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Macy Gray transphobic interview


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14 hours ago, FreeXone said:

Watch her interview in full. She was still supportive of trans women. She is right we will never be cis women...but thats the beauty of our experience. We are trans. As long as you respect my gender identity thats all I ask. 


I as a trans woman though do not feel we have a seat at the table when it comes to womans reproductive rights or women issues pertaining to their body. I feel it is for ciswomen/and or trans men to decide. Those who are born biological women. All I can do is support and rally for what women want to do with their bodies. 


As far as sports I dont think so either. Only way I think is if a trans women started hormones at like age 11 or something. But biology is still biology. I dont think macy is transphobic. 


but still, her saying that in this day and age (as a famous figure) just pushes for more transphobia and normalization of it

JKR literally supported her, that alone will cause Many to think that Macy is just as bad as she is

I mean..Macy literally went to Piers Morgan for an interview..

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Every other day someone is trying to invalid who I am as a person. It’s so frustrating and exhausting 

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6 hours ago, FreeXone said:

All I am reading is a bunch of sollioquies. 

Yes we are women but not all are like the other. There are some trans women who do not even take HRT or get surgeries so biology still plays a part. 


I dont think Macy is transphobic but she like many women due to roe vs wade especiallt values womanhood a lot right now so the outspoken to trans is expected because to some we are redefnifing them. Women feel under attack and undervalued. But do I think Macy wants trans rights taken away or would she misgender or be disrespectful. No. Just babbling. 


I like the open diogue it is needed honestly. Many many many people feel the way Macy does even those in the lgbt. 



She. Literally. Went. On. A. Well. Known. International. Hatemonger's. Show. To. Give. Her. Views.


If mine are soliloquy, hers is a public announcement, lmao.


No one has ever said a singular thing about whether trans women had surgery or aren't on hormones. There are cisgender women with irregular testosterone rates and masculine appearances, it's all irrelevant on its face. Once again, the distinction is to DEHUMANIZE and OTHER, if you can see it for when lesbian women were persona non grata among straight women decades ago wholly due to their hormone levels and physical appearances, you cannot fail to grasp it when it comes to trans women going about day to day life. Trans women who participate in athletics are already abnormal, just like cisgender female athlethes: they are not comparable to the average woman in the first place, much less the average American woman.




Funny, the macy grays didn't value womanhood when they decided to adopt comfort wear in terms of wearing pants and sweats. Back in the good ole days, pants and sweats were considered masculine and unladylike. Women were to wear dresses and skirts but suddenly that womanhood is obsolete because it would be inconvenient and bigoted to tell women what to present as but suddenly womanhood is a concern when the rightwingers WHO THEY AGREE WITH are coming for bodily autonomy, something EVERYONE IS AFFECTED BY just like when they had laws about what women could dress as.


It is not out of a need to preserve womanhood because her opinions are those of a conservative male. Women are highly prone to misogyny and even being more likely to treat each other harsher than they would a man. This idea that cisgender women are any authorities on womanhood when they are PARTICIANTS not rule makers is pedestalling and something one must avoid for a society built away from doing unnecessary harm. This defense for cis women is just as valid as a defense for cisgender men who consider gay men an affront to manhood even though they too said they respected gay men.



She and many people are idiots, this is nothing new or foreign. Many white people believe she shouldn't even be allowed to be considered human but they aren't given any credence. Many men and women consider her comfort wear sloppy and unladylike but their opinions aren't given any credence. Society has believers that black people are violent and to be surveilled but their opinions aren't given any credence. Why should her or the opinions of other ciswomen be given credence? Is this a special pleading case?



5 hours ago, Gaia said:

These arguments are always a little confusing to me. 

On one hand you’re saying no one has ever argued trans women are biological women but then going and saying no one should view trans women as separate?

The reason why so many people refuse to get on board with accepting trans people is this forced concept of black and white e.g. “trans women are women. PERIOD.” As issue as complex isn’t black and white. There’s a lot of grey. 

For example abortion rights. Trans women are not affected the way biological women are because they are biologically incapable of getting pregnant. So for some (not all) biological women, it is dismissive to equate them when trans women and cis women do not face the same struggles. Trans women did not lose their bodily rights like cis women did. That being said, trans women also face their own struggles.

