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Will the British Monarchy Survive?


Will it survive?  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. ATRL decides

    • Yes dahling the longevity
    • No ... republic ...ha resurgence

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Will the younger generation accept a King William? 

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The problem is the in between.


It’s gonna be King Charles 1st and based on his current corruption scandal I am not sure he has what it takes.

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I give it until 2050. Once Elizabeth is gone, the monarchy will struggle a lot. 

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William won't be the test, Charles is gonna be the test. I'd say most people would be pretty okay with William as the king if for nothing else he's Diana's son. Nobody wants anything to do with Charles. However, I don't see the monarchy ending with Charles. I don't see it ending anytime in the next several decades. It has survived much, much, much worse than whatever scandals Charles gets himself. 

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17 minutes ago, publikcitizen said:

I give it until 2050. Once Elizabeth is gone, the monarchy will struggle a lot. 

I first interpreted this to say that Lizzie will still be on the throne at 2050 ? 

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meh they are like just there.... the social media has exposed them and made them kinda irrelevant.. Although i still give them another 20-30 years after they will completely become redundant. 

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I would say it would live on forever if next in line would've been William but... it all honestly depends on Charles, and the GP is not too fond of him so idk


The queen has at least some kind of respect left for all the years she's been reigning, imo after ha expiration it should all be a wrap! lock whoever needs to be locked and let the other royals escape to America. problem solved

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It should end with the Queen. I think that would be best. When she ascended to the throne, there still was a British Empire. There isn’t anymore - she outlived it - and the monarchy should end with her.

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Of course it will survive as the family line will go on plus they’re s tourist magnet but their relevancy will fade massively over the next decades.

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Of course. British citizens love Monarchy as State model. They don't matter who is ruling the country as long as is a King or Queen, whose children will rule after them :zzz:

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Of course, they’ve survived far worse controversies. Plus it makes financial sense to keep them since they more than pay for themselves.

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you meant survive the inevitable guillotine? they can try

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I was hoping we'd put an end to it after Lizzie, but they are smart and are making her abdicate in slow motion so the transition is super smooth. After last week's announcement he will pretty much take over all of her duties and the public will get used to him being the face of the monarchy while Lizzie just chills in the background. So I guess it will survive for now. As soon as he is king he must urgently reform the monarchy to be limited to the heirs only and strip all the others of unnecessary titles and burden to the taxpayers. 

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I think so yeah, due to how ingrained the monarchy in almost every aspect of the UK.

Without it, they'd probably have to change the name of the country itself, decide on a new head of state, change the political system a little bit, change who's on the paper currency etc.


I don't know if it'd be worth all the time and effort it'd take to change all these things, so I see the monarchy living on, albeit in a much reduced capacity.

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Miss Canada needs to dispose of them. Idk why they have that old hag on their money.

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100% they will. They’ve survived far worse in the past. 

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Prince Charles will be the test, but I think it will survive his rule, he's already 73 so it's not like his reign will be that long. Although now that I think of it, if he lives until 100 like his mother that's 27 years of an elderly Prince Charles ruling the UK, that can't be good for morale :supaspaz:

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The people are just waiting for Elisabeth to be gone to start the process of getting rid of the monarchy

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