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Fans express concern following TMZ interview with Wendy Williams


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Edited by rosesbloom
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That was sad to watch. I hope she recovers.

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wow her feet. goodness, how does that happe. is it from immune system??

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First thirty seconds, I had to pause. Poor Wendy. This woman was sharp as a damn tack for decades. Did it all on her own. It’s painful to see her decline like this. It’s like freakin Judge Judy or someone suddenly losing their wits, so out of character. 

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"The France"... Honey, good luck findin' that one :rip:

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"Podcasts. Which by the way - Podcasts - everyone has. But when you're famous - Podcasts - will make more money for me. Being famous. Than doing the Wendy Williams show. So Podcasts. Where will I go? Not sure? Europe? The France? Wherever I want to go. "



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I thought maybe they were exaggerating but I couldn’t make it through the whole video. They should’ve ended the interview or something 

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I honestly feel bad for Ms. Wendy. I hope she can recover.

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People have physical, neurological and psychological issues, she seems coherent enough, I don't think she should be placed in a conservatorship, she just needs a good support system and someone to help maintain her autonomy 

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What i find absolutely crazy is when she posted that video during the first news break of the bank trying to file a conservatorship for her, she was completely coherent, talking fast, and completely normal. I'm honestly baffled.

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6 minutes ago, brazil said:

People have physical, neurological and psychological issues, she seems coherent enough, I don't think she should be placed in a conservatorship, she just needs a good support system and someone to help maintain her autonomy 

I agree about not placing people in a conservatorship, but what about that was "coherent enough." You are ridiculous if you believe any of that could be considered "coherent."

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Why are people interviewing her? Where is her son? 

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18 minutes ago, fauxtography said:

What i find absolutely crazy is when she posted that video during the first news break of the bank trying to file a conservatorship for her, she was completely coherent, talking fast, and completely normal. I'm honestly baffled.

This!! It’s very concerning knowing she was openly trying to fight it and was brave enough to name names. Now, we see her like this? I’m scared for her. 

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20 minutes ago, fauxtography said:

I agree about not placing people in a conservatorship, but what about that was "coherent enough." You are ridiculous if you believe any of that could be considered "coherent."

It's obvious she's going through something, I'm just not here for this abliest society, where people who are not well presenting are thrown to the wolves and stripped of their rights or dignity.  

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Oh wow this is so sad . And TMZ is so evil , you can tell they knew exactly what they were doing when they interviewed her. Their karma will be the worst. 


So sad to see a human being deteriorating mentally. 

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She could easily be getting drugged by people around her, trying to steal her money. But yes, TMZ is trash for this 

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man this was tough to watch. the slurring of the words makes me think that whatever meds she's on are too strong... i don't wanna jump to conclusions and assume that she's abusing substances again. it's sad. i hope she gets better soon, wendy's been such an important source of joy in my life it sucks seeing her like this. :cries:

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She might be getting drugged by her handlers they did it to Britney remember. She seems very off… her feet :weeps:

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Wow, who is taking care of her? Does she not have anyone close to her? Why have they not said what is going on with her, if it's medical or otherwise?

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Everytime she says the word "do", she says podcast after. Was she reading something? The way her eyes would go sometimes, honestly scared me.  She sounds like a robot at times, this is so worrying. 

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