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Did “One Night Only” killed the Hype of “30”?


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Killed the hype as if 30 was not the nest selling album of the year in 6 weeks


It only went downhill after Vegas

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If and when those Vegas dates get reannounced, they should re-release the album with another EoM classic Adele type single, a Beyoncé collab, and a more forward thinking jazztronica song. Get people hyped again in time for awards season. 

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The Vegas was, noticed that after that it was when the album started tumbling down.


But being honest, the album was never gonna be a streaming smash, not with 5 songs having such a long lengths and I think EOM being the lead was the best but at same time the worst choice. It is typical Adele but nothing on the album sounds like it.

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7 hours ago, Mike91 said:

30 had no more/less interest than any other album released by an established act in the past year or so. There were bigger expectations because of how much her other albums sold but the industry has completely changed. I just don't think anyone knew how much it had changed (not even her label). Adele was never going to be immune to it. No one is at this point. 


Streaming gives albums longevity beyond their first few weeks, post release, and 30 was just not streaming friendly. It was initially carried by strong physical sales (strong for this current market) but no one is going to stream 6 minute ballads over and over. That's what hurt it's hype.

You're absolutely spot-on. This is the main reason for "30" 's longevity struggles. Plus the fact "Oh My God" was a divisive second single choice (though I've grown to appreciate it over time). She should have picked "Cry Your Heart Out" or "I Drink Wine" instead.

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8 hours ago, Tylerbv said:

The title One Night Only is kinda funny now given how Vegas turned out

Naurrrr :ahh: I meant she did a wonderful Hyde Park, but that's in the UK

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