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J.K. Rowling buys entire Macy Gray back catalogue after transphobic comments


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This woman is sick and nasty, she should honestly use her money to book a therapost appointment because this hatred is so bizarre


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3 minutes ago, 6_INCH_HEELS said:

The point is SHE DOESN'T CARE. At this point, she's just trolling y'all.

Being openly transphobic is trolling now? Mental illness is a better term. 

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5 minutes ago, 6_INCH_HEELS said:


The point is SHE DOESN'T CARE. At this point, she's just trolling y'all. That lady don't care about none of that. And guess what, there are soooooo many people who feel the same way she does, which is why she will never be "canceled".  She's become the loud minority picking up momentum every time people overreact to her mess.

Oh I agree, a lot of sjws are very annoying and she us just twisting the knife, a lot of people do that online.  

People don’t like to be told how to say things and sjws sometimes make them even more hateful and radicalize them towards the extreme


But still her hate towards trans people is uncalled for and they didn’t do anything to her for her to use them as a trolling tool

Edited by Trent W
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I just can't :skull:



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this is so sad :deadbanana2:


plus.. what Macy is gonna make from this transaction? $100 if that? 

not her thinking she did some kind of massive charity :ace:

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i was expecting a troll thread but it’s real :deadbanana4:

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7 minutes ago, Trent W said:

Oh I agree, a lot of sjws are very annoying and she us just twisting the knife, a lot of people do that online.  

People don’t like to be told how to say things and sjws sometimes made them even more hateful and radicalize them towards the extreme


But still her hate towards trans people is uncalled for and they didn’t do anything to her for her to use them as a trolling tool

To be fair, all the bad media from her transphobic rants has definitely affected her image and the wizarding world to some extent.


She's still a billionaire of course, but she knows the latest movies kind of have been bombing. Many people of course don't care, but she certainly has built a bad image of herself, which paired with how difficult she's to work with doesn't help her projects. You know Warner is tired of her ass, no wonder the ones who developed that cool video game about Howarts didn't want her anything to do with it


P:D: Also people need to remember it's not only this, it's also her support of Depp and her several racism/colorism controversies

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8 minutes ago, Mr.Link said:

Being openly transphobic is trolling now? Mental illness is a better term. 


To her. She says how she feels, y'all react. She knows what's coming, she just doesn't care. My point is, at some point y'all need to stop paying attention to her and highlighting her shenanigans. Nothing is coming from it and y'all just run your lil blood pressure up.


If the person doesn't matter to YOU, neither should their opinion. People need to enact this motto.

Edited by 6_INCH_HEELS
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1 minute ago, Cloudy said:

To be fair, all the bad media from her transphobic rants has definitely affected her image and the wizarding world to some extent.


She's still a billionaire of course, but she knows the latest movies kind of have been bombing. Many people of course don't care, but she certainly has built a bad image of herself, which paired with how difficult she's to work with doesn't help her projects. You know Warner is tired of her ass, no wonder the ones who developed that cool video game about Howarts didn't want her anything to do with it


P:D: Also people need to remember it's not only this, it's also her support of Depp and her several racism/colorism controversies

Yeah it hasn’t been the same since she got on these trolling transphobic rants.


However I forgot how this mess started, I think she became more and more radical as time went by.


Does anyone remember when this mess started? It been years I think

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13 minutes ago, Cloudy said:

I just can't :skull:



I'm screaming what in the world :ahh: 

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This legendary author has really gone all out, hasn’t she? A billionaire with nothing to lose, really.

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10 minutes ago, 6_INCH_HEELS said:


To her. She says how she feels, y'all react. She knows what's coming, she just doesn't care. My point is, at some point y'all need to stop paying attention to her and highlighting her shenanigans. Nothing is coming from it and y'all just run your lil blood pressure up.


If the person doesn't matter to YOU, neither should their opinion. People need to enact this motto.

The most sensible post I've seen on atrl in years. Y'all got way too much free time :ace:

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not me thinking she bought macy's masters KJAHLSDKFJHASDD

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I’ll just say I’m very surprised with Jk. She hasn’t backtracked with any of the statements she has made. She stands by what she says and doesn’t let anyone bully her into a corner.
Stay strong JK 

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the way Trans people existence torture  her mind constantly, love to see it, suffer *****

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When you realise how dumb she is it starts to make sense. 

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51 minutes ago, 6_INCH_HEELS said:


The point is SHE DOESN'T CARE. At this point, she's just trolling y'all. That lady don't care about none of that. And guess what, there are soooooo many people who feel the same way she does, which is why she will never be "canceled".  She's become the loud minority picking up momentum every time people overreact to her mess.

And why exactly are you trying to gotcha people with this fact? Rich white woman will remain a rich white woman? It’s not edgy to *welp* at the oppressor :rip:

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30 minutes ago, Raver said:

I’ll just say I’m very surprised with Jk. She hasn’t backtracked with any of the statements she has made. She stands by what she says and doesn’t let anyone bully her into a corner.
Stay strong JK 

A mess, not you also being transphobic in addition to thinking drag queens are corrupting children :deadbanana4:

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Seriously, what is it with this woman? Does she have nothing else to do with her time?
I hate this insufferable hag

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disgusting TERF 

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15 minutes ago, Headlock said:

And why exactly are you trying to gotcha people with this fact? Rich white woman will remain a rich white woman? It’s not edgy to *welp* at the oppressor :rip:


What are y'all accomplishing? It's like people who complain all the time, but do nothing to change the circumstances of the complaint. The point IS, and it shouldn't have to be said, that social currency is the only thing people can take from J.K. but y'all break your backs running to give it to her. Honestly, after they threatened to murder and rape her, I wouldn't back down either. For J.K., and this is simply my opinion, it's the principle. She knows she going to get an adverse reaction. Social currency.  And whenever she makes a move, y'all can't help yourselves. It's like being mad at conservatives. Um, you're not their base. They don't care if you're mad. You're just mad and giving them social currency to the people who agree with them, but were maybe ignorant about their platform.


That's why social media "activism" accomplishes nothing in the end. At this point, y'all are just promoting her platform even more.

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They are both sick in the head. The f**king obsession…

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1 hour ago, Cloudy said:

I just can't :skull:



Is Oli London transgender now? I thought he/they/she/kor/ean was just "transracial." Wtf when did that happen? Still a clown though.


Also, I thought the whole JK being a trans bigot thing was blown out of proportion but not anymore. This woman is literally making it her new life's work to go after transwomen. Wtf is her problem?

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