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How to Save Phase 4 of Marvel?


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The general consensus is that phase 4 isn’t bad or Great, just Meh. With this Phase of the MCU having multiple of the lowest Rotten Tomatoe scores, and Mixed reviews. Phase 4 so far has been praised for it inclusivity, Diversity and Introduction of New characters. However, it’s been criticized for Rushed Disney + Series, Average CGI & VFX, and  lack of over-arching Plots and cameos that Marvel has been known for. Although Marvel continues to break records and set standards with Wandavision, Loki, Shang-Chi, Spider-Man & Docter Strange. Many feel that Eternals, Black Widow, and multiple Disney + Shows don’t have as much effort as previous Marvel Projects. What can Marvel do to please the critics and Disappointed fans? More individual Stories of Hero’s we Know? Better Visual effects? More Cameos? How can Marvel please the General public and Criticisms of Phase 4 Moving on? 

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Love and thunder was fun but no Ragnarok.


DS2 was ok for me but it’s a major box office disappointment in general.


I’ll only say that they’re in real trouble if Black Panther doesn’t deliver. If that doesn’t clear a billion, some intervention is needed 

Edited by YR.
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Cancel everything and greenlight the long-due Spider-Man 4.



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They need to slow down, and start focusing on individual films and quit relying on the interconnected-ness of it all. It’s too much for the casual viewer to follow now, and is just a mess. It’s time for elseworld stories and a potential reboot. 

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Its a new Phase 1 guys literally dont freak out. Its still pulling 400M above every film during the pandemic its still a juggernaut.


DS2 will be the #2 movie of the year and SM3 is literally the 4th of all time.


Thor and BP2 will easily be in the 800-1B range as well.

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The ship has sailed. Just like our faves, all good things will come to an end. This is an end of an era for MCU and superhero movies. People are tired of superhero movies already. They're looking for the fresh movies that they can move on to. :cm: 

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-There are too many new characters. Stop giving everyone a damn tv show.

-Also, stop with the Easter egg hunt. 

-Stop trying to check off boxes. 

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don't think the quality has gotten much worse, but I would say they could do with perhaps a writing camp, hammer out a new overarching story, and scale back the amount of movies coming out a year. 


It feels like they're trying to do a lot way too fast and it's reflected in the movies and tv shows' quality (from the writing to the CGI). I understand the whole plan to do films and streaming at the same time, but I think they need to slow down - no use in having three movies and three tv shows out in a year if it's going to be slapdash and cause inconsistencies


Also I appreciate the attempt to include representation but it needs to be done properly & intentionally, otherwise people will just see them as checking off boxes and that does nobody any favors. 

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Honestly they should have stopped after End Game, everything past that to me has felt like an unnecessary extension to a finished story and I’m not even sure what they’re currently working towards 

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10 minutes ago, Paranoid Android said:

Isn't the rest of Phase 4 already shot and finished? What's there to save? 


The franchise is still doing great. It's just becoming increasingly front-loaded which is natural given most general audiences checked out with End Game. The quality was always this middling anyway, not sure why critics have suddenly become more vocal

A lot of the passes were given because they were working towards that huge finale and part of the appeal was seeing if they could pull of the “cinematic universe.” Now that they have the focus is more about the quality because right now they feel like loose standalone stories instead of some big narrative

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Although I did enjoy some of the movies pre-Endgame, I was never impressed. They ranged from "fun" to "boring childish garbage". I outright skipped a few movies or watched them years after release. 


Now I'm obsessed with their new phase :jonny3:. The TV series are the best thing they've ever done. And I've loved how enjoyable all of the movies have been. They even had me like the latest Spiderman movie, when I can't stand the Holland era 

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The new superheroes have lame powers/are uninteresting. Idk why they don’t speed up Xmen’s release 

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They are fine. Their movies still remain the biggest and most talked about of the year, and the shows are up there too. If anything this discourse might be a blessing in disguise to put pressure on them allowing a bit more creativity and to consistently meet the bar where they have raised it. 

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we need an Infinity War type of event... too many buildups

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Stop wasting time and introduce the damn X-Men already. They keep pushing these C-list characters and talk about bringing diversity to the MCU by race and gender swapping these lesser known character when X-Men not only had the most popular characters of Marvel for literal decades, they are also already an inherently diverse team. I can't believe they're actually focusing on the Fantastic 4 over them. 


If done right, the X-Men could absolutely be bigger than the Avengers, as they were for years and years prior to the MCU. Put out a Scarlet Witch solo movie that introduces mutants to the MCU and call it a day. The major fans that have nostalgia for the X-Men/grew up with the cartoon that made them huge are already in their 30s-50s now that I feel waiting much longer is a really poor decision. 

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They need to stick to one big bad instead of hinting at multiple future conflicts. Multiverse of panned was a perfect opportunity to introduce Kang in the movies, but instead we got a "joke" in the post credit scene...

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What even is a marvel phase?



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It's way too saturated, too many news heroes that serve no purpose in the series plus the movies, it's kinda hard to keep up.

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Cancel it.. It's time for another genre to be an MPG

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1 hour ago, Donquizote said:

The ship has sailed. Just like our faves, all good things will come to an end. This is an end of an era for MCU and superhero movies. People are tired of superhero movies already. They're looking for the fresh movies that they can move on to. :cm: 

Yep :clap3:


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33 minutes ago, fountain said:

They are fine. Their movies still remain the biggest and most talked about of the year, and the shows are up there too. If anything this discourse might be a blessing in disguise to put pressure on them allowing a bit more creativity and to consistently meet the bar where they have raised it. 

And that is only happening because people are checking on the Marvel brand owing to the previous endgame event. People's interest will inevitably wane soon if they continue producing mid movies.

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Introduce some cool characters? I truly don’t give a rats arse about Hawkeye’s teenage daughter and I like Kamala but it’s giving Disney Channel sitcom. She Hulk and Moon Knight are not very interesting. I’m hoping that Storm shows up in the Black Panther movie, her marrying TChalla like in the comics would have been perfect :weeps:

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Bring x men

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