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IMDb Beyoncé Board Reunion


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Is there anyone left on here who migrated from IMDb back in the day? I only know of my dear friend @MrLovett


Obviously Nicole is over. Ace, Cherry, Smiley, Cahleb, Carey etc... where you at? :gaycat1:


The last couple of years of the board were archived: https://filmboards.com/board/20461498/ and whew, it really was a cesspool at times. 

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I was in there from maybe 2005 to 2008 time. It was definitely a mess back then too. I remember Beyonce had the most active board out of all the main pop culture singers on there.

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It was insane.

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:deadbanana4: this was my introduction to stan culture, back in late 2009. I was utterly fascinated. I never posted on it though (except very early 2011 when it was way past its peak). I loved it when they did organized raids of other boards. I also remember Kingsley having a video where he gave them a shout out at the very end. Was a fun time to be on the internet.


I'm still ****ing pissed at imdb for shutting all the boards down. Such a nonsense decision.

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24 minutes ago, princedonte said:

The Original Rita Ora Stan

Wait, are you Rules? :dies:

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2 minutes ago, DoctorIce said:

Wait, are you Rules? :dies:

No I was Donte I was on it from like 08-2013

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