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Shawn Postpones Tour


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Just now, Protocol said:

Yeah but if your job involves getting paid literally millions of dollars and you doing your job is a requirement for literally hundreds of other people having jobs at all for months.....that changes the equation a bitsy.

On flip side he created job opportunities, that’s great... his team will still be with him. Just a few weeks off won’t change things too much. If he’s in a poor mental space and god forbid harms himself or has a breakdown, that’d be worse than just postponing the shows. 

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12 minutes ago, Freakshowvato said:

You all clearly don’t understand anxiety or depression, or the pressures of tour. It can get very lonely and disorienting going from city to city. You need a great headspace. 

These things are diseases, just bc you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not valid. We don’t know what he’s going thru. Just hope he feels better. 

As someone with mental health issues i can attest to this.  When im in the wrong headspace I dont want to do anything.  People dont understand unless they been through it and I have been through it MANY times.

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mess he really fell off - I hope he's okay though

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so Mr Mendes' team thought they could report 100% sold out when Dua did the exact same arenas with 3k more people? ok Mr.Mendes. go have a seat somewhere. im done with you and your lying ways. and using 'mental health' as an excuse. shut up. this is your job. you dont like to tour? dont do it. just be an album artist. because thousands of people booked flights and hotels just to come see you. and what are they supposed to do? this was their one week off. they dont get to decide whenever they want when they get vacation days. they cant just decide at the last minute to take 3 weeks off like you did. nope. they need to plan their vacations ahead. because then its back to work. back to paying bills and feeding little Johnny and little Jenny so they can grow. they dont have the luxury of taking 3 weeks off whenever they please on a whim. so unprofessional. talk to your therapist and ask them if they think its a good idea to tour. talk it through with them. but once you made the decision, thats it. you get your ass on tour. Gaga did an entire show with a broken hip and fibromyalgia for god sakes. whats your excuse? "ohh im stressed ooo poor me" shut up b*tch. i have had it. and Adele, you better f*cking watch it because im about to drag you very soon for your unprofessionalism. everyone taking mental health breaks. give me a fkn break. in the real world, theres BILLS to be paid and daycares to pay for. little millionaire pompous asses.

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4 minutes ago, Pikachoo said:

so Mr Mendes' team thought they could report 100% sold out when Dua did the exact same arenas with 3k more people? ok Mr.Mendes. go have a seat somewhere. im done with you and your lying ways. and using 'mental health' as an excuse. shut up. this is your job. you dont like to tour? dont do it. just be an album artist. because thousands of people booked flights and hotels just to come see you. and what are they supposed to do? this was their one week off. they dont get to decide whenever they want when they get vacation days. they cant just decide at the last minute to take 3 weeks off like you did. nope. they need to plan their vacations ahead. because then its back to work. back to paying bills and feeding little Johnny and little Jenny so they can grow. they dont have the luxury of taking 3 weeks off whenever they please on a whim. so unprofessional. talk to your therapist and ask them if they think its a good idea to tour. talk it through with them. but once you made the decision, thats it. you get your ass on tour. Gaga did an entire show with a broken hip and fibromyalgia for god sakes. whats your excuse? "ohh im stressed ooo poor me" shut up b*tch. i have had it. and Adele, you better f*cking watch it because im about to drag you very soon for your unprofessionalism. everyone taking mental health breaks. give me a fkn break. in the real world, theres BILLS to be paid and daycares to pay for. little millionaire pompous asses.


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6 minutes ago, Pikachoo said:

so Mr Mendes' team thought they could report 100% sold out when Dua did the exact same arenas with 3k more people? ok Mr.Mendes. go have a seat somewhere. im done with you and your lying ways. and using 'mental health' as an excuse. shut up. this is your job. you dont like to tour? dont do it. just be an album artist. because thousands of people booked flights and hotels just to come see you. and what are they supposed to do? this was their one week off. they dont get to decide whenever they want when they get vacation days. they cant just decide at the last minute to take 3 weeks off like you did. nope. they need to plan their vacations ahead. because then its back to work. back to paying bills and feeding little Johnny and little Jenny so they can grow. they dont have the luxury of taking 3 weeks off whenever they please on a whim. so unprofessional. talk to your therapist and ask them if they think its a good idea to tour. talk it through with them. but once you made the decision, thats it. you get your ass on tour. Gaga did an entire show with a broken hip and fibromyalgia for god sakes. whats your excuse? "ohh im stressed ooo poor me" shut up b*tch. i have had it. and Adele, you better f*cking watch it because im about to drag you very soon for your unprofessionalism. everyone taking mental health breaks. give me a fkn break. in the real world, theres BILLS to be paid and daycares to pay for. little millionaire pompous asses.

