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Why do people think Comic-book Fatigue is happening right now?


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Even tho the last 3 most recent Comic book movies are still some of the biggest films of the decade?  TheBatman, Docter Strange, & Spider-Man NWH. Morbius may have flopped but was still a viral meme for months. With superheroes Films & Tv shows becoming more over-Saturated then ever before, do you think the Bubble will burst? Many critics felt this way for years, but have been been proven wrong time and time again due to Marvel’s continuing success? Do you feel we need more Quality over Quantity? Are you satisfied with the state of Super-Hero content?! Is Comicbook Fatigue still not effecting Disney/WB? 

Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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I think it might be finally kicking in, the movies will be doing good numbers for a bit but the MCU is spreading itself too thin and once they go down it will be the end.

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At this point, I'm actually rooting for it to happen if only to punish Disney's greed and complacency. Releasing 6986986698 mostly uninspiring Marvel and Star Wars series for no other purpose than $$$

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I don't think fatigue is setting in yet. Dr Strange damn near made 1B, but the movie wasn't that good. 

I don't think the audience is tired, but the current superhero movies aren't good quality right now.

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I think in terms of the MCU the D+ stuff is just too much content. I'm a casual fan but I haven't even watched Moon Knight or Ms Marvel yet. 


In terms of box office I think having no China is making the #s look less than they could be but films are still doing good. Honestly the whole billion or flop mentality was stupid. 

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I think that Disney/marvel as a whole are taking critiques very seriously. They know it’s their cash cow right now and are doing their best to keep viewers interested. Dr. Strange MoM wasn’t bad per say, it just needed an extra hour or two of film to really sell it (or to just be a series). 

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