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Open Prisons, yes or no?


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1 hour ago, Cain said:

People don’t care about inmates’ ability to be rehabilitated or the overall wellbeing of a society, they want to see people get punished in a twisted sense of ‘justice’


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23 minutes ago, PopKills said:

In Finland if you’re homeless & jobless you get a flat for free for a few months till you find a job iirc, that’s why their homelessness rate is the lowest in all of Europe. They actually help the people to be a part of society and don’t leave them on the streets.

Yeah I know, I dream to live in a Scandinavian country because the US will never be that.

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I knew someone who dated this guy who went to prison (selling drugs I think) and he said it was like mini vacation they get feed well and its like a rent free place to stay.


It's wrong too :biblio: people even send themselves to psywards for free feed and room too. When nothing wrong with them :deadbanana4:

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9 minutes ago, Allday said:

I knew someone who dated this guy who went to prison (selling drugs I think) and he said it was like mini vacation they get feed well and its like a rent free place to stay.


It's wrong too :biblio: people even send themselves to psywards for free feed and room too. When nothing wrong with them :deadbanana4:

You say that but statistically the crime is still lower there than in other places, as someone pointed out - giving no chance to rehabilitate into the society has the same effect, people commit crimes because it's safer to just go back in prison.


I don't think someone getting caught selling drugs once should result in a torture sentence some want it to be. Being grouped up with murderers and prison gangs who are there to just drag everyone else down with them is not the solution.

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no, i want them to suffer. Also bring back death sentence to the west! :cm:

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There’s a fine line to walk. On the one hand, many prison systems are barbaric and focused solely on punishment, which is just plain wrong (especially given how many people end up in prison due to lack of opportunity/being born into bad situations, and therefore can’t be blamed entirely for their crimes). We need more of a focus on rehabilitation, success post-prison, etc.


That being said, prison can’t be nice. The way it’s depicted here, these prisons seem more like hotels you don’t have to pay for. We’d see a huge spike in crime among the homeless population just so they can go live in cushy prisons (which, by the way, I also think we have more than enough resources to eliminate homelessness and we SHOULD house them - but not in a way in which the only way to do so is for them to commit crimes against innocent people so they can land in jail). 

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2 hours ago, Cain said:

People don’t care about inmates’ ability to be rehabilitated or the overall wellbeing of a society, they want to see people get punished in a twisted sense of ‘justice’

Right, there is a huge chunk of people who love seeing others suffer or being in a bad place. They're called conservatives / right wingers.  

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2 hours ago, Buddy said:

Truth is, prison is safer than the streets.

This has been my experience as well.



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The people making fun of this concept, all the while completely ignoring that the outcomes and safety in Finland are an order of magnitude better than in the USA



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Maybe for minimum security prisons, but absolutely not for maximum security prisons. Murderers, rapists and child predators deserve to suffer

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absolutely not  :smiley: I mean prisoners deserve better conditions but it's not a vacation or trip to college :rip:

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1 hour ago, arceus said:

no, i want them to suffer. Also bring back death sentence to the west! :cm:


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2 hours ago, Eric. said:

If the nation has the funds, they should try to keep prisons as humane and confortable as possible.


And if your prisons are too over-populated to try then that's either because of over-criminalization or poor societal support for your citizens. 

this America is in enough debt :rip:

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7 hours ago, jesus del rey said:

Some people can't comprehend that prisoners are still people and their exploitation (especially in the U.S.A) is modern day slavery. Not to mention, most prison systems revolve around racial discriminatory justice systems. Good for Finland trying to change something. :clap3: 

This 100%. Also, there are people sitting in a jail cell right now that were wrongfully convicted of a crime they did not commit. You don't think it can happen to you until it does. Stay humble and compassionate. 

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Dandan sounds a like proud inmate. Sounds like he wants to go back to prison again once he’s out ?

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We have them in the UK for non dangerous offenders and it works. Studies have shown that locking people up fucks with their mental health to an unbelievable extent, so imagine putting someone that didn’t pay council tax or something similar in full lockdown prison. 

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yes, criminal justice needs to be reformed around rehabilitation instead of punishment. the numbers speak for themselves...


most crime is actually the result of material poverty and bad living conditions. if you throw people in disgusting little cells and give them no opportunities to better themselves, then they'll reoffend as soon as they get out. what makes this worse is that nobody wants to employ former prisoners, so they are stuck in a cycle of poverty and many resort to drugs which increases their likelihood if reoffending.


if you want to decrease criminality, you need to give people shelter, food, education, and opportunities for growth as well as opportunities to contribute to society.


i get that most people get off on the idea of giving severe punishment to criminals, but y'all need to unlearn that malicious mindset. real justice is about addressing the underlying causes of actions, not malicious punishments that perpetrate the cycle of violence and crime.


some of you in this thread sounds so silly, the logical conclusion of your punishment-centred justice system would be to just execute everyone because why bother with prisons when they're just going to reoffend when they get out... 

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also people here saying 'oh if prisons were nice people would treat as vacation' :skull: would they though? like would you voluntarily commit a crime and go to prison just so you don't have to pay rent? the only people willing to do that are those with little to lose, an average person with a job and life goals wouldn't want to go to prison even if it was 'nice'. so yeah welfare of the poor goes hand in hand with this, but if majority of your population has a good life they won't want to go to prison not matter how nice it is.

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40 minutes ago, John Slayne said:

ugh? like would you voluntarily commit a crime and go to prison just so you don't have to pay rent?

Homeless people do that frequently actually. 

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9 hours ago, Gui Blackout said:

So they're basically rewarding convicted criminals with a nice resort vacation? :rip:

Now I know how to get a cheap European vacations.

Go to Finland & commit a crime...  :gaycat4:

I might even leave the continent with a Jail Wife :crown:

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idk but that Finnish murderer in the first video is so hot :jonny5: 

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Hum... They deserve to suffer and pay for their crimes, not live a Big Brother style vacation. If I were a family member of one of the victims of these murderers I would be outraged.

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I think that for non-violent crimes this is reasonable. For violent crime the focus should still be on rehabilitation but there does need to be a focus on punishment too. Like if someone abused or killed or raped a friend or family member and this was their punishment, I would feel angry.

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