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Do you forgive or do you hold grudges?


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Forgive but don't forget, holding grudges and hate is just unhealthy, better to thrive and pretend they don't exist :gaycat2:

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i forgive once i get my revenge :gaycat3:

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i try to forgive.

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I hold grudges really badly, like I sometimes wish i didn’t. And I want to learn to not to, but I never can. I actually hate that.

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I actually forget but try to act bitter when talking about the person who wronged me just so people feel bad for me :gaycatney5:

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8 minutes ago, KnightOfAllRealms said:

I actually forget but try to act bitter when talking about the person who wronged me just so people feel bad for me :gaycatney5:

Loves it :gaygacat5:I do this too.

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33 minutes ago, Breathe On Moi said:

I hold grudges really badly, like I sometimes wish i didn’t. And I want to learn to not to, but I never can. I actually hate that.

Don't feel bad. I easily hold grudges just like you and it takes a toll sometimes. Just let them go sis, if you can't take them out of your mind take them out of your life. :gaycatina1:

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Nah. Anyone that willingly or intentionally hurt me, will never be forgiven. I believe in inducing karma - not just wait around for it happen. 

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I forgive but I never forget; there was a cute pic I saw on twitter about it tbh



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It's not really about forgiveness. I don’t stay mad or anything, but once someone has proven they can't be trusted I cut the link and move on.







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I'm a grudge holder, but I don't really think about them unless I have to interact with that person or if a similar situation is brought up in a conversation.

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I don't necessarily forgive, but try my best to avoid & forget the person if possible for the sake of my mental health. 

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You don't have to forgive. Forgive only if you truly believe that person is genuinely sorry for their misbehavior, and you have seen actual, sizable change from the person who wronged you. 


However, as cliche as it sounds, you cannot hold grudges. When you allow people to live rent-free in your head, especially people that hurt you or took advantage of you in some way (or hell, even nice people that you just didn't clash with), you're just making yourself miserable. 9.5 times out of 10, people you burned bridges with are not thinking about you, and are probably enjoying their life. Be these people. Think about yourself. Be selfish. Obviously, give back to your community and catch up with your friends and family, have fun, date, but please, do not let negativity consume your life. Been there, done that. It's simply not worth it.

Edited by zasderfght
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I’m not someone who holds grudges, it’s just a waste of energy. However I don't need to forgive someone to be able to move on from what they did to me. I just discard the person from my mind.

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I forgive but I don't forget. Then I end up with a laundry list of things I was previously mad about it in my head... which can come up again if we fight again.

As I get older though, I find that the best revenge is doing better in your life than they are doing in their lives. :gaycat2:

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forgive and forget. i dont need to be thinking about someone or something bad/negative forever :skull:

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Anyone can start again
Not through love but through revenge
Through the fire, we're born again
Peace by vengeance brings the end



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I forget but I don't forgive. Sometimes I even forget why I don't like certain people, I just do

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I used to hold grudges but nowadays I've become less sensitive and just forgive unless it's a grave mistake

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