Maybe it’s just me, but you can view a trans women as women but still think there’s a distinction between trans women and cis women WITHOUT being transphobic and AGAINST trans women. Forcing a black and white view point will be what causes this division to stay put. 


Oh, ffs, biology is a wildly contested and constantly refurbushed set of knowledge. No one in day to day life is even a fraction as accurate as they need to be to use biology as a marker for identity.


Women are more than biology, you and people like you who try to weigh and parcel a social construct like a made up term about an identity are literally closer to eugenicists than anything else. Biology is not something we check each other for as we go about our day. This is a warping of human interaction solely to radicalize and weaponize benign human life. You, ciswomen, cismen, transwomen, transmen, me, NONE of us are going about testing the biology of each other before we socialize and it would be abnormal if we were.


We should all be voicing our disdain for assaults on bodily autonomy, women's rights are society's rights and affects everyone. What you're advocating for is the lessening of voices of dissent because of one's identity, which is literally how divide and conquer works, something the people against abortion regularly employ. Trans women don't need to have an abortion to support a woman's right, infertile women don't need to have an abortion to support abortion rights, cismen don't need to have an abortion to support abortion rights.

We know trans women and ciswomen are different, WE USE THE TERMS FOR THAT REASON. You're like the kid that approaches the sandpit and makes distinctions between the shovel and the pail; we're literally playing at recess. We know which is which. She's engaging in transphobia by trying to qualify what womanhood is by categorizing trans women by biology, like it isn't something you'll find disagreements on even among the people who agree with her. No one gives af about one's arbitrary standards for a gender expression it's when you start telling people what they can and can't do because of their gender expression is when things stop being opinions and enters bigotry. Differences are fine, employing institutional separation because xyz immutable thing I find disqualifying is when the water starts stinking something fierce.


Her existence isn't in some vortex where she reigns supreme, she lives with others and when she voices what she thinks, she's gonna get back what others think, we all do and if your womanhood is threatened because people can say their piece, your views are best kept inside your head. The wonderful economy of opinions.

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1 hour ago, Rev8 said:


but still, her saying that in this day and age (as a famous figure) just pushes for more transphobia and normalization of it

JKR literally supported her, that alone will cause Many to think that Macy is just as bad as she is

I mean..Macy literally went to Piers Morgan for an interview..

JK is sinsiter and wants trans rights removed and hrt treatment and other things haulted. Macy while ignorant still  seems to support trans people. She just feels they are not the same as cis gender women which I mean we arent. Piers and JK are sinsiter, macy fell for the trap. It almost seemed like piers was feeding.


MACY like Bette is basically where most pepple who are TOLERABLE of trans are. They arent fully accepting because they atill dont think Trans Women are women. But they empathize and honor their wishes. Thats all I ask for. You dont gotta fully agree but dont impead on my rifhts or disrespect me. However you feel about it personally is your own right.  


This is why we keep bumping with people and drive people to the right. Tolerance is a starting ground stop labeling everyone transphobic and trying to cancel them. Instead help them grow and meet them in the middle. If you are at least not going against my rights and honoring who i wanna be then lets talk and make dialogue. Macy has been a supporter of LGBT . So she isnt necessarily a enemy. Just misguided a bit. Trust me MANY WOMEN ARE they just arent vocal. 

Edited by FreeXone
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3 hours ago, *.Digambar.* said:

I love it when transphobes 'respect' us but invalid us at the same time. We as transwomen know that we are not cis. The fact that they always bring it up, it's like why? To invalidate our womanhood is more than likely. Harping on that does nothing but give ammunition to terfs and transphobes and it comes from a bad place. Like okay, we didn't say we are ciswomen, we are women. End of. 

The reason people 'bring it up' is because the legislation the trans movement is pushing for holds negative consequences for certain groups of cis women (ie. cis women in prison), sex-segregated shelters, and gay and gender non-conforming kids who are increasingly pushed into medical transition at an early age which renders them infertile as adults. Some people have a problem with those negative aspects of the legislation that is being advocated. That's 'why.'

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10 hours ago, RunUpDoneUp said:



She. Literally. Went. On. A. Well. Known. International. Hatemonger's. Show. To. Give. Her. Views.


If mine are soliloquy, hers is a public announcement, lmao.


