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Shawn Postpones Tour


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15 minutes ago, Dolce Vita said:

the paragraphs and screenshots are SENDING me :bibliahh:

The effort is just :bibliahh:

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He seems like he’s really been struggling lately. Sending him positive energy!! You guys should really relax with the jokes tbh

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Good. I hope his music vanishes too.


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4 minutes ago, imabadkid said:

He seems like he’s really been struggling lately. Sending him positive energy!! You guys should really relax with the jokes tbh


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Using mental health as an excuse for not doing something is so overdone and predictable. What were artists' common excuse in the past to postpone or cancel a commitment? 

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Hmm :-$. He must be really going through it. He should take a break I think.

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Take care of yourself, Shawn :emofish:

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That’s sad to hear. Poor people who booked flights and hotels. They work hard for their money. I wish everyone could cancel the travel costs etc. and get a refund or a voucher at least. 


At the same time I’m glad that Shawn said the truth. He could say that he got COVID or lost his voice or something else happened. But he choose to be truthful and respectful to those who purchased the tickets. Yes, he should have know better that he cannot handle the touring well and maybe organise some things differently. He even mentioned in his Netflix documentary that back then he was not doing ok with all the pressure on stage.


Very often we all can stand more than we think we are able to but sometimes we put too much on ourselves and we fail. He made a decision hoping that he can do it or maybe he was forced to do so many shows (we don’t know). He’s grown up enough to say “sorry guys I made a decision which turned out to be a bad one and I’m sorry for it. That’s my mistake”. That’s how it works ppl make decisions and many of them turn out to be bad. If he knew he would not do it. But like he said he underestimated it all and now he’s apologising for it. 


Some say that normal ppl have bills to pay and cannot afford to “cancel” a few days at work. I understand that but doesn’t it say much more about our society, our system we live in? There are countries where when you fell depressed or burned out you’ll receive a few paid days off. That’s how it should be everywhere. We should not work over our mental limits. There’s too much ppl who went/go to alcohol, drugs, abuse, suicide etc because they didn’t get the help they needed. We don’t know what’s happening in other ppls minds. At the end no one should ever say how someone should fell about anything. Their their right to fell happy, sad or depressed. 


On a side note please remember that we know only a little when it comes to what’s happening with certain projects of any artist. We do not know all the details and it’s easy to blame artists because they are “the face” of it. But they are not the ones who make all decisions. They have bosses, labels too. 

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1 hour ago, shelven said:

I hope he feels better, but also the fact that so many people are sympathetic towards him while Adele is now viewed as a demonic sociopath for also cancelling a production last minute because she personally felt she couldn't go forward with it is... something. The double standards of ATRL (and the pop culture world in general) never stop popping up :keir: 

Adele’s statement was not directly about her mental health, depression. It was about the show not being ready, COVID etc. She was saying that she’s not ready also but Shawn said it’s clearly because of his bad state of mind. I think ppl would be more on Adele’s side if she would say she’s mentally not healthy enough to be on stage. Nothing more. 

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Nnn this is a bit messy, I do have sympathy for him but I’m confused as to why his team thought it was a good idea to tour in the first place after Wonder flopped. He seems like a nice person, but if the reason he’s cancelling this close to the shows is because of mental health reasons, I doubt only 3 weeks off is going to change anything. If he’s telling the truth then it’s clearly a serious enough issue I don’t think three weeks away will solve. What happens when he gets back into it and if he then wants to postpone again? 

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6 hours ago, GhostBox said:

He needs to just come out already. It would help his health so much ??

why is nobody ever getting tired of wanting him to be gay so bad. he said numerous times he is straight. is that not enough for you? yall are weirdos for real. 

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6 hours ago, ahauntingnearu said:

Imagine normal people just pausing their job cuz they "can't handle it..." :toofunny2:

Well, that would prevent a whole lot of burn-outs, so it's probably a good idea for 'normal people' too:michael:


Hope he gets well soon :heart2:

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1 hour ago, UThinkUrMovinOnBut said:

Using mental health as an excuse for not doing something is so overdone and predictable. What were artists' common excuse in the past to postpone or cancel a commitment? 

Production delay. 

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46 minutes ago, storminthedark said:

Nnn this is a bit messy, I do have sympathy for him but I’m confused as to why his team thought it was a good idea to tour in the first place after Wonder flopped. 

