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Is ARTPOP a stain on Gaga’s legacy?


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ARTPOP is Gaga’s third album and most legends go strong until their fifth or sixth. Her first two were massive, then it just crashed because of the handling of the era. The album itself is classic Gaga, and there were a few songs that could have been massive hits if they were singles like Venus and Gypsy. From picking the wrong lead single and abandoning the era after the album dropped with no more visuals except a random side project G.U.Y the year after, did this become a stain on her legacy? She was still so young and should have been dominating, and you could see the underperformance of the lead single and album affected her while Katy was having all the popularity, success and high budget videos 

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It's giving stuck in 2013 bestie, also contractually it's her 4th album

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Wouldn't it be an integral "part" to her legacy though? It's not a stain per say....


It's her major falling from grace. Her bottom rock. A test to prove she wasn't just another EDM fad.


It opened an opportunity reinvent herself and try multiple avenues via film, cosmetics and philanthropy to expand her celebrity figurehead. Having success since then through AHS, Tony Bennet collaborations, Joanne image reinvention, Superbowl performances, ASIB, Chromatica singles, Haus Labs etc.

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no if anything it cemented who she was and changed the landscape of her career

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The lead single actually did pretty well - now perfect illusion however....






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Hun, learn to accept it happened and move onward. Hell.I occasionally go back to able for fun. It is only as bad as you want it to be, and as far as I am consider ARTPOP is most definitely not a stain on Gaga's career, only DWYW ft R Kelly.

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Yes. The way it spent like 16 weeks on the UK charts and 30+ weeks in the US and never re enter despite the 'repeak'. 

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Of course not. The repugnant Trashcanne is, however. 

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It’s such a fun album and SO much better than Joanne and Chromatica…..  + it’s floppage is ICONIC, Chromatica will be forgotten (I mean Gaga lichrally swiftly abandoned it :rip: ) 

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The music is as wild as Born This Way. The only stain was her working with R. Kelly, but she has deleted that song and it is forgotten by the GP. 
The Koons statue on the album cover will be in an art museum one day. 

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No it's literally her best album. Even as a commercial underperformance, the era itself was a pop culture juggernaut. Some of the best times on ATRL were from those days! I think its for the best that ARTPOP was received the way it was. It now has this slightly meme-ish cult/underground following. It's an album that somehow lives in between total mainstream obscurity and yet pop music dominance. A reverse Warholian expedition indeed. It'll be remembered as a cult classic; something camp, hilariously over the top, messy, and full of genuinely great pop music.


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Nooo, it's a dope album, except for Jewels & trash.

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It's a great pop album. Peak "Gaga" with the wack lyrics, messy rollout, unreleased scrapped material.

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I think it was her last good album (not counting the jazz ones) 


Everything else she has done since artflop feels soulless, derivative and dull. Chromatica was the worst. 

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  • ATRL Moderator

It’s actually one of her better albums.

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Joanne was more of a stain on her legacy than ARTPOP was. 

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