit. U'd never know u've been spied on and recorded if that guy didnt come out :relax:

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  • ATRL Moderator

The way I was lashed on here for believing her when she said this the first time last year.  I mean yeah, they dug up her worst moments, put them on display all over again and painted it in a "poor pitiful Britney" light.  That said, I do think they helped get the word out and tell people what was going on, and it did make people re-think the way society treated her and other celebrities.  But I understand why she didn't like them.

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Completely understand her point, at the end of the day her testimony was the thing that got her out.

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I thought the Framing doc was ok, but who am I to tell her how to feel? Her testimony was the most important event. At least in my country, the Framing doc did nothing, but her testimony produced headlines everywhere.

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  • ATRL Moderator

Before the documentaries (or at least the first one), the Free Britney movement looked like a bunch of deranged fans wanting to end a protective conservatorship. Her fans/activists were not taken seriously at all, and the public at large did not care about her case. She may not like them, but the documentaries changed the public opinion and brought attention to the horrible details of the case.


Also, how were they going to get her blessing to make a documentary if she was in a conservatorship that limited her ability to speak to the press about her conservatorship?

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To be honest I wish she wasn't embarrassed by the footage. It just shows that her therapists haven't been decent.  She has nothing to be remotely ashamed of. All of it happened to her, it's what she was driven too, the footage shows how every single person stood around watching, and filming and photographing. It's what happened to her alone, and at only 26. That wasn't her fault but she did it. She cam back fighting time and time and time again, and under whatever legal status always by her damn self. She's a warrior. I genuinely believe the conversation surrounding mental health started to evolve in part due to a subconscious social distaste at all of the Britney jokes back then. What happened to her wouldn't be allowed to happen now and people wouldn't consume those headlines like they did back then. All in all the fact that she is still  here is a miracle never mind with her own mind and say in her life and her own reasons to smile. She's remarkable. 

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