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UPDATE | Doja vs Noah: "I told her 'you're literally my role model'"


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she's 100000000% correct. that little twerp shouldn't have exploited her for laughs and attention

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He social media rants and her always being live saying stupid **** is such a turn off


I loathe ageism but for a 27-28 year old to be always in a mess situation in social media is kind of embarrassing.


Like I get teens but just like log off and leave the kid alone

Edited by Trent W
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It's weird that she would ask Noah considering their characters never even met and they didn't have any scenes together. I understand why she'd be upset but at her age she should know better than to be discussing this sort of stuff with a teenage boy in the first place.

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She is so deranged.

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She’s so annoying. Why were you, a 27 year old, DMing a 17 year old to try and hookup with his cast mate? She’s so weird if this was a guy he’d be QUESTIONED.

Edited by Cheers
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She is a weirdo.

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There is literally no way she messaged him without thinking it was going to be a way for her name to be in his mouth. Stranger things is way bigger than she is - she’s desperate as usual.

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Doja is so f+cking weird. Always doing the most. You're 50, mama. 

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Isn't she in a relationship with some french guy?

Also why couldn't she have just searched for those social media accounts herself? Was DMing Noah really the easiest way to go?? :deadbanana2:

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Yeah this is not a good move. He is 17, you're almost 30, he probably thought it was a joke and you came off fine in the screenshot... However now you come off pretty crazy. :rip:

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Why do you always defend "kids" even when do the worst ****? :rip:

Edited by DoubleRainbow!
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Just now, DoubleRainbow! said:

Why do you always defend "kids" even when do the worst ****? :rip:

It's not that we're defending Noah-- it's that Doja is coming for a 17 year old on a livestream. 


Maybe I can relate to everyone's comments on here because I'm a teacher, so I'm used to children/minors acting out, overstepping boundaries, saying/doing stupid things. 


Did I ever take any of that personally? No. Because they're not done developing cognitively. Is this excusing Noah for uploading his convo with Doja? No. But we're also not talking about two adults here-- we are talking about a minor and a fully fledged adult. That would be like me going on a live stream and getting mad that a high school student of mine uploaded an embarrassing post/photo of me from years back. It has happened. How did I handle a situation like that? I talked to the student privately-- I didn't make a stink about it on social media. I didn't get parents or admin involved. Because I understand, had they been older, they would have the sense to respect someone's privacy. 


Think about how you acted when you were 17. Do you act that way now as an adult? Probably not. 

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8 minutes ago, zasderfght said:

It's not that we're defending Noah-- it's that Doja is coming for a 17 year old on a livestream. 


Maybe I can relate to everyone's comments on here because I'm a teacher, so I'm used to children/minors acting out, overstepping boundaries, saying/doing stupid things. 


Did I ever take any of that personally? No. Because they're not done developing cognitively. Is this excusing Noah for uploading his convo with Doja? No. But we're also not talking about two adults here-- we are talking about a minor and a fully fledged adult. That would be like me going on a live stream and getting mad that a high school student of mine uploaded an embarrassing post/photo of me from years back. It has happened. How did I handle a situation like that? I talked to the student privately-- I didn't make a stink about it on social media. I didn't get parents or admin involved. Because I understand, had they been older, they would have the sense to respect someone's privacy. 


Think about how you acted when you were 17. Do you act that way now as an adult? Probably not. 

This is actually so mature. Gosh thank you for wording it out properly!!!

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2 minutes ago, MingYouToo said:

This is actually so mature. Gosh thank you for wording it out properly!!!

You're welcome <3 I try. 

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2 hours ago, My Tears Ricochet said:

Shut up demon


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not people itt acting like her dming him is weird as if he’s not very obviously gay :jonny5:


anyways it was stupid and inappropriate of him to share their private dms publicly, however, it ain’t that deep 

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This seems.. like a lot. She needs to chill

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1 hour ago, kipperskipper said:

she's 100000000% correct. that little twerp shouldn't have exploited her for laughs and attention

That rat is old enough to know what he was doing. The victim is her, who did nothing wrong. 

Edited by bliaz
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That’s a strong reaction for some DMs that were getting her some positive press anyway because people thought it was funny :rip: Coming for a minor at her big age when she wants everyone else to excuse what she’s done over the years when she was younger…

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She shouldn't have DMd him that. He shouldn't have shared it like that.


But what's really bothering me is... that's her taste in men? :rip: 

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Wait, so this  woman pushing 30 dmed a teenager to ask him to hook her up with his co-star, and when the teenager thought she was joking, because that's a very weird thing to do, the woman pushing 30 decided to call out the teenager for "being socially unaware and doing sh*t you're not supposed to do"?


Can she repeat that sentence out loud and realize that she's the socially unaware adult who's doing sh*t you're not supposed to do? Even if he had been in the wrong (which he wasn't, he's a teenager thinking she's joking, because jfc what an inappropriate message to send to begin with), you approach THE TEENAGER PRIVATELY.

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Besides Doja's taste in men being utter trash, this entire scenario is cringe. 

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