These were my thoughts too. I was confused when he announced he’d go ahead with touring it. I had thought for sure he would go back into the studio and make a new (hopefully more successful) album first. Most artists put out a dud album at some point, and sometimes it’s best to just move on to the next.


That said, Shawn is clearly struggling with his mental health, that’s not new. It’s not so long since he last put out a statement about feeling under pressure. A three-week postponement won’t do much to address the root cause. Whatever it is he is struggling with that is making things difficult for him, I hope he figures it out.

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He struggles with his mental health after just two weeks of being on tour, but expects he'll be fine after a three week break? 

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8 hours ago, More Than A Melody said:

No it hasn't, the way they lied in his boxscores shamelessly is kinda insane to me. I took these screenshots myself because I couldn't believe how badly his tour was selling, and sent them to a friend on June 27, the day his tour started. This was the first show in Portland, the day of:



That's not sold out. It's not terrible but it's not sold out. This one is for the show the next day, June 28 in Seattle



Also not 100% sold out

This one was Vancouver July 2, he didn't even put the upper ring for sale



Tickets were selling as low as 25 face value... I don't have the map for Sacramento but you're telling me those shows are 100% sold out?


Dua in the same venues (including one in Canada)


And for the kicker, these are some of his upcoming shows:

Milwaukee (July 12)



Pittsburgh, July 20 (whole sections not on sale, and still...)



Omaha, July 10 (whole sections not on sale again)



he postponed all the shows that were bombing and they lied about the box scores of the one that already happened

Oh wow, the receipts :hoetenks: So his break just happens to coincide with all the dates that sold poorly.

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2 hours ago, pavi said:

Well, that would prevent a whole lot of burn-outs, so it's probably a good idea for 'normal people' too:michael:


Hope he gets well soon :heart2:

Oh for sure, but my point is ... Imagine the privilege to be able to nonchalantly back out of almost a month's worth of commitment because of your mental health. Some people even have horrible mat/pat leave, let alone leaving cuz you can't handle things you said you could do. At the end of the day, he gets up on stage and sings sings for 1.5 hours. 


Obvs other factors that I'm sure are hard - but he's very, very lucky; let's just say that. 

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The amount of artists I’ve seen cancelling shows or TOURS last minute(!!) lately has been insane. WTF is going on?! 

I do feel like some of this generation of artists didn’t fully know what they signed up for and weren’t ready to handle the pressures of fame. It’s happening WAY too often lately. They will gladly enjoy all of the  endless fruits of their labor by being rich af, but then they can’t handle the drawbacks that come with it. I can only feel bad for them to a certain extent tbh. 

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I made a post about how emotionally underdeveloped ATRL is, and the few comments that said I couldn't leave my safe space or that I was dramatic... truth be told, I rather be perceived as a snowflake than to pretend like I know a stranger's sexuality and then tell someone whose mental health is suffering to "get over it." I'm not being dramatic-- that is literally what some of you guys on here are doing. 


For one, yes, I am a middle-class worker, but let me put some things into perspective:


1. This site is predominately gay and male. I'm sure most of you can relate to people calling you gay in school and feeling like an outcast. That was extremely uncomfortable for you, right? Now imagine people telling you you are gay 24/7 in tabloids and the media, and the gay rumors getting so out-of-hand you have to keep reminding the public you are not gay. While sometimes people are right, sometimes they're wrong. You guys can sit here all day and say Shawn is gay, but unless you're Shawn Mendes himself, how will you ever possibly know? And if you want someone to "come out" because they're supposedly gay, do you think forcing them out of the closet is going to make them comfortable to come out?


2. As someone who has worked at least two jobs that were so bad for my mental health that I would get panic attacks at work, lose sleep, make my self-esteem and confidence so horrible I almost forgot who I was, I don't wish that on anyone. I had no business staying in those jobs-- even if it meant taking a pay cut. Yes, bills need to get paid, but there are other jobs out there. And mental health is no joke. My anxiety got so bad later in life I developed all sorts of health problems to the point where I had to get a major operation. 


