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Are you void of spirituality?


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I feel like there's a clear connection between the rise in mental health problems, particularly depression, and I wonder if it's because western societies have become so secular and detached from anything greater for themselves. I grew up Catholic but it didn't really mesh well as I became an adult, but I am great for the overall values of kindness, compassion, generosity, not being prideful or arrogant etc. I've realised that not everyone received these same teachings, hence the mess the world is in today.


Assuming most of y'all aren't religious - what do you replace spirituality with? Is it pop girl stanning, and is that why so many terminally online mentally unwell behaviours are exhibited frequently on ATRL? Discuss. :sistrens:

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I don't replace spirituality to be honest, I've never felt like I needed it and I doubt all my mental health problems are because of it.

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I'm not a religious person, but i don't feel like I need something to believe in, I mean I have problems like everyone else but i don't think that religion would get rid of them, so...



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My problems don't get away just because I believe in the supernatural. I never felt the need to rely on it. Many people who are religious struggle mentally, and they get told they have to build a closer relationship to God yet they're still depressed. If you think people are depressed because they're secular, then what gives to the ppl who are religious and still depressed? Everyone copes differently and if religion helps you, more power to you. But to me, exercising, doing anything creative, do some planning, cleaning, and talking to people help me personally. I never needed to pray.

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I shout "OH GOD! OH GOD!" when I cum sometimes so I guess I am spiritual. 

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I am spiritual but I don’t consider myself part of any religion. 

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No I am not religious if I have any mental issues I need to deal with. I deal with it by going to therapy, exercise and spending time with loved ones. 

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Im atheist however I feel I'm spiritual sometimes. Kinda have to be since 80% of my family have passed on. And I have seen ghosts/shadows of them not long after death 

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1 hour ago, Tropical said:

I feel like there's a clear connection between the rise in mental health problems, particularly depression, and I wonder if it's because western societies have become so secular and detached from anything greater for themselves. I grew up Catholic but it didn't really mesh well as I became an adult, but I am great for the overall values of kindness, compassion, generosity, not being prideful or arrogant etc. I've realised that not everyone received these same teachings, hence the mess the world is in today.


Assuming most of y'all aren't religious - what do you replace spirituality with? Is it pop girl stanning, and is that why so many terminally online mentally unwell behaviours are exhibited frequently on ATRL? Discuss. :sistrens:

tbh. I agree with you 100%, growing in a catholic family and being told that If I ever committed suicide I would go to hell lowkey has stuck in my mind (even I don’t practice it) not allowing myself to go to that place when I get into depression mode… 

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I’m spiritual but don’t belong to any religion, man-made religions/organizations are meant to control and manipulate, but I do feel like each religion has some truth behind it. 

I personally think it’s impossible that there’s nothing before born or after death.

I respect people who are atheist/nihilistic but once they start acting like they are superior because they don’t believe in anything is where the problem starts.


Nihilism in a large scale can be the decay of society, so it is good to have spiritual people. Balance is key.




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11 minutes ago, Trent W said:

I’m spiritual but don’t belong to any religion, man-made religions/organizations are meant to control and manipulate, but I do feel like each religion has some truth behind it. 

I personally think it’s impossible that there’s nothing before born or after death.

I respect people who are atheist/nihilistic but once they start acting like they are superior because they don’t believe in anything is where the problem starts.


Nihilism in a large scale can be the decay of society, so it is good to have spiritual people. Balance is key.





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I'm not spiritual. I had a strict Christian upbringing, but I tossed aside all those beliefs years ago. 

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50 minutes ago, discosean said:

I shout "OH GOD! OH GOD!" when I cum sometimes so I guess I am spiritual. 




I like to sometimes believe in a higher power bc life plans just fall into place sometimes and I couldn't believe it wasn't planned/something led to that moment 

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7 hours ago, Tropical said:

I feel like there's a clear connection between the rise in mental health problems, particularly depression, and I wonder if it's because western societies have become so secular and detached from anything greater for themselves. I grew up Catholic but it didn't really mesh well as I became an adult, but I am great for the overall values of kindness, compassion, generosity, not being prideful or arrogant etc. I've realised that not everyone received these same teachings, hence the mess the world is in today.


Assuming most of y'all aren't religious - what do you replace spirituality with? Is it pop girl stanning, and is that why so many terminally online mentally unwell behaviours are exhibited frequently on ATRL? Discuss. :sistrens:

Spirituality have always been a part of humanity. Ofc, from my perspective, it's impossible to live without it.



Just believing.

Edited by Bencharmer
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Religion and Spirituality are not synonymous. Plenty of religious people are devoid of spirituality and vice versa. 

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I'm not spiritual in the traditional sense, but I do like certain activities that relax me and work almost like meditation *for me*, like sitting by the river on my own with tea or listening to a good song. I do drag sometimes so even putting on makeup and listening to music is a nice grounding activity that I enjoy, the same way some people like to read the Bible or pray. 


I also like to read tarot cards, but not because I believe they hold some metaphysical truth of the universe, they are just cool and help me focus my thoughts, but I don't know if that counts as being spiritual per se? 


As for traditional religions, I grew up in a Catholic country and if anything, Catholic Christianity has been damaging to my mental health and development. Outside of homophobia, that religion is just extremely toxic to everyone and doesn't teach good values. I'm Happier Than Ever.mp3 now that I live far away from all that in a country that's less religious. So no, lack of religion doesn't make you more depressed. 

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I agree with OP, I feel hopeless about the world and depressed ever since I outgrew the blind belief in God my parents tried to force upon me. Sometimes, I try to participate in religious rites and passages just to feel that sense of positivity and calm again but it just doesn't come as genuinely and consistently as it did before I outgrew it. 


As much as I dislike the hivemind that is religion, it does a good job of making masses feel like their lives are worthwhile and have a purpose. I wonder how the world would be in the far future when most people grow more rational and agnostic. I bet it wouldn't be a place filled with positive energy or morals

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I'm spiritual but not in a religious way

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I believe in the Law of Attraction 100%.  All religions are man-made, of course, to control people.