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Why is fatshaming a bad thing?


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but in all serioussness, as a person who used to be obese, fatshaming doesn't "motivate" or "push" you to lose weight, no, it's very much the opposite

seeing when people bully and hate you for your weight you become deeply insecure and depressed, completely disencouraged to even try to lose some weight

so yeah, it's a bad thing for a reason

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why is homophobia a bad thing

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why is colorism a bad thing ?????

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I’ve always been thin, but a couple of years ago I put on a fair amount of weight and trust when I say that nobody noticed more than I did when I looked in the mirror. It’s not healthy to be fat, but it’s also not nice to shame people for it when it can happen for any number of reasons (mine was depression that lead me to eat nonstop). 

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@ATRL Administration these type of threads shouldn't be created. the intention is very clear.

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Why does this clown of a user still have thread making priviliges?

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If by fatshaming you mean mocking, bullying or insulting someone for their weight it's because

a) it is rude

b) it causes hurt

c) it is ineffective.


Fatshaming is likely to contribute to worse mental health which fuels unhealthy eating habits and poor health outcomes in general.

Obesity is a problem but solutions should come in the form of individual motivation and better eating choices and systemic improvements in the form of improved food access, nutritional education, food regulations etc. No one believes you anymore when you say randomly fat shaming strangers is done out of concern for their health and wellbeing - you are just trying to moralize your desire to put someone down. If you care about their health you do what I mentioned above and not insult them.


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49 minutes ago, bocelli said:

Who is talking about bullying people?


1 hour ago, bocelli said:

by pointing out someone is overweight


Of course everyone knows that being overweight is unhealthy, but you must be braindead to think just pointing at overweight people and saying “Hey you, you’re overweight!” will fix literally anything. Do you also think pointing at smokers and going “Hey, you’re smoking!” will get them to stop? :priceless:

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You could just ask for a permaban at this point, the threads aren't giving

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You and your threads are so extra in the worst way :rip: give up already

Edited by Electrasour
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:rip: of course a poster like you gets to make thread like these and seemingly never gets in trouble. 

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Did you not have a post about wanting to end your life by overdosing on pills? I would think, after having been in a bad place, you would show some compassion and sympathy for what people are struggling with. 


People might be overweight and/or obese, but please do not pretend like you don't come with your own issues-- we ALL have things we can be working on, whether it's being more physically active, eating healthier, contributing more to society, etc. 


Clearly, your intention worked: you received quite a bit of replies, but is this really how you want to be remembered? 

Edited by zasderfght
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Wait, was this all just for attention? :hoetenks:


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the girls bringing in miss @/ATRL Administration :deadbanana4:


its over for you OT:


OT: because you should never feel the need to criticize a person on their body. wether you think it helps them lose weight or not there is always better ways to bring that stuff up than fatshaming them. bullying, being mean is never the solution 

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Fatshaming is obviously wrong and not acceptable, but people (and especially America, for... reasons) definitely need to find a way to have this kind of discourse, because pretending that an overweight or even obese lifestyle isn't extremely unhealthy and even actively encouraging it (like some celebrities unfortunately do) is not okay either and is going to create a massive health crisis in the foreseeable future. So yeah, don't be a dickhead, don't point it out to individuals unless they ask for your opinion; but as a society we'll definitely have to find a way to tackle this issue. 

Edited by SlowGinFizzzz
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because bullying is not cool 


the op is dumb and obviously a troll but the folks asking the mods to ban him are just cringey :rip: 

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Your parents need to start looking into getting a child lock on their devices.

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5 minutes ago, hurricane326 said:

He doesn't need an outright ban just a thread posting loss of privileges

He should have posting privileges in general removed for at least a month :cm:


OT: How about we all worry about ourselves for a change? Other people being overweight doesn’t affect your life in any significant way, and I’ll never understand why some of y’all care so damn much :gaycat6:

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Because bullying people is not ok, it's not that hard to use your brain :skull:


No ones bullying you for having an anime avi, so I don't know why you can't comprehend why you should treat people decently too.


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1 hour ago, KatyPrismSpirit said:

the girls bringing in miss @/ATRL Administration :deadbanana4:


its over for you OT:


OT: because you should never feel the need to criticize a person on their body. wether you think it helps them lose weight or not there is always better ways to bring that stuff up than fatshaming them. bullying, being mean is never the solution 

Pretty sure the mods have said tagging ATRL Administration does nothing as no one checks the notifs for that account. Better off just reporting

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  • ATRL Moderator

Making fun of somebody's weight is not actually encouraging health, nobody buys that BS argument, asshole.

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