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Is Hillary's Pied Piper plan officially the worst campaign strategy in US history?


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Yes. We are where we are now because Hillary Clinton, in all her hubris, completely failed to understand Trump and his support and was convinced that elevating him would lead her to the presidency. I understand why people have a hard time accepting it, but it’s just the truth: if Hillary Clinton had never campaigned, we would not be here. We may not even have seen Trump win his nomination at all, actually. Her candidacy was a disaster, the consequences of which will be radioactive fallout on American lives for decades to come. By enabling Donald Trump, and running at all since she’s completely unelectable, she handed the Supreme Court over to the Christian fascist Republican Party, and all the Democrats are doing in the wake of this is spewing words with no weight or promise, while of course lecturing all the rest of us about how it’s our fault for not kissing the ground she walked on. Even those of us who voted for her in the general like they wanted.

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They’re already doing it again






They wanna run on “the other guy is worse” cause they haven’t given us anything but broken promises. 

Edited by Danny789
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focusing on Hillary literally doesn't address the issue at heart :rip: this could have been avoided WAY before her

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It says everything about the Dems that they thought someone like Jeb Bush, who had to beg for his supporters to clap, would be a bigger threat to Hillary compared to Trump who was packing arenas full of enthusiast motivated supporters. 

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Can the burnie or bust bros stop blaming hillary for everything? Its yall fault mfs yall sat your ass down on the election day and didnt vote like your life depended on it. How is it possible that Joe Biden a lazy ass candidate got 81m votes and Hillary couldn't manage to cross 60m??? 

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14 minutes ago, Mohit said:

Can the burnie or bust bros stop blaming hillary for everything? Its yall fault mfs yall sat your ass down on the election day and didnt vote like your life depended on it. How is it possible that Joe Biden a lazy ass candidate got 81m votes and Hillary couldn't manage to cross 60m??? 

Hillary won the popular vote by 3M votes. People voted. It was her arrogance of refusing to step foot in swing states that cost her the election. We've known this for 6 years now. Keep up.

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10 minutes ago, Mohit said:

Can the burnie or bust bros stop blaming hillary for everything?



11 minutes ago, Mohit said:

Its yall fault mfs yall sat your ass down on the election day and didnt vote like your life depended on it. How is it possible that Joe Biden a lazy ass candidate got 81m votes and Hillary couldn't manage to cross 60m??? 

False, sorry. By even the most liberal measures, less than 3.5 million Bernie voters decided to not vote for Hillary in the general election - at most a quarter of his supporters. This is less than the number of people who sat out of the election in Pennsylvania alone. Three quarters, at least, voted for her. The voters that actually caused key states to flip were registered and self-identified Democrats who were disillusioned with the party or just plan didn’t like Hillary.

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18 minutes ago, Mohit said:

Hillary couldn't manage to cross 60m??? 

Hillary won nearly 66 million votes.

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Hillary would also have lost to any of the other Republican candidates (bar maybe Jeb Bush) so I'm kind of lost with this criticism

Like yeah they wanted the worst candidate to run against her, they got it, and they still lost :skull: 


Was it bad strategy, or was she just too tainted & unpopular and should never have run for president? :cm:


Also, just like it's time for the centrists to move on from the endless bernie bro moaning, its time for the far left to let go of Hillary. She is not worthy of the vicious scorn that's better directed at Joe Biden or any of these other weak democrats who are currently in power. 

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1 hour ago, Harrier said:

Hillary would also have lost to any of the other Republican candidates

I think this misses the point of the criticism, though probably not intentionally as very few people realize just how much backroom collaboration happened between the Dem Party and institutions within mainstream media, which we only found out about due to the various Wikileaks dumps of their communications that said media then ignored.


The issue isn't really about whether she won or lost - yes, she lost, and that makes it even worse because it was self-inflicted, but more so the moral failure found in this kind of elections-for-elections-sake neoliberalism. 


Clinton didn't just try to pick an "easy opponent".


She coordinated with the media to sideline establishment, traditional Republican candidates (who, to be clear, are all these things the far-right are but in dog whistles) and pushed to have fringe, extremist movements validated and recognized by hoping mainstream media could push them to the forefront through 24/7 media coverage.


She did not care if media coordinated coverage of Trump empowered his extremist ideologies and helped spread them, because her entire intent was to make the Republican Party to be so (as she thought) unappealing to college-degreed and higher-income suburbanites because it'd make winning elections easier, regardless of the harm it would do to the people she allegedly wanted to win the election in the first place to then protect...


And this is the issue now because the Democratic Party still is relying on this concept and idea:

3 hours ago, Danny789 said:

They’re already doing it again






They wanna run on “the other guy is worse” cause they haven’t given us anything but broken promises. 



Edited by Communion
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