Finally someone said it. :clap3:

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Sounds like he didn’t want to admit a Covid scare. That said, mental health is no joke. Sometimes depression and anxiety flare up for no reason and it can be incredibly difficult to cope even with the best treatment methods and physical health. Hope he takes the time he needs to get himself in the right state of mind. 

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I'm all for mental health and taking care of yourself, but at the same time so many people have paid so much on tickets and hotels that it becomes a very sour excuse. He knew he doesn't like touring and being away, he shouldn't have booked new dates. This is like me saying I'm going out with friends then cancelling last minute. :toofunny2: Like no, I know I won't go, so I just say no early on in the planning. 


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why would he cancel just cause of low sales? Why doesnt he just perform and get a smaller amount of money? Is it a  money losing gig to transport everything there?

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I honestly think he's been struggling badly with his sexuality.

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26 minutes ago, Sombre said:

I'm all for mental health and taking care of yourself, but at the same time so many people have paid so much on tickets and hotels that it becomes a very sour excuse. He knew he doesn't like touring and being away, he shouldn't have booked new dates. This is like me saying I'm going out with friends then cancelling last minute. :toofunny2: Like no, I know I won't go, so I just say no early on in the planning. 


Have to agree tbh. He could have taken a year off to get his mind right cause while I do sympathize it is unprofessional :rip: 

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I don’t understand what is so gruelling about touring. You perform 90 minutes, get on a luxury bus and drive to the next city. These celebrities need some back bone :deadbanana4:

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20 minutes ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

why would he cancel just cause of low sales? Why doesnt he just perform and get a smaller amount of money? Is it a  money losing gig to transport everything there?

The dates were postponed, not cancelled. 

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9 minutes ago, JustHoran said:

I honestly think he's been struggling badly with his sexuality.

There's obviously something going on with him. That random statement he released a few weeks back that didn't really say anything but felt like he was dying to say something... He really needs to take a break and focus on himself and find out who he is/who he wants to be and the direction he wants to go with his music. 

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1 hour ago, Protocol said:

And screw all the musicians, stage crew, backstage people etc and all the fans who paid hundreds of dollars for air fares and hotels, sure. He's already a multi-millionaire after all, what does he care.

Of course. He needs to take care of himself otherwise all these people you mentioned won't even have him in the future because he will either go crazy or end up dead. That should be obvious

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He postponed a couple weeks, the overreactions and fan fiction from the same users :deadbanana4: 

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4 hours ago, WildAmerican said:




:bloo: I understand him needing to take time, and hope he is okay. I just don't get why he did this announcement, this is dated yesterday



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4 hours ago, Attitude said:

Not after making that "big" announcement on GMA. :deadbanana:

What announcement?

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4 hours ago, ahauntingnearu said:

Imagine normal people just pausing their job cuz they "can't handle it..." :toofunny2:

…this happens all the time. Its called Burnout and its a real thing. 

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2 minutes ago, idkwiam said:

What announcement?

He is partnering with Disney+ for charity (and obviously tour recording down the line). 


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the paragraphs and screenshots are SENDING me :bibliahh:

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It’s awful how much stigma people face when they’re struggling with mental illness. We are human beings and artists are no exception. 

Yes he’s cringe, yes his relationship with Camila was insufferably fake, yes he’s most likely closeted, but that doesn’t make what he’s going through any less challenging

and it doesn’t excuse people from displaying basic empathy and respect for him. 

If he is gay, that is incredibly challenging to come to terms with in front of the public eye especially when you’re in so deep with PR relationships and public speculation. If an artist doesn’t have good mental health then they cannot create the jobs and opportunities for people around them in the long term, not just the next few weeks. They are not a financial object for people.

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I hope he feels better, but also the fact that so many people are sympathetic towards him while Adele is now viewed as a demonic sociopath for also cancelling a production last minute because she personally felt she couldn't go forward with it is... something. The double standards of ATRL (and the pop culture world in general) never stop popping up :keir: 

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So according to y'all his last album flopped? This is the first time I'm hearing it. Funny how when male artists flop it doesn't make major headlines, but when a pop girl flops it becomes national news basically. :skull:

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