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Which country will be The World's Next Top Leader?


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There has been several countries/empires that have been so powerful they were considered leaders of the world, for example: Rome, Chinese Empire, Britain and currently The United States.


Who's next? Is USA here to stay? Or their current decline in politics/law means another country will snatch its crown soon?

Edited by TROPICUM
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Who would replace the US? 

 The Russians are flaming out as we speak, the Chinese have very few friends and very many enemies, the Europeans are too disunified, and there’s no one left. 

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China has already replaced her economically, about to socially.


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China and/or India ?

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China will hit it's wall and HARD in the next 10 years, so not ha.


I'm rooting for a new, mysterious breakaway gurl, someone that fought their way up from the bottom.

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The way I read this in Tyra's voice :rip:

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China and India undoubtedly.


China is still a developing country and it's about to surpass the US. Imagine the gap when it will fully develop. 


That's why, imo, countries with such big populations shouldn't exist to begin with. 

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China will probably overtake USA but I don’t think they will ever have the hegemony that USA had. The days of one world power are over (also they very much lack soft power due to censorship).

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I don't think so.


At least not culturally. The US is still the main girl when it comes to celebrities, movies, TV Shows, restaurant chains, etc.

I don't see another country reaching global appeal like this.

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China and India have too few friends. America and her girlies (Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea) will run the world for the foreseeable future.

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Ideally there are no longer superpowers because many countries have developed and achieved the power with that.  I think there will be a balance of major powers in the next century.  China and the US will be significant.  The EU could take that role if they get their act together.  India and Russia also might be players if they don’t crumble on themselves.  

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The EU will collapse honestly they are not unified at all and I predict European countries in the future will start being independent one by one slowly. 

China will hit a wall there one child policy that lasted decades will effect them in the future and overly strict rules and laws is already effecting the general population as a whole negatively and the gp is simply starting to protest a bit already. 

India has a chance but they need to make more friends internationally. 

America is here to stay despite its mess it’s actually far more stable then other major countries.

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Every empire falls. It took Venice 400 years to be overtaken as a superpower. Venice reinvented herself as top tourist destination so I think US will reinvent itself into a different kind of superpower once they lose political and cultural power 

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the main issue on becoming next superpower is military department, economic is flash in a pan at best and alliance is clout-chasing term.


the current closest one is russia if they win the war, china/NK will support on that condition and EU/UK/USA will be crumbled.


but i dont see it as they continue to be joke, keep failing multiple dominant/tasks, losing resources and embarrassing the world as day goes by.


india/south america are too tamed and weak in all aspects, middle east is not united at all and weak military, EU lol.


why not china? smoke and mirror and weaken trade from pandemic. miss USA remains that girl for now. :fish: 

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9 hours ago, wastedpotential said:

Who would replace the US? 

 The Russians are flaming out as we speak, the Chinese have very few friends and very many enemies, the Europeans are too disunified, and there’s no one left. 

Even the British Army Chief said that the US and UK would be outnumbered if a conflict happened.

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