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Fans express concern following TMZ interview with Wendy Williams


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2 minutes ago, popularmoonlight said:

Everytime she says the word "do", she says podcast after. Was she reading something? The way her eyes would go sometimes, honestly scared me.  

This. It looks like she's reading off cue cards.

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Wow that's so sad. Figured you would be exaggerating but.......

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She shouldn't be in front of the camera when it's clear she's not her usual sharp self. Very worrisome.

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this makes me so sad. Wendy has given us so many iconic moments, iconic sayings, iconic gifs.

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I hope she has people making sure she is ok everyday. She doesn’t sound like someone who can be alone :chick3:

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If she does a podcast it will be a total disaster, her mental health has clearly declined since last year by a lot.

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The rumours of dementia could be true, sadly. I don’t she’s high, this is definitely a cognitive decline of some sort. 

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24 minutes ago, Bacardo Royale said:

If she does a podcast it will be a total disaster, her mental health has clearly declined since last year by a lot.

1 minute ago, Bey Admired said:

The rumours of dementia could be true, sadly. I doubt she’s high, this is definitely a cognitive decline of some sort. 

Agreed on both. Nothing to add. :coffee2: 


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I cant believe shes ended up like this... Can a heartbreak cause this much damage to a person? :skull: shes spent years bashing Britney Spears and she's basically her clone now. Its so shocking to see wow

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10 hours ago, brazil said:

It's obvious she's going through something, I'm just not here for this abliest society, where people who are not well presenting are thrown to the wolves and stripped of their rights or dignity.  

Agreed. Britney was under a conservatorship and was forcibly medicated into oblivion - I know Wendy hasn’t exactly got the greatest karma but she deserves basic dignity and respect and this seems exploitative on the part of her so called conservators. 



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TMZ are the pits for exploiting drugged up women. So i'm not surprised they allowed this to happen. 

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On 6/29/2022 at 8:21 AM, XXXO said:

I cant believe shes ended up like this... Can a heartbreak cause this much damage to a person? :skull: shes spent years bashing Britney Spears and she's basically her clone now. Its so shocking to see wow

What you mean Britney's clone? Britney was performing on a higher level than most MPG's and giving interviews sounding totally OK while in the cship :mandown:

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it's just a laggy zoom call, I don't see anything alarming

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1 hour ago, brazil said:

What you mean Britney's clone? Britney was performing on a higher level than most MPG's and giving interviews sounding totally OK while in the cship :mandown:

because Britney was extremely controlled by her entourage/father or whatever so it didnt come across as weird, but she wasnt there mentally. You could tell she was medicated and absent-minded during those interviews. And she was stiff af, i dont remember high level performances after Circus lol. 


Wendy doesn't seem to have anyone controlling her public appearances and thats why you can clearly see the change, but they both are going thru the same thing mentally, in my opinion. Its clear that the **** her husband did to her broke her mentally and has never been able to recover

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19 minutes ago, XXXO said:

because Britney was extremely controlled by her entourage/father or whatever so it didnt come across as weird, but she wasnt there mentally. You could tell she was medicated and absent-minded during those interviews. And she was stiff af, i dont remember high level performances after Circus lol. 


Wendy doesn't seem to have anyone controlling her public appearances and thats why you can clearly see the change, but they both are going thru the same thing mentally, in my opinion. Its clear that the **** her husband did to her broke her mentally and has never been able to recover

Ok, about the control part, but it's silly to insinuate Britney was at this level during her cship interviews, she was anxious at times ok, but always completely lucid and making sense 




And yes, she performed at a great level, one that most wouldn't expect from someone you're claiming is so mentally incapacitated. 2016:




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On 6/29/2022 at 12:21 PM, XXXO said:

I cant believe shes ended up like this... Can a heartbreak cause this much damage to a person? :skull: shes spent years bashing Britney Spears and she's basically her clone now. Its so shocking to see wow


2 hours ago, XXXO said:

because Britney was extremely controlled by her entourage/father or whatever so it didnt come across as weird, but she wasnt there mentally. You could tell she was medicated and absent-minded during those interviews. And she was stiff af, i dont remember high level performances after Circus lol. 


Wendy doesn't seem to have anyone controlling her public appearances and thats why you can clearly see the change, but they both are going thru the same thing mentally, in my opinion. Its clear that the **** her husband did to her broke her mentally and has never been able to recover

No. Britney was never this incoherent. Ever. It's not even debatable.


OT: This is truly sad to see. I hope she has good people around her.

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I cant believe people would make light of this, it's worrying to see how she can barely put a sentence together. I would imagine she's on some strong medication, potentially not by choice, these conservatorship situations seem so scary.

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Something is wrong.


Poor Wendy.

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On 6/29/2022 at 2:09 AM, X~MoviePoP said:

wow her feet. goodness, how does that happe. is it from immune system??

She has Graves’ disease, which affects the thyroid and is an autoimmune disease. 

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Wendy Williams is different interview to interview. An interview before this, she was perfectly fine, and then in this interview, she seems overwhelmed. I do agree that in this interview, she seems medicated. It's alarming how close to Britney Spears this case has been. Medication affects everyone differently, so while, yes, Britney Spears was performing on stage and coherent in interviews while medicated, her personal mental health had taken a huge toll due to being medicated/deliberately overly-medicated. That's how the medication affected her. In Wendy Williams case, it seems the medication she's on is affecting her cognitive ability and putting stress on her general sense of focus. Wendy Williams is fine and perfectly able, in my opinion, she just needs good people around her. She's most likely surrounded by snakes, like Britney Spears once was, which is exacerbating Wendy's situation. For instance, why is she on TMZ? Who set that up? A snake on her team.



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People were saying it looks like she is on some really strong medication so I think that's why... Regardless, her doctors NEED to get a good grip on her health.

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