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How Young Avengers Disney+ Series Could work


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Marvel Studios Young Avengers as a 9 episode/Hour Long Events exclusively on Disney+. Several Super-Human Teenagers must ban together in this Coming of Age Epic. The original Main Avengers are Decommissioned, Dead, Retired, or Zombies. The teens must face thier insecurities and save their Earth’s Mightiest Hero’s in order to stop a Spreading Zombie Apocalypse. 

Episode 1: Children’s Crusade 


-Cassie Lang (Antman’s Daughter) attempts to save her father after the events of Antman 3. As Scott sacrificed himself to close the Quantum Realm. Failing to save him from being lost, she calls for Docter strange to use his Portal to enter. However Strange is off earth, but America Chavez can enter the Quantum realm with her powers. They quickly realize that the realm is to vast to find him so they return to earth. However, Cassie was carrying a Zombie Virus unknowingly. New York City goes on lock down as Zombies begin rising from the earth. humans start creating Conspiracy theories and hysteria spread nationwide. The Girls try to contact help from the other Avengers, but realize that most of the avengers are off planet or out of commission, except Hawkeye. America, Hawkeye & Kate bishop quarantine Cassie and divise a plan to find a cure… from the multiverse. 
- Eli Bradley (Patriot) is running from Zombies on his way home from basketball practice. Entering to find his grandfather fighting until bitten. Slowing losing sanity and turning, his grandfather ushers him to be a hero for his people, then bites him. Since his father has the super solider serum, the bite enhances Eli instead of turning him. With new found Power, he believes he can do good and fight off the zombies himself. 
-Episode ends with America Opening star portal into the Quantum Realm.

Episode 2: Speed


-Zombies break into Pym Labs as America opens the portal. Hawkeye fights them off but gets overwhelmed as hundreds rush in. Hawkeye tells Kate to find Scott so they can find a cure for Cassie. Hawkeye takes on the zombies with dozens of special arrows, staying behind to protect Cassie’s body. Kate and America jump through.

-Patriot finds kids from his school being chased by a horde. Without hesitation, he distracts the zombies and starts brawling. but is quickly getting overwhelm. Captain America (Sam Wilson) flys down and helps defeat them. Telling the kid he needs to get to safety and let the authorities handle this. They argue about the necessity of police vs. Superhero morality and vigilantism. Sam flies off to save the rest of the city, while Patriot questions if he is ready to take on responsibility. 
-America & Kate jumped into a suburban setting, similar to Wandavision. Where the characters are all sitcom and over-exaggerated. America realizes that they are in a reality where Wanda never took down her Hex from Wandavision. Since they are in the Quantum realm Feality and time behaves differently, making this possible and unknown to wanda herself. As they look around they meet a teenage Speed. Wondering why they are in his house. 

episode 3: Wiccan 


Wanda comes down the stairs in another comic accurate attire. America is afraid, but this Wanda is good and doesn’t know who she is. Kate explains, but Wanda won’t let her kids help. As Wiccan is the most powerful being in this universe. Afraid to lose her child, she refuses and begins to cast a spell to kick them out. However Speed believes the girls are in serious need and speeds them away. He agrees to introduce them to his brother and have him use his powers to stop the zombie apocalypse in there universe. But they must move fast, as Wanda is searching for them. 
-Patriot decides to prove Sam wrong, and begins to train by fighting Zombies in his highschool. while leading survivors teens and building a milita to fight back. Using street smarts , and leadership tatics they start to raid police stations and D.O.D.C outpost for Stark weaponry.
- America, Speed and Kate find teenage Tommy(Wiccan). Episode ends with him warping reality, by “changing the Channel”. Turning Wanda’s sitcom world into a reality tv show. 


Episode 4: Teen Drama


-episode opens up back in Wanda’s house, but as a Real World MTV show. Wanda argues about the kids leaving the house after curfew, Billy storms to his room and smokes a cigarette, Kate & America talk to the Camera about the family drama. Wiccan directs and questions if he should help the newcomers or keep the show rolling.

