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Adele opens up about postponing her Vegas residency


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Not the best wording. 

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She's such a karen omg

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ATRL is so out of touch :bibliahh:

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I am utterly incredulous at the level of English comprehension in here :doc:


I know English is a second language to many of you. However, for those of you with English as your first language, I am going to need you to read slowly and make a brave attempt at reading between the lines. I understand that not everyone is an English major, but that does not excuse you from not having a fundamental grasp of  English reading comprehension. 


When she says "…you can’t buy me for nothing", she is very clearly talking about TPTB pertaining to her Vegas concerts. She is not going to go ahead with a show if it is not ready because her fans have spent so much money on tickets, not in spite of it. Do you understand the difference? I do not think some of you do.


It is called having artistic integrity and a basic level of respect for your fans. 


Quite frankly, I am appalled by the ostensible lack of intelligence in this thread. 

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She’s has a **** work ethic and her ego has gotten too big. People would’ve been happy with her standing there with a mic and black background. They come for her voice and funny personality.

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1 minute ago, Bey Admired said:

I am utterly incredulous at the level of English comprehension in here :doc:


I know English is a second language to many of you. However, for those of you with English as your first language, I am going to need you to read slowly and make a brave attempt at reading between the lines. I understand that not everyone is an English major, but that does not excuse you not having a grasp of fundamental English reading comprehension. 


When she says "…you can’t buy me for nothing", she is very clearly talking about TPTB pertaining to her Vegas concerts. She is not going to go ahead with a show if it is not ready because her fans have spent so much money on tickets, not in spite of it. Do you understand the difference? I do not think some of you do.


It is called having artistic integrity and a basic level of respect for your fans. 


Quite frankly, I am appalled by the ostensible lack of intelligence in this thread. 

But what about people who flew over?

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5 hours ago, ChapelHooker said:

I’m just gonna say… if this Vegas show isn’t some extravagant, stunning production she ain’t **** 

Right. She is setting herself up for another massive failure coz we know for a fact she is gonna sit on a chair and do nothing since that's all she is able to pull off :ahh:

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5 minutes ago, Tasty said:

But what about people who flew over?

I am sure they had a very nice couple of days in Vegas. 

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3 hours ago, Lady Claire said:

I mean she doesn’t need a huge stage with multiple dancers, LED screens and high production like other pop girls… i don’t get why she’s struggling?


Stage should’ve been like Gaga’s jazz show and that would be more than enough for the audience that usually is her target :toofunny2:

This lol


3 hours ago, orange22 said:

what she thinks she’s doing when “All I Ask” starts playing 

Coachella Beychella GIF


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Karenele at it again

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Gurl, this whole statement is a mess. If you have no idea of what you're gonna do, have no concept ready to go, then don't sell tickets for a show. But the utter disregard for people's expenses outside of tickets for a type of show where people are supposed to buy, flights, book hotels, etc... 


Also, if this was, idk, some pop act, I'd be just as harsh but might be able to understand because pop productions take time, but all her tours are just her singing and strolling around on stage a bit, and there's nothing wrong with that because that level of simplicity, of letting her kyrics and melodies do their thing is what made her music so incredibly successcful. But girls, let's not pretend it's THAT hard. Get yourself a pretty stage, arrange a setlist and perform. 



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She's so obnoxious about this. Like .. girl ... This is, in general, not rocket science - especially for a woman who simply stands there with a mic singing. What the actual ****

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Britney has set the standard too high for Vegas residency, me thinks

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Adele gurl I love you but show some remorse at least 

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6 hours ago, MotoPapi said:

She comes off so entitled and Karen-like to me.


this definitely made me dislike her and I used to be a huge fan.


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However, Adele explained, “You can’t buy me, you can’t buy me for nothing. I’m not going to just do a show because I have to or because people are going to be let down or because we’re going to lose loads of money. I’m like, ‘The show’s not good enough.’”

Then how about you do your job and what you're paid for and prepare the show in time? :rip: 

And what about all your fans who lost their money, clownery.

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This is very insensitive and out of touch... :rip:

While money may be nothing to Adele, it’s probably a lot for her fans, who lost all their hard earned money from flights/accommodation. She really keeps making it worse on her own. My opinion of her has gone so far down with this Las Vegas debacle.

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People paid money for it, just do your job or stick to singing in shower then if you don't care.

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We love you, queen. And we respect your high standards!


(well, not OAHs :oh:)

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im so confused. adele never has any spectacular shows. its literally just her a spotlight and a microphone. shes not like pink where shes floating through the theater with 50 back up dancers and huge stage props so this is kind of an odd excuse. to me, she probably realized this vegas thing wasn't something she wanted to do as she felt above doing a residency or something.

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It is hard to imagine how Adele has changed her attitude so much. It is one thing to act like that in interviews but to sabotage a whole residency seems like there is something unknown going on around her behind the scenes.

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The way she's to damage control only to back fire even more. She sound so entitled.... buying her? People buying tickets for your show so it's your job to be there. No other act even struggled like her in Vegas, even bigger acts with bigger stages and bigger shows, they did their work and were there. But she's so entitled thinking her stage with her standing and doing nothing needs more?

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If this residency actually happens she better be flying on wires a la Pink. 

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She doesn't care about the money

She doesn't seem motivated


Just retire.

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