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Brittney Griner Gets 9 Years in Russia: Justin Bieber "This hurts"


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Brittney Griner has remained in Russian detention since February when she was arrested for allegedly having cannabis vape cartridges in her luggage, Russian customs officials said.


Her letter to Biden:


… as I sit here in a Russian prison, alone with my thoughts and without the protection of my wife, family, friends, Olympic jersey, or any accomplishments, I’m terrified I might be here forever



“On the 4th of July, our family normally honors the service of those who fought for our freedom, including my father who is a Vietnam War Veteran. It hurts thinking about how I usually celebrate this day because freedom means something completely different to me this year



“I realize you are dealing with so much, but please don’t forget about me and the other American Detainees. Please do all you can to bring us home. I voted for the first time in 2020 and I voted for you. I believe in you. I still have so much good to do with my freedom that you can help restore. I miss my wife! I miss my family! I miss my teammates! It kills me to know they are suffering so much right now. I am grateful for whatever you can do at this moment to get me home.”



Griner, 31, was arrested and accused of possession of vape cartridges containing cannabis oil at a Moscow airport in February, during the lead-up to Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine later that month. Maria Blagovolina, a lawyer for the Russian firm representing Griner, argued that the basketball star did not use marijuana while in Russia. Her defense team has maintained that Griner mistakenly packed the cartridges and that she was prescribed medical marijuana by a doctor for pain treatment.


During closing arguments earlier in the day, Russian prosecutors asked for the two-time U.S. Olympic gold medalist to be sentenced to 9.5 years in a penal colony, according to Tass, the Russian state-run news agency.







Edited by AlanRickman1946
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And what’s the US supposed to do? Go to war for a few Americans? No one told her to do to Russia with weed.

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9 minutes ago, Tropez said:

And what’s the US supposed to do? Go to war for a few Americans? No one told her to do to Russia with weed.

APRIL 22: Reed was convicted in Russia in 2019 of endangering the lives of two police officers while drunk on a visit to Moscow. The United States called his trial a "theater of the absurd."

U.S. officials said Biden commuted the sentence of Yaroshenko, a Russian pilot who was arrested by American special forces in Liberia in 2010 and convicted for conspiracy to smuggle cocaine into the United States. Russia had proposed a prisoner swap for Yaroshenko in July 2019 in exchange for the release of any American.


Reed was released as part of  a prison swap

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5 minutes ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

APRIL 22: Reed was convicted in Russia in 2019 of endangering the lives of two police officers while drunk on a visit to Moscow. The United States called his trial a "theater of the absurd."

U.S. officials said Biden commuted the sentence of Yaroshenko, a Russian pilot who was arrested by American special forces in Liberia in 2010 and convicted for conspiracy to smuggle cocaine into the United States. Russia had proposed a prisoner swap for Yaroshenko in July 2019 in exchange for the release of any American.


Reed was released as part of  a prison swap

She’s clearly still in jail. 

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37 minutes ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

APRIL 22: Reed was convicted in Russia in 2019 of endangering the lives of two police officers while drunk on a visit to Moscow. The United States called his trial a "theater of the absurd."

U.S. officials said Biden commuted the sentence of Yaroshenko, a Russian pilot who was arrested by American special forces in Liberia in 2010 and convicted for conspiracy to smuggle cocaine into the United States. Russia had proposed a prisoner swap for Yaroshenko in July 2019 in exchange for the release of any American.


Reed was released as part of  a prison swap

except now Russia is in a war and punishing the U.S - you bet Russia is going to ask for something ridiculous to hand her over.

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52 minutes ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

APRIL 22: Reed was convicted in Russia in 2019 of endangering the lives of two police officers while drunk on a visit to Moscow. The United States called his trial a "theater of the absurd."

U.S. officials said Biden commuted the sentence of Yaroshenko, a Russian pilot who was arrested by American special forces in Liberia in 2010 and convicted for conspiracy to smuggle cocaine into the United States. Russia had proposed a prisoner swap for Yaroshenko in July 2019 in exchange for the release of any American.


