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Roe V. Wade 50-year landmark overturned by SCOTUS 6-3

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8 minutes ago, Communion said:


America will either morph into a developed socialist country or crumble as a failed Christian nation state.

There are no other pathways forward from this moment here on forward.


Given Democrats’ willingness to fight off their left flank much harder than they ever do against their Republican counterparts, seeking instead to embrace them as friends who would never backstab them… it appears the second option is the most likely.

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44 minutes ago, Jynx672 said:

There is a world beyond NYC and other big cities gwurl. The US is an enormous country, far bigger than Europe with huge differences in costs of living. Surely it won't be easy, but it's obvious that liberals and conservatives have very different outlooks on life which makes peaceful co-existence increasingly difficult.

The US is not bigger than Europe. :skull: And that is irrelevant to the point that was being brought to you. It's a cost of living crisis, people aren't going to pack up and move when they're struggling already. Also under that logic there would already be a much more concrete red/blue split as we go state by state. In any morph this is divisive in a bad way, and rather than looking at it as "we'll even out the population of red and blue states to create more of a divide in an already divided country", it's going to cause legislative and social issues for woman. There isn't really a positive out of this at all.

9 hours ago, State of Grace. said:

The United States of Gilead :heart2:

this is scary because it's (becoming) true.

47 minutes ago, rivers said:

So what states are outright banning abortion with no exceptions? :dancehall:

States with no exceptions for rape or incest written into their trigger laws? My assumption is most of them.


It's a great question - not sure which but I know Missouri is one (arguably got the most publicity recently) and they just officially struck it down. 


I'll look around. 






@rivers FOUND IT



For starters, exceptions for rape and incest are uncommon. The Guttmacher Institute, a research organization that supports reproductive rights, anticipates 26 states certain or likely to ban abortion now that there are no federal protections. Among those 26 states, there are about 41 abortion bans total, with some states having more than one ban, it said. Just 10 of the 41 bans have exceptions for rape and incest. In the states that do have rape and incest exceptions, requirements vary. Many, such as Utah, require victims of sexual assault to file a police report. Given that more than 2 out of 3 sexual assaults go unreported, according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network, these laws are problematic, said Grace Howard, an assistant professor of justice studies at San Jose State University who studies the criminalization of pregnancy. [...] NBC News


2 minutes ago, DONTYELLATME said:


And so it begins

2 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:


He forgot to type "RT AND LIKE IF YOU ALSO WONDER" for the twitter algorithm engagements.

1 hour ago, Jynx672 said:

There is a world beyond NYC and other big cities gwurl. The US is an enormous country, far bigger than Europe with huge differences in costs of living. Surely it won't be easy, but it's obvious that liberals and conservatives have very different outlooks on life which makes peaceful co-existence increasingly difficult.

Blue state are generally much more expensive than red states as a rule tho lol

4 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:


these people are so psychotic :bibliahh: imagine the first person you point your finger of blame at being susan effing sarandon 


The world going backwards, what a terrible thing happened today.


As a woman who lives in constant fear of an undesired pregnancy, I would be so heartbroken if my country did this. So many of us live our teenage years stressing about pregnancy scares and such, to know there's no way back will only make it worse, not to start about all those women who have health related problems, aren't financially stable etc. 


The US is a terrible country to live in, I hope people stop romanticizing it as the land of freedom happiness and unicorns as it is everything but that, one of the most hypocritical countries.


This is on Bernie bros and “progressives” who thought they were too smart and edgy to vote for Hillary. There’s blood on your hands and all the future overturns are also on you. I hope y’all are fûckng glad and proud of what you did

17 minutes ago, Sergi91 said:


Another day, another “everything is the Bernie Bros’ fault!!! :cries:” take.


Some people will never actually get it.


Since we just need to be really blunt here, a lot of women use period-tracking apps. Even in blue states, I'd be wary of continuing that practice. 


Also state governments will start tracking women through their phones to make sure they're not traveling across state lines to get an abortion.




The reality:


The delusional:



OHIO  falls. (I'm not keeping a score of the states tonight but I think we're at 7)





8 minutes ago, Ms. Togekiss said:

This is on Bernie bros and “progressives” who thought they were too smart and edgy to vote for Hillary. There’s blood on your hands and all the future overturns are also on you. I hope y’all are fûckng glad and proud of what you did

And in spite of that she won the popular vote still. What now?




Useless :ace: 






18 minutes ago, Ms. Togekiss said:

This is on Bernie bros and “progressives” who thought they were too smart and edgy to vote for Hillary. There’s blood on your hands and all the future overturns are also on you. I hope y’all are fûckng glad and proud of what you did

Oh please it is on the democrats for hyping her crooked ass....this is on their hands. She had no business being pushed to the top. 

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