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America's Stonehenge Bombed: Georgia Guidestone Demolished after being Bombed


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History of Georgia Guidestone:


Date of  creation: 1979-1980


Date of bombing: July 2022


Origin  Robert C Christian had approached Joe Fendley, the president of the Elbert Granite Finishing Company Incorporation, with the idea of building it.

Christian said he represented a small group of loyal Americans who believe in God and wanted to leave a message for future generations



Christian went to Granite City Bank to acquire a loan and encountered Wyatt C. Martin, who enquired about the former's plans for the project.  Christian revealed that his group wished to remain anonymous and that they had been planning the Georgia Guidestones for 20 years. Robert C. Christian wasn't his real name but an alias he chose thanks to his Christian beliefs.


The Chamber's website said only Martin knows Robert's personal information.



  • Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.”
  • “Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.”
  • “Unite humanity with a living new language.”
  • “Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.”
  • “Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.”
  • “Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.”
  • “Avoid petty laws and useless officials.”
  • “Balance personal rights with social duties.”
  • “Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.”
  • “Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature


Languages:  English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi and Swahili.



There seems to be CCTV footage of the explosion but no footage of the unknown individuals who planted the explosives:




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Not the comparison to an actual pagan site.


The McDonalds of the world.

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Me being from Georgia and having no idea what this is

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Damn i think this solves it:


It was most likely put in place by Joe H. Fendley, Sr, the granite company owner (huge slabs of granite would be cheaper for him to source) and Wyatt Martin, the bank official. Fendley is a 32nd degree Mason. The fictional Robert Christian once said "The group feels by having our identity remain secret, it will not distract from the monument and its meaning." People knowing that it was built by Masons would be distracting. I say fictional because no one has ever talked to Christian directly who is the purported designer and financier of the stones , all of what he has “said” has been conveyed by either Martin or Fendley. Both Martin and Fendley live in Elberton where the guidestones are located. Elberton literally doesn’t have much going on outside of its granite industry and now those guidestones. It really isn’t that deep, I think these two just wanted a little mystery, excitement and to build something “cool” because they could (as Men do ?) in Elberton, Ga.


I still think it isnt entirely a prank though. I think it has a purpose.

Edited by AlanRickman1946
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kuytrefsghjgresfg I saw this the other day and my dumbass thought it was in the country of Georgia :toofunny3:

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Stonehenge sweetie...

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How dare you compare Stonehenge to a tacky American monument that idealizes genocide. :biblionny:

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Pop culture

America's Stonehenge... Built 40 years ago :rip:

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1 hour ago, Seiko Oomori said:

this is the real america's stonehenge :clap3: but the georgia one i guess has been called america's stonehenge as a moniker because it mimics the original stonehenge more


11 hours ago, Rev8 said:

Isn't This America's Stonehenge?




anyways..wonder why it was blown

Isn't this rumoured to be from the 1930s created to be a tourist destination?

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Oh these are those weird stones with New World Order written on them.

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This is the one that John Oliver covered?

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