-Eli and his rag tag team of teen survivors continue raiding Goverment outpost and stations until they find Stark Tech to help fight off the Zombies. He finally finds a new outpost full of Prototype Ironman Police Bots. Zombies break into the outpost and start devouring the teens. As of up to this point, Eli only had to knock out the zombies. But remember his Grandfather dying, and these teens being slaughtered awakens his rage. But before he can kill the zombies Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D break in and paralyze the zombie hordes. Out of the mist steps Nick Fury and Hulkling. Nick Fury tells him this section of the city are humans infected by the Z virus, not the original zombies spreading it around. Patriot and Hulkling debate on self-defense vs. survival. Nick Fury is suprise bitten and turns into a Skrull Zombie. Hulkling hulks out and teams up with The Agents and Eli against the next wave of zombies. 
-the episode ends with Wiccan stopping the reality show and telling them that his magic may not be as powerful in thier univerese. But he will help try to cure Cassie. America opens a portal and the young avengers return to Pym Labs to help Hawkeye fight. 

Episode 5: Not Sidekicks


-Hulkling & Patriot defeat the zombie wave and begin to bond over thier favortie type of shoes. After Patriots are busted, Hulkling informs him of Skrulls and S.W.O.R.D being the new moniker of Shield. They both idolize Avengers but in different ways. Hulkling informs him of the resources S.W.O.R.D outpost have that may help battle the Zombies until the A list avengers intervene. They head off to equip, and Patriot ask how Hulking got hulk’s power. He said blood transfusion, Patriot says same. 

-Hawkeye’s arrows and Barriers are running out. The young Avengers arrive and help fight off the Zombies. Wiccan isn’t as powerful, and used all his will to help cure Cassie. Hawkeye is angered they didn’t find Antman and used thier trump card just to heal one kid. Hawkeye orders them to stay in the labs, while he contacts other avengers. Kate plots to escape via America to re-enter the multiverse and find a cure. Speed and Cassie thinks it’s risky, but it’s the only way to cure all those effected. Hawkeye has no luck reach Captain Marvel or Nick Fury but Bruce Banner picks up. He turns around to find the kids gone. Cassie shrinks everyone, and they crawl under a zombie bodies. America punches a portal to a universe where a cure exist…. A future where Kang is Ironman. episode Ends with ironclad’s introduction. 

Episode 6: Disassemble


-The young Avengers are in a future verse where Ironclad is hailed as supreme hero. Ironclad is a Kang Variant/Ironman variant. The Young Avengers enter his castle requesting his help. He is however, very arrogant and Cocky.  Kate and Cassie believe they don’t need him, but America, Speed and Wiccan disagree. Ironclad refuses and sends a legion of Ironman bots to attack them. Speed out blitz them all and captures ironclad. He tries to self-destruct telling them his death is irrelevant, for he will survive the explosion and kidnap America to travel the Multiverse and tourture them in every universe. He explodes tho, Wiccan contains it, and looks through his mind. This is when Cassie realizes he is Kang. Cassie Grows to a giant and steps on him. As the kids argue about the events, America suggests that she finds another Kang ironclad, but good and less arrogant. They continue to Argue over who should Lead. Kate calms everyone down and gets them to focus on the mission. America punches her, opening a portal to another universe where ironclad exist 

-Patriot and Hulkling continue to Bond over the fact they are both soldiers on different ends of the Hero Spectrum. They find comic accurate Gear. Patriot begins to feel weak and can feel the need for human flesh. Hulking theorize that the bite his grandfather gave him is very slowly turning him into a zombie, and the SS serum is combating it. Half of Patriots brain wants to taste Hulkling’s gamma filled flesh. They begin to fight, while Hulkling yells at him to control it. Episode 6 ends with Patriot biting Hulkling.


Episode 7: Kid’s Say The Dumbest Thing


-Hulkling Sprouts wings and begins to mutate. His muscles grow even bigger and he knocks Patriot out of the building. Hulkling flies down and dives bomb Patriot into the cement. The zombie virus reacts different to gamma radiation. Patriot struggles to stand, and uses a broken stop sign as a shield. A zombie horde circles around the enraged Zombie Hulkling & Patriot.