Also, for anyone who has been through a breakup (not saying this is the contributing factor to Shawn's mental health taking a backseat, but some people think it is), depending on how long you knew the person for, it can feel like your entire world is crashing. I had to go on Zoloft after my last breakup. Granted, I had to work on myself, but yeah, I saw living as a chore, and I lost enjoyment in nearly everything that made me happy. 


Call me a snowflake, but it costs 0.02 to be a decent and sympathetic human being. 

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As someone who had suffered from mental illness, I totally get why he pulled out at the last minute.


When you are not mentally stable and maybe have depression or anxiety, you could feel that "I am ready for..." but then the next second you feel overwhelmed and couldn't move forward.


What's more "controversial" is that he's a celebrity and what he pulled out is a public event, which involved many people, but that doesn't mean that he has no right to take care of himself first, and it has nothing to do with his "gay" behaviors or rumors, also not about how his music flops.


Mental illness is still hard to be taking serious of, but it's truly effecting basically everyone around us and this world, if you don't have a healthy mindset, you will mess up everything eventually. People should see mental health as important as physical health.

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16 hours ago, shelven said:

I hope he feels better, but also the fact that so many people are sympathetic towards him while Adele is now viewed as a demonic sociopath for also cancelling a production last minute because she personally felt she couldn't go forward with it is... something. The double standards of ATRL (and the pop culture world in general) never stop popping up :keir: 

Plenty of people can criticize both, have, and will, such as myself, but the comparison isn’t valid. Adele, first off, is bigger than Shawn is and ever will be.


Adele lied by omission for not including the info about the fountain to the public (entirely blaming Covid) and got a lot more press backlash because she ****ed with the Vegas unions who lost wages and you do NOT play with. She continues not to tell the full story to the public, but more importantly, the union members who lost work last minute and couldn’t find other work easily - that’s how these contracts work.


She doesn’t get to cite mental health whole cloth which is a lie. Did it play a part? Sure, but she doesn’t get the luxury of using that as her entire excuse when people’s livelihoods were on the line and that’s why she was demolished in the press, and here.


Also Vegas by default attracts a lot more fans that are paying more to see you, that’s how it works. There was a lot more on the line.

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found this on twitter


and you people said he was lying when he was almost crying on stage :rip: ntm the arena looks full of people. 

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This is pretty scary, actually. While he's often spoken about his mental health, which I respect him for, he's been an extremely reliable performer for many years. He doesn't have a history of cancellations. Things must be REALLY BAD behind the scenes for his team to let him cancel last minute.


As for the box office, he's grossing 800k to 1M every night, which is respectable and in line with his previous tours. The production looks the same as his last tour. I doubt it's unprofitable.


6 hours ago, shelven said:

I hope he feels better, but also the fact that so many people are sympathetic towards him while Adele is now viewed as a demonic sociopath for also cancelling a production last minute because she personally felt she couldn't go forward with it is... something. The double standards of ATRL (and the pop culture world in general) never stop popping up :keir: 

With Adele, there were lots of stories about how a big part of the cancellation was that she was unhappy about how the production looked. It's kind of diva-ish, honestly, since she could have replaced the scenery later on or just performed in a gown against a black background, which is what a lot of her performances are like. If it was really COVID-related delays, the shows could've started a few weeks later, but the whole run was cancelled and 6 months later there are still no new dates.

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14 hours ago, Yog said:

Umm, both Sam & Lil Nas X recent albums are certified platinum while Shawn’s isn’t, so clearly the other around love but I feel if Shawn did come out, it would give an slight boost of an career I guess

Then why are their latest singles suffering and every time you see them talked about by the gays it’s how sick of them they are? Sam is having a hard time getting an album out because none of his singles are taking. Also, I’m sure both are largely supported by a female audience. 

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15 minutes ago, Pleighboy said:

Then why are their latest singles suffering and every time you see them talked about by the gays it’s how sick of them they are? Sam is having a hard time getting an album out because none of his singles are taking. Also, I’m sure both are largely supported by a female audience. 

Do you honestly expect EVERY single to do well especially in Sam’s case where they have an couple of underperforming singles then the smashes come, literally no different what happened between their 2nd & 3rd era, LMM & Lil Nas X are not even singles for their upcoming albums, I’m sure Montero will have an smash eventually.


Duh it course it’s mostly females supporting them, nothing wrong with that where the same will probably be the same case for Shawn if he ever came out.

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