Reed was released as part of  a prison swap

Yeah let’s swap out the guy trying to smuggle cocaine into the country over the basketball player who really shouldn’t have brought weed into one of the strictest countries. 

It’s a rough situation, but sometimes… we have to face the consequences of our actions..

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11 hours ago, D e v o n said:

Yeah let’s swap out the guy trying to smuggle cocaine into the country over the basketball player who really shouldn’t have brought weed into one of the strictest countries. 

It’s a rough situation, but sometimes… we have to face the consequences of our actions..

The cocaine smuggler was Russian. The one convicted of assaulting the police officer was American.


I think assaulting a police officer in Russia is a worse crime than bringing some weed oil into Russia.

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18 hours ago, AlanRickman1946 said:

I voted for the first time in 2020 and I voted for you.

So she was cool with Trump at the start? :gaycat6:

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  • 5 weeks later...

Griner, 31, was arrested and accused of possession of vape cartridges containing cannabis oil at a Moscow airport in February, during the lead-up to Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine later that month. Maria Blagovolina, a lawyer for the Russian firm representing Griner, argued that the basketball star did not use marijuana while in Russia. Her defense team has maintained that Griner mistakenly packed the cartridges and that she was prescribed medical marijuana by a doctor for pain treatment.




During closing arguments earlier in the day, Russian prosecutors asked for the two-time U.S. Olympic gold medalist to be sentenced to 9.5 years in a penal colony, according to Tass, the Russian state-run news agency.



Edited by AlanRickman1946
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that's horrible, nobody should be locked up over some weed anywhere in the world. it's really messed up, i hope the US government tries to get her out somehow.


with that being said, how many times does sh*t like this have to happen before people learn not to mess with foreign countries' laws? :rip: i'm lowkey getting tired of these stories about North Americans and Europeans getting prison time in Middle East/Russia/North Korea/whatever authoritarian regime... you know what these regimes are like, stop acting brand new 

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i thought she was just being held because of sanctions, she actually did it? no sympathy then, actions have consequences

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Harsh sentence but it’s Russia’s law. This is an important lesson learned to read up on the laws for whatever country you’re traveling to. I read that Russia is willing to trade for an arms dealer. Lol. Good luck with that. The US isn’t going to trade that over for a celebrity.

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Why is she more important than the thousands of people who are in jail in the US for the same reason? Sorry for my ignorance but something doesn't make sense to me here. :mandown:

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19 minutes ago, ToMmY said:

Why is she more important than the thousands of people who are in jail in the US for the same reason? Sorry for my ignorance but something doesn't make sense to me here. :mandown:

Are they sentenced to prison for 9 years for possessing 0.7 grams of hash oil which was medically prescribed? I feel like people using this line are just looking for a reason to justify the lack of empathy for whatever reason. Its sad that anybody is in jail at all for weed. 


FYI, most first offenders caught with less than 10 g get fines, and its legal in many states. Unless youre in Alabama or an equally strict state, 10 years is practically unheard of for the amount she had. 

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how ******* stupid do you have to be to fly anywhere, but even more so russia with weed? :deadbanana:

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7 minutes ago, Nicolette said:

Are they sentenced to prison for 9 years for possessing 0.7 grams of hash oil which was medically prescribed? I feel like people using this line are just looking for a reason to justify the lack of empathy for whatever reason. Its sad that anybody is in jail at all for weed. 


FYI, most first offenders caught with less than 10 g get fines, and its legal in many states. Unless youre in Alabama or an equally strict state, 10 years is practically unheard of for the amount she had. 

I don't know, that's why I said sorry for my ignorance. I think weed should be legal everywhere, but the reality is it isn't and acting like it is (medically prescribed or not) in a foreign country like Russia (!!!) was kind of dumb of her, especially considering she's 31, not just a dumb teen.

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