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Time to admit it, sadly: Trump’s administration > Biden’s


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Girl please get off whatever you’re on this is worrying 

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what?? miss Ferret are you ok? :biblio:

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You have to word this in a very specific way. 


Trump did more for people who like him and voted for him than Biden has done for people who liked him and voted for him. 


I would even say more easily that Trump made his presidency worse for people against him than Biden did for people against him. Because he's weak. 


Young urbanites won him the election while suburbanites proved to be flakey yet he was concerned about giving too much to us in stimulus while handing out PPP loans to the affluent like it was nothing. 


Forgive these student loans and expand the ******* courts, Joe. 

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not when we're currently witnessing the disastrous effects of the Trump administration

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1 minute ago, ATWK said:

Biden's administration is a disaster, but this is pushing it :rip:


1 minute ago, Smarticle said:

not when we're currently witnessing the disastrous effects of the Trump administration


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Not quite. Both administrations are bad. Presidents always have higher retrospective approval, because people only remember the few good things, or only think about how things were for them personally. They forget about the day to day annoyances of politics. Don’t let nostalgia cloud your view.

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not true. trump was doing messy stuffs while biden is basically doing no stuffs. 

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I really don’t think presidents have too much of an impact on the economy but economic conditions were better under trump’s admin (prior to Covid) than now but that’s not to his credit. Oscillating between two capitalist parties who are in lockstep when it comes to imperialism and ecocide for the benefit of corporate profits won’t yield tangible long term material differences for the working class - they both suck and their admins are awful for working ppl. 
Biden has managed to do everything trump wanted to do without much objection from his liberal base (increased defense spending, increased federal funding to police depts, increased deportations and migrant detention, increased federal funding to prison industrial complex, continued construction on the border wall, increased drilling permits on federal lands, increased Medicare premiums and privatized Medicare advantage plans)

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15 minutes ago, GentleEarthquake said:

what?? miss Ferret are you ok? :biblio:

I’m sorry but maybe I’m overwhelmed by all the bad news :(

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1 minute ago, Ferret said:

I’m sorry but maybe I’m overwhelmed by all the bad news :(

It's okay, we all are.

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I’m tired of this narrative being pushed around. Trump did more but that more was for HIS party and his supporters primarily. Like it doesn’t benefit any of us who didn’t support him pls stop

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Biden’s administration is a lot better than Trump’s.

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11 minutes ago, Matthew4815 said:

People don't understand that an admins effects come to fruition during the next admin. T**** took credit for all he good that Obama did, and now you wanna blame the Biden admin for all the b*llsh*t T**** did.




7 minutes ago, Matthew4815 said:

Also if Dems wanna complain about Biden, maybe they should learn how to vote for a better candidate in the primary.


1 minute ago, Matthew4815 said:

Most people don't even understand that the reason Roe was overturned was because people voted for T**** in 2016. So he got to nominate to SCOTUS. And here we are.

Just gonna tie this all up in a nice bow cuz it's facts that people need to understand.

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6 minutes ago, Matthew4815 said:

Also if Dems wanna complain about Biden, maybe they should learn how to vote for a better candidate in the primary.

They were until Obama forced half the field to drop out. 

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Imagine thinking this, I have to laugh. Nothing will compare to that evil disgusting administration. 

expose yourselves slowly as the trash you are 

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5 minutes ago, Communion said:

They were until Obama forced half the field to drop out. 

Not true.


"Super Tuesday took place on March 3, 2020. A total of 14 states and American Samoa voted on Super Tuesday, including the two biggest states, California and Texas. Biden gained 726 delegates, Sanders 505, Bloomberg 49, Warren 62, and Tulsi Gabbard 2."

Edited by Matthew4815
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