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The Vatican Calls Out Pro-Life Activists


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Anti-abortion activists should be concerned with other issues that can threaten life, such as easy access to guns, poverty and rising maternity mortality rates, the Vatican's editorial director said on Saturday.

In a media editorial on the United States Supreme Court's ruling to end the constitutional right to abortion, Andrea Tornielli said those who oppose abortion could not pick and choose pro-life issues.


Edited by Sergi91
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They only care about molecules and embryoids. They don't care about the actual living.

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14 minutes ago, Revolution said:

They only care about molecules and embryoids. They don't care about the actual living.


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damn who knew vatican could be this smart

"Being for life, always, for example, means being concerned if the mortality rates of women due to motherhood increase," he wrote. Being for life, always, means asking how to help women welcome new life, being for life, always, also means defending it against the threat of firearms, which unfortunately have become a leading cause of death of children and adolescents in the U.S." 


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Because its not about giving right to life, is about showing the world that women don't have rights and the white man is always in power.

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Anti-abortion activists should be concerned with other issues that can threaten life, such as easy access to guns, poverty and rising maternity mortality rates

wow oh wow... not a Catholicism establishment spilling straight up FACTS...


Edited by truthteller
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Not Vatican being BASED! :jonnycat:

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:toofunny2: Guys, before you start licking the Pope's balls, remember the Vatican is still anti-abortion.

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I studied in a catholic university and I remember my priest professor asked what are the things that threatens life. I answered “terrorism” and he told me I’m wrong. It’s abortion and euthanasia. I- 

I was embarrassed at that moment but  now I know better. Huh.

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32 minutes ago, Nano said:

:toofunny2: Guys, before you start licking the Pope's balls, remember the Vatican is still anti-abortion.

This is correct.



With that said, I still think this was a very important statement to make. A lot of Catholics love to claim that they are pro-life yet are ardently against policies like gun control and immigration. It's time they get called out for their hypocrisy.

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Like those pro-life ‘activists’ actually give a **** about anyone. They’re happy to subjugate those children to poverty and misery once they are born. They just want to control women.

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