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Demi complains about being told to post on TikTok

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"don't know what the **** to do on here"


well, not that.


Is this like a TikTok trend or something? I swear I've seen like 5 or 6 artist post something like this :rip:


She wants to have her little Halsey moment so badly 


Demi Lovato GIFs | Tenor


Okay but almost 30 isn't 65, its not hard to figure out... or if you can't (weird), have a younger person on your team do it.


But i'm sure that's what is already going on here like the 100 pop stars that did this before them


The Halsey print


Getting kinda tired of "relatable" celebrities complaining about having to post a 10 second video for publicity


This is happening to often now LOL.


Poor millionaire has a boss that makes them do things they don’t want to!! Sad!


small business relentlessly market themselves to try and get by


i have no sympathy for this lazy millionaire that's been asked to make a lil tiktok to promote her own music


she is absolutely insufferable and anyone that feels sorry for her is stupid


She wants to be a trendy edgy popstar so bad :rip: 


i understand not wanting to do a dumb little dance or make cheap songs specifically for tiktok, but complaining about promoting yourself on the platform is weird. like, that's your job... tiktok is just another way to reach your audience...


She’s like a month late to the artist complaining about having to make TikToks trend.


I mean most of my 30 year old friends don't understand tiktok either 


can artists stop this :skull: it's your JOB 




their life is so hard, they have to film a 10 second video on their phone in their bedroom :coffee2:


the same artists who complain about this would also complain if they had to do real promo like perform on talk shows so what do they want? to release music with no promo so no one will ever listen to it? oh wait no one will listen no matter what promo they do :jonny5:


your career is over 


I don't get why these celebs don't just HIRE someone to make them :rip: 


Demi, do you want some sort of career? It’s 2022. Hire a social media coordinator and get over it

8 minutes ago, 50thStateofMind said:

I don't get why these celebs don't just HIRE someone to make them :rip: 



the only artist who has done this recently that I didn't completely side eye was jojo only because she is technically independent now. the rest of these artist have major deal and make the money where  they can afford to hire social media person. 


stop being lazy. independent artists have to do this everyday with a fraction of the followers for a 10th of the promotion. also hated it from Halsey. like social media was the main reason Halsey got popular when she did it via YouTube and Tumblr. but NOW you want to act like you're too good.


You don't *have* to post on Tik Tok. Make good/catchy music and it trends alone. Look at Lizzo. Some random girl made a dance with her song and now it's a massive hit and all Lizzo did was copy the dance someone else did, which she probably would've done regardless.


RUTH had the Stranger Things push, but it became as big as it did because it's a good song. Many songs get played in big shows and don't explode that way.


I personally don't like Taylor Swift's music, but people do and she doesn't have to do much of anything to get her old songs to become a trend. It just happens.


Basically all of Harry's House has trends on Tik Tok. First Class sampled from a great song and it's still top 5 in America almost three months later, Jack Harlow posts, but if he didn't the song would've trended anyway.


Either make a song that's good or make a song that's catchy, push it on the radio and TTH a lil, and if Gen Z likes it, it'll become a trend, then you can work your way up. If Gen Z doesn't like it, you might as well go to the drawing board again and try another song. Don't waste your time smoldering at the camera with cringe white text on the screen. You're 30.


from how she's been doing recently, i'm sure more people will listen to that 10 seconds than will go and stream her song - or buy a tour ticket. :gaycat6:


i mean Puth is 30 and lives on TikTok. its just one of those apps you either love

it or hate it and I’m guessing she’s not crazy about it


She's really been serving face lately :jonnycat:

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