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Is Theory/Spoiler Culture Ruining Cinema & Streaming?


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The past 2 years specifically have been riddled with theories and spoiler-Culture increasingly effecting films and tv. For example Multiverse of madness cameo expectations, Stranger Things Deaths, Euphoria events, Ect. Many netizens feel that Spoilers and theories are effecting thier experience more then ever. Do you feel this is a problem of the industry or are Fans ruining thier own enjoyment? 

I think fans overreact when their “theory” don’t come true. Disappointment in events are valid criticisms. However, should we take random twitter users takes over professional screen writers? How much FanService is too much? Have you noticed this discourse in franchises recently? For example there weren’t really spoiler leaks other major films and shows pre-2019. Can Hollywood tackle leaks and spoilers for anticipated films?

Edited by Gorjesspazze9
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It's helping. 


The bullying Star Wars fans did to Disney over The Last Jedi is evidence of this. Fans get so obsessed with theories and versions of films that don't exist that when a film comes out their expectations are being subverted, they automatically riot because they think their theories not being validated means the film is automatically bad. 


But I also think CinemaSins is helping to ruin it too because their reach is so large and people think that what he does is actually film criticism and not jokes. And he makes it worse because he himself pretends that it is actual film criticism despite him proving time and time again in his videos that he has not actually watched the film close enough to understand the plot enough to actually provide genuine criticism. He picks on small and meaningless things that don't affect the movie at all and treats them as serious issues of the film. People think that a film is automatically terrible because it has some gaffs or mistakes in it when the truth is that every film ever made has continuity errors and mistakes in it. 

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Stop being a baby. Spoilers are awesome and have been scientifically proven to enhance the enjoyment of media.

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No lol. Spoiler crybabies are so annoying though. Most people can infer what will come next if you've watched enough TV, but some people consider even posting likely theories as "spoiling" shows for them.

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omg YESS i hate the avid theory posters. Like they'll theorize every possible outcome so when one DOES happen its not an OMG!! moment because someone already 'figured it out' :rip: 


I mean some light theorizing is fine, and I appreciate looking for easter eggs and discussing what's already happened but I would much rather experience what's to come unspoiled + no theories so I get that fun shock moment when something happens. 

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TV is honestly getting better and better. Shows like Stranger Things and even Game of Thrones have blurred the lines with film.


Film on the other hand is failing themselves. TV is stepping up their game and making great original content. Movies need to be more than a remake, superhero film, and sequel. That is a spoiler in itself.

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Honestly, trailers are the ones spoiling things. The call's coming from inside the house.


Scream(2022) giving away that they were going back to Stu's house was STUPID. That would have been a GAG if they didn't spoil it with sneak peeks and trailers.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Mendes said:

It's helping. 


The bullying Star Wars fans did to Disney over The Last Jedi is evidence of this. Fans get so obsessed with theories and versions of films that don't exist that when a film comes out their expectations are being subverted, they automatically riot because they think their theories not being validated means the film is automatically bad. 


But I also think CinemaSins is helping to ruin it too because their reach is so large and people think that what he does is actually film criticism and not jokes. And he makes it worse because he himself pretends that it is actual film criticism despite him proving time and time again in his videos that he has not actually watched the film close enough to understand the plot enough to actually provide genuine criticism. He picks on small and meaningless things that don't affect the movie at all and treats them as serious issues of the film. People think that a film is automatically terrible because it has some gaffs or mistakes in it when the truth is that every film ever made has continuity errors and mistakes in it. 

Yeah geek culture is filled with this kind of stuff. Internet echo chambers have really impacted how fandoms operate nowadays 


Head canon are another one too. The encanto fandoms had so many mental disorder headcanon :deadbanana4:

Edited by Katamari
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It ruins it for people who engage in it. I don't keep up with any of those people who like to theorize every single little thing about the show and I enjoy all the shows I watch. Just don't look at that kind of content and you'll be fine.

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No, word-of-mouth marketing has always been there since forever.  Its mostly the fanbase mind hive that is ruining it. No more criticism can be used to show something is lacking. 

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I feel like it’s made people expect some insane plotlines that would never naturally happen and then get disappointed when they don’t happen. Like some of the Euphoria rumors were truly so far-fetched and then when they didn’t happen people said it was underwhelming. But if the show had come out ten years ago, the plotlines about Rue and Fez would have had more shock value and been more appreciated.

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I hate theories. People spend so much time about what’s gonna happen plot-wise that they don’t even care how the movie/show takes them there. That’s the whole thing about cinema actually. You don’t need to tell a new story, you just have to do it right. Both audiences and creators forget that sometimes.

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No, it’s just the people who used to be silent with all their thoughts have grown comfortable and built communities who appreciate that sort of behavior. Probably a side effect of pandemic shut downs making people more likely to talk online instead of word of mouth. 

No one complained when the average brainless consumers just watched and went about their business because they offer nothing besides coins. Meanwhile, theorists/reactors/fan bases have started to expect more and push filmmakers to ‘try’ to at least meet a certain base level of quality. 

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How can any TV show or movie be spoiled?


Every film and tv show ends with a happy ending and the evil is defeated :rip: 


Its not like in Game of Thrones the white walkers would've won, or in The Hunger Games its not like President Snow would've won or Harry Potter its not like Volemort would've won.


We don't need spoilers, the ending is the same in every TV show or movie whether it's drama/thriller/sci-fi or any genre

Edited by Saintlor
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It's a double-edged sword. They can boost a show/movie to incredible heights, but it happens very rarely. Most times than not, people are so hyped up that when their expectations aren't met (and it happens very often considering how absurdly high they usually are), word of mouth genuinely kills the show/movie's chances to succeed. This is part of the reason why companies fall into fan service sometimes.

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