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What’s your honest opinion on “queerbaiting”?


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if used well like tatu im all for it :pancake:

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33 minutes ago, Jagger said:

I literally do not care. The world has bigger problems and my opinion will not change. Stop being so sensitive and drop the pop psychology

Well, you're a part of the reason why things are the way they are and why gay men are becoming a minority in a community they created. Don't come crying when it is too late. People think black people bemoan everything and it's for a reason. Nothing wrong with exclusivity. 


42 minutes ago, Aristide said:

It sounds like you're saying it's wrong for people to explore their sexuality. If so, that's actually not a progressive but a conservative idea.

It is wrong when the sole purpose of it is so that gay men can sleep with someone straight and it is rooted in shame. What is so daunting about being proudly gay or bisexual? Now more than ever is a time to be who you are but people are still playing cat and mouse games. 

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I don't care. It might be problematic but that's their cross to bear not mine. I'm hoping some of them are actually trying to get more in touch with their feminine side or have the notion of embracing wholesome masculinity. But if some of them are selling themselves out then... I just feel sad for them, really. But anyway if they're hot they're hot lmao

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not the op calling an out bisexual woman a queer baiter :rip:

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Don't care. Let people express themselves the way they want. People are just finding things to critique at this point.

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It’s not a non-issue but the way Twitter and the internet discuss it lacks so much nuance and critical thinking. 

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15 minutes ago, DiamondHoe said:

not the op calling an out bisexual woman a queer baiter :rip:

The erasure of bisexual woman is so insane. Female celebrities will come out and just be raw and say they are bisexual and have slept and/or had intimate relationships with women and people will still call them straight/say they are queerbaiting. But if a male celebrity came out and say they have slept with men and had intimate relationships with men, no one would dare question their queerness. :rip:

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Its cringe but I rather them embrace than turn away. 

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1 hour ago, Pleighboy said:


Well, you're a part of the reason why things are the way they are and why gay men are becoming a minority in a community they created. Don't come crying when it is too late. People think black people bemoan everything and it's for a reason. Nothing wrong with exclusivity. 


It is wrong when the sole purpose of it is so that gay men can sleep with someone straight and it is rooted in shame. What is so daunting about being proudly gay or bisexual? Now more than ever is a time to be who you are but people are still playing cat and mouse games. 

No I'm not part of any of that. Blame homophobes, princess. Not me just because I don't care if a straight guy wears a dress or shows a gay relationship in a music video. Gay and trans people are actually dying. You’re serving "don't let straight people in a gay bar" and it's so cringe. Maybe grow up a little 

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I'd rather them queerbait for clout than be raging homophobes. It can be cringe 100% and obviously many do it for their own benefit, but in the end they are still providing visibility to allyship even if it's not a perfect representation of it.


Beyond that, it's becoming a universal term now when not everything is queerbaiting. A straight person holding a pride flag or going to a pride parade or portraying an LGBT character in a film or tv show is not queerbaiting. That's showing support and normalizing being comfortable with the subject. The vast majority of people who get accused of queerbaiting are forthcoming about what their sexuality is, yet any time they are in an LGBT space they get accused of either virture signalling or queer baiting and it's so tired. It's gonna make people not want to be allies anymore. 

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aren’t all straight men queerbaiters? :lakitu:

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It’s real and often cringe. It’s also often an overused term. 


I will say that I don’t understand people who whine about OnlyFans performers or Instagram models or whoever. Of course they’re going to leave it ambiguous. They’re trying to sell a fantasy :toofunny2: They don’t want to **** any of their followers regardless of gender or sexuality. 


Also, gatekeeping who can wear dresses is very stupid imo, and sort of defeats the whole idea of questioning norms. Women had to fight for the right to wear ******* pants. Imaging if we called that queerbaiting lmao 

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2 hours ago, Pleighboy said:

Y'all do not understand advocacy and allyship. It is not taking center stage, it is being supportive. How can you guys find fault in Oscar-bait trophies but not queerbaiting in itself? And what do you gain from queerbaiting? It doesn't lessen homophobia nor add economic value to the LGBT community. 

Lil Nas X and Jack Harlow is the perfect example of this done right. Jack Harlow didn't start gaying it up in/on Industry Baby. He brought his cis-heteroness to Lil Nas X’s gay and it worked. Look at Jack now. 

All of this. :clap3:

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The total hypocrisy in this thread. Y’all only give people like Harry Styles and Charlie Puth a pass because of their looks while body shaming and hating on Sam Smith who has been openly gay since day 1.

Queerbaiting is disgusting when it is done for attention and money. They hide behind the LGBT cause because they know it makes them look “good” and “desirable” while it fattens their wallet. If they’re “LGBT” why don’t they just say so? They keep the line blurry so that they can take both feet off the mud if it gets slimy. 

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12 hours ago, Pleighboy said:

It is wrong when the sole purpose of it is so that gay men can sleep with someone straight and it is rooted in shame. What is so daunting about being proudly gay or bisexual? Now more than ever is a time to be who you are but people are still playing cat and mouse games. 

How would you know someone's reasons for exploring their sexuality? You don't know, so you shouldn't make assumptions about it, right? Are you saying those who are accused of "queerbaiting" have contempt for gay men? That's not necessarily true. Why would you say that? Just because perhaps they don't identify with the labels you're familiar with? How can someone identify with a label (if you want to) if they are told it's wrong to explore their sexuality in the first place? there's nothing daunting about being proudly gay or bisexual, but those who sleep with a member of the same sex are not necessarily gay or bisexual! 

Edited by Aristide
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It's not that serious. 

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The original meaning of queerbaiting was for when media teased queer relationships and representation without any intention of folllowing through. I don't know how or why this meaning of real life people queerbaiting came about, but I don't agree with it and I think it has diluted the original intention of the term. 


As an addendum, I will say I think even in fiction, I think the term has become somewhat muddled in meaning as well - such as the latest whatever with Stranger Things. 

Edited by Obsession
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13 hours ago, DiamondHoe said:

not the op calling an out bisexual woman a queer baiter :rip:

i didn’t say that though, that’s what some people think :rip: there was recently a thread asking if gaga is a queerbaiter, that’s why i added her

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