No one has ever said a singular thing about whether trans women had surgery or aren't on hormones. There are cisgender women with irregular testosterone rates and masculine appearances, it's all irrelevant on its face. Once again, the distinction is to DEHUMANIZE and OTHER, if you can see it for when lesbian women were persona non grata among straight women decades ago wholly due to their hormone levels and physical appearances, you cannot fail to grasp it when it comes to trans women going about day to day life. Trans women who participate in athletics are already abnormal, just like cisgender female athlethes: they are not comparable to the average woman in the first place, much less the average American woman.




Funny, the macy grays didn't value womanhood when they decided to adopt comfort wear in terms of wearing pants and sweats. Back in the good ole days, pants and sweats were considered masculine and unladylike. Women were to wear dresses and skirts but suddenly that womanhood is obsolete because it would be inconvenient and bigoted to tell women what to present as but suddenly womanhood is a concern when the rightwingers WHO THEY AGREE WITH are coming for bodily autonomy, something EVERYONE IS AFFECTED BY just like when they had laws about what women could dress as.


It is not out of a need to preserve womanhood because her opinions are those of a conservative male. Women are highly prone to misogyny and even being more likely to treat each other harsher than they would a man. This idea that cisgender women are any authorities on womanhood when they are PARTICIANTS not rule makers is pedestalling and something one must avoid for a society built away from doing unnecessary harm. This defense for cis women is just as valid as a defense for cisgender men who consider gay men an affront to manhood even though they too said they respected gay men.



She and many people are idiots, this is nothing new or foreign. Many white people believe she shouldn't even be allowed to be considered human but they aren't given any credence. Many men and women consider her comfort wear sloppy and unladylike but their opinions aren't given any credence. Society has believers that black people are violent and to be surveilled but their opinions aren't given any credence. Why should her or the opinions of other ciswomen be given credence? Is this a special pleading case?




Oh, ffs, biology is a wildly contested and constantly refurbushed set of knowledge. No one in day to day life is even a fraction as accurate as they need to be to use biology as a marker for identity.


Women are more than biology, you and people like you who try to weigh and parcel a social construct like a made up term about an identity are literally closer to eugenicists than anything else. Biology is not something we check each other for as we go about our day. This is a warping of human interaction solely to radicalize and weaponize benign human life. You, ciswomen, cismen, transwomen, transmen, me, NONE of us are going about testing the biology of each other before we socialize and it would be abnormal if we were.


We should all be voicing our disdain for assaults on bodily autonomy, women's rights are society's rights and affects everyone. What you're advocating for is the lessening of voices of dissent because of one's identity, which is literally how divide and conquer works, something the people against abortion regularly employ. Trans women don't need to have an abortion to support a woman's right, infertile women don't need to have an abortion to support abortion rights, cismen don't need to have an abortion to support abortion rights.

We know trans women and ciswomen are different, WE USE THE TERMS FOR THAT REASON. You're like the kid that approaches the sandpit and makes distinctions between the shovel and the pail; we're literally playing at recess. We know which is which. She's engaging in transphobia by trying to qualify what womanhood is by categorizing trans women by biology, like it isn't something you'll find disagreements on even among the people who agree with her. No one gives af about one's arbitrary standards for a gender expression it's when you start telling people what they can and can't do because of their gender expression is when things stop being opinions and enters bigotry. Differences are fine, employing institutional separation because xyz immutable thing I find disqualifying is when the water starts stinking something fierce.


Her existence isn't in some vortex where she reigns supreme, she lives with others and when she voices what she thinks, she's gonna get back what others think, we all do and if your womanhood is threatened because people can say their piece, your views are best kept inside your head. The wonderful economy of opinions.

I hate to quote an essay but all I am going to say is cis women right now are in a sensitive spot. We dont need to be canceling them. It will breed more of the ones on the fence or in the middle to veer all the way right. Right now they are feeling erased and trans women right now add to the pressure on them (not that it is right) but they honsestly feel like they are being replaced by trans women and trans men so we need open dialogue to explain to them this isnt true. 


You dont need to give them any push to fall into the mentality of nut jobs like JK rowling. There's a sect of feminist who are salivating right now on this and want to recruit more women " against the T" i.e. jk rowling.



Edited by FreeXone
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and why TF would anyone want to interview the Donald Duck of the pop world in 2022? She was over 20 years ago.

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On 7/4/2022 at 6:37 PM, RockStarShit101 said:

notice how those alt-right shows are always based on HATE!