- the Young Avengers arrive in at the edge of the universe where the penultimate episode of Loki occurred. They are greeted by Kid Loki holding Alligator Loki. Wiccan recognizes he manipulates magic as well. Kate explains they need a powerful magic source or way to find a genius to develop a cure. Kid Loki mocks the kids for being way out of thier leauge and foolishly messing with timelines. Kid Loki sends an magical assault on the kids but is defeated by Speed and Wiccan. Loki gives up and tells them he was only manipulative so he could escape this universe. For it’s slowly being destroyed by an incursion due to Sylvie killing Kang. Kate agrees to let him join only if he had useful information to stop a zombie apocalypse. Wiccan theorizes that maybe unlike him, Kid Loki’s healing power may be amplified in the 616. Cassie reminds them they are short on time. The team agree and continue looking for Iron Lad. 
-Episode ends with Patriot bleeding out and losing motor senses. Mumbling “I Am a Aveng…” when suddenly Captain America’s original shield slices through the horde and Eli catches it. Staring at Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner and Hawkeye diving into action.


Episode 8: Prodigy


-Sam, Hulk, and Hawkeye lay waste to the zombie Hordes around the outpost. Hulk Subdues Hulkling, and Hawkeye injects Patriot with the last vial of updated SS serum. (Used by John Walker and TFWS soldiers). Hulkling and Patriot wake up in the Pym Labs and are updated by Sam on the situation. 40% of New York City is now mutating into zombies. Without Antman or Tony stark, there is no time to develop a cure. Sam struggles with the Presidents decision of terminating the entire city by bombing. Patriot argues that it isn’t right, there is no sure way that some human survivors have turn. The Military sends bombers to New York City. 
-The young Avengers find Ironlad, still arrogant but willing to help the hero’s. America punches a portal back to Pym labs. All of the young avengers meet and are updated quickly of the situation. The USA military sends forces to wipe out the city but are infected as well. Cassie figures that the virus is mutating to become airborne and they can’t leave the lab or they all will be exposed. The zombie hordes grow faster, and we get quick cameos of Spider-Man swinging and turning to it a Zombie Man-Spider. Ironlad believes his suit is beyond this universes and flys out to stop the Bomber. Sam & Speed chase after the him. Wiccan and Loki place magic spell barriers around him and the other young avengers. As Hulk, Kate and Hulkling defend Pym Labs. America punches Cassie into the Quantum universe where Antman is where they can find a cure. 


Episode 9: New Game 


-the episode climaxes with Ironlad & Sam stoppping the bomber plane, speed Evacuating survivors, Kate & Hulks fighting zombie swarms. Wiccan and kid loki hold hands to preform a ritual to enhance thier power. Paul Rudd cameos telling his daughter that he is stuck in a time loop and leaving would cause a incursion to the 616. Leaving her a hint that the cure is quantum. The matter that makes up everything in this microverse. Cassie uses her shrink ability to mold the atmosphere into her palm. Jumping through the star portal with the cure. 
-the season ends with speed administering vaccine shots. As Wiccan uses his magic to keep the quantum supply “refilling”. Loki makes Hundreds of clones to help. Kate & Cassie talk about forming a mini-Avengers unit. The other young avengers are giving booster shots in thier own quirky ways. The episode ends once Cassie finds that one of the patients blood wasn’t infected. In fact they weren’t human, but already a Mutant. 
-End Credits Agatha has a zombie locked in her basement, Wanda appears behind her and comments on her kids being back

-2nd end credit scene is of all the young avengers eating Pizza with Kate Bishop’s dog. The Young Avengers will Return In Avengers Secret Wars Part 1.


Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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wait has this not come out yet? how do you have spoilers of all the episodes :deadbanana4:

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4 minutes ago, Smarticle said:

wait has this not come out yet? how do you have spoilers of all the episodes :deadbanana4:

I made all this up :lmao:tho I do think this format works better then a 2 hour movie

Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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1 minute ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

I made all this up :lmao:

Maybe list this as a fan theory/fan concept? ☠️

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1 minute ago, GraceRandolph said:

Maybe list this as a fan theory/fan concept? ☠️

I did. The title says how a Young avengers series works 

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4 minutes ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

I did. The title says how a Young avengers series works 

I think you’re looking for “ How YA Series Could Work” 



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4 minutes ago, WeFoundTrouble said:

I think you’re looking for “ How YA Series Could Work” 



Oh I’ll fix that 

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i honestly think they'd go for a children's crusade movie it makes the most sense

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6 hours ago, Gorjesspazze9 said:

Hulkling & Patriot defeat the zombie wave and begin to bond over thier favortie type of shoes


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