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Madonna reacts to Supreme Court abortion overturn


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« I want to say that I had a great time at the party after my Show for Pride ?️‍? at terminal 5,
But I woke up to the terrifying news that Roe V Wade had been overturned and that. Legislation has decided that We no longer have rights as women over our bodies.
This decision Has plunged me And every other woman in this country into deep despair.
Now the Supreme Court has decided that Women’s rights are no longer constitutional rights.
In fact we have less rights then a gun.
I am scared For my daughters
I’m scared for all women in America.
I am just plain scared.
I Guess God Put this on our shoulders right now because he knew that we were strong enough To bear the weight.
Strong enough to FIGHT!
Strong. enough to overcome
And so We Shall ?? Overcome!
We will find a way to make It A Federal Law to Protect Abortion Rights!
Ladies are you ready……..,……….?????????. To Fight? » -Madonna
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Time to blow up the white house queen!


#also I need to tell you something! from worldwide angel

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6 minutes ago, ricardoazevedo said:
This decision Has plunged me And every other woman in this country into deep despair.

i agree with the fact that she wants to protest but this remark is simply not true. america and american woman in general are clearly very divided on this issue. the other half of the population doesn't agree with her stance including many woman. thats how a secular democracy works. democracy makes room for not only secular laws but religious law as well. saying every woman is in deep despair when in fact there are actually many, probably millions upon millions of woman in the US celebrating this overturn just sounds completely tone deaf. 

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36 minutes ago, KatyPrismSpirit said:

i agree with the fact that she wants to protest but this remark is simply not true. america and american woman in general are clearly very divided on this issue. the other half of the population doesn't agree with her stance including many woman. thats how a secular democracy works. democracy makes room for not only secular laws but religious law as well. saying every woman is in deep despair when in fact there are actually many, probably millions upon millions of woman in the US celebrating this overturn just sounds completely tone deaf. 

i get what you're trying to say but according to public opinion polls most Americans actually are pro-choice, and this is even more true for women. anti-choice women are a minority so your framing is wrong.


either way, your point about religious law is wrong as well, how can you claim to be a secular democracy and then decide to have laws based on religion? that democracy is no longer secular. not to mention that democracy doesn't mean that the majority can oppress the rest, bodily autonomy is a fundamental human right that cannot and shouldn't be taken away from someone just because the majority decided to do so. would slavery be ok if 51% of the population voted to bring it back? no!

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The White House is not what needs to be blown up...its the other building. 


Supreme Court members need to have terms like Presidents. 

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wtf can people please stop talking about blowing up federal buildings in here? :rip:

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27 minutes ago, plasticboy said:

wtf can people please stop talking about blowing up federal buildings in here? :rip:

Stop pretending as if that is something far fetched. The country is closer to that than you believe.


Power concedes nothing without a demand. That demand of the majority may have to be backed up by force if the minority no longer accepts democratic principles, which increasingly seems to be the case.

Edited by Raiden
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2 hours ago, #Beautiful said:

:rainy: this part...

I mean... it's not like she lied lmao 

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“Then a gun”


Okay, we know she wrote this herself. 

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5 minutes ago, Horizon Flame said:

“Then a gun”


Okay, we know she wrote this herself. 

Of course she did :mandown:

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1 hour ago, Horizon Flame said:

“Then a gun”


Okay, we know she wrote this herself. 

Well duh - of course she did. But you're the grammar police so of course you would have to sneak in some kind of negativity in a thread about her even though she's speaking out about something you support. :coffee2:

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I hope she really does something like take part in a new protest or headline a manifestation or whatever and not just words, she’s one of the most influential women in America.

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Speaking the truth :clap3:

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7 hours ago, plasticboy said:

wtf can people please stop talking about blowing up federal buildings in here? :rip:

They tryna get the whole ATRL on a federal watchlist. ATRL had a good run, sad to see it go. :gaycat3:

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Madge :clap3:

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Glad that she has spoken out, not that I am at all surprised! :clap3::clap3:

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39 minutes ago, Lover said:



naomi :heart2:

I see Julia Fox really wants that Debi Mazar role on Madonna's biopic :gaycat4:


OT: Not a single lie was told :clap3:hopefully we ser her attending some marches

Edited by The Second Coming
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women have les right than a gun, that hits, the us are really turning into shitty dark ages

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