Piers Morgan is not al-right, he is a leftist :deadbanana2:

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3 hours ago, Swag said:

Piers Morgan is not al-right, he is a leftist :deadbanana2:

What in the world? LMAAAAO:bibliahh:


Either someone lied to you several times about this man or you need to educate yourself more, sweetie. Piers is nowhere near a leftist, he is very much an alt-right Tory. He only pretends he's in favour of some things whenever it's convenient for his narrative (ie, the NHS, trans women).


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9 hours ago, GlamSlam said:


and why TF would anyone want to interview the Donald Duck of the pop world in 2022? She was over 20 years ago.


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On 7/5/2022 at 8:20 AM, bluceleste said:

I don't think stating a fact should be considered controversial.

:cm:  Especially if it opens the debate.

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8 hours ago, igninton said:

What in the world? LMAAAAO:bibliahh:


Either someone lied to you several times about this man or you need to educate yourself more, sweetie. Piers is nowhere near a leftist, he is very much an alt-right Tory. He only pretends he's in favour of some things whenever it's convenient for his narrative (ie, the NHS, trans women).


I dont follow him but Ive seen him being shredded to pieces by Ben Shapiro who is right, he was really trying to discredit Ben Shapiro in that interview so thats why I assume he is a leftist. 

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I just don't understand how these people can't understand the nuance between sex and gender. Just because someone isn't born biologically of their preferred sex, it doesn't mean they can't live their lives/reality as the person (gender) they are and want to be. A trans woman is a woman; a trans man is a man.

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5 minutes ago, Swag said:

I dont follow him but Ive seen him being shredded to pieces by Ben Shapiro who is right, he was really trying to discredit Ben Shapiro in that interview so thats why I assume he is a leftist. 

News flash ? , Right Wing can shred and not like other Right wing people love…

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12 hours ago, Swag said:

Piers Morgan is not al-right, he is a leftist :deadbanana2:

OMG :rip: 


Roses are red

Violets are blue,

Piers Morgan isn't a leftist, you fool :rip: 

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2 hours ago, Yog said:

News flash ? , Right Wing can shred and not like other Right wing people love…


2 hours ago, BobBertran1992 said:

OMG :rip: 


Roses are red

Violets are blue,

Piers Morgan isn't a leftist, you fool :rip: 

I'm right, believe me he is not right, he never advocates the key right issues and most of the time attacks them. He is center tending to left, he even says so.


The problem is current left has gone so extremely left on the scale that it makes him seem right. 



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On 7/6/2022 at 9:08 AM, awesomepossum said:

The reason people 'bring it up' is because the legislation the trans movement is pushing for holds negative consequences for certain groups of cis women (ie. cis women in prison), sex-segregated shelters, and gay and gender non-conforming kids who are increasingly pushed into medical transition at an early age which renders them infertile as adults. Some people have a problem with those negative aspects of the legislation that is being advocated. That's 'why.'


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What's shocking to me is that Macy Gray can book a TV interview in 2022. Is "I Try" that iconic? She hasn't been relevant in pop culture since her cameo in the original Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire.

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On 7/5/2022 at 11:52 AM, P.O.P said:




She was actually on Piers's show because he wanted to discuss her stance on changing the American flag to this:



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"Just because you go change your parts, doesn't make you a woman, sorry."


Oh Macy  :doc:

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22 hours ago, Protocol said:

What's shocking to me is that Macy Gray can book a TV interview in 2022. Is "I Try" that iconic? She hasn't been relevant in pop culture since her cameo in the original Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire.

I try is an amazing song wyd 

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On 7/6/2022 at 8:23 PM, Swag said:


I'm right, believe me he is not right, he never advocates the key right issues and most of the time attacks them. He is center tending to left, he even says so.


The problem is current left has gone so extremely left on the scale that it makes him seem right. 




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On 7/6/2022 at 8:23 PM, Swag said:


I'm right, believe me he is not right, he never advocates the key right issues and most of the time attacks them. He is center tending to left, he even says so.


The problem is current left has gone so extremely left on the scale that it makes him seem right. 




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On 7/6/2022 at 8:23 PM, Swag said:


I'm right, believe me he is not right, he never advocates the key right issues and most of the time attacks them. He is center tending to left, he even says so.


The problem is current left has gone so extremely left on the scale that it makes him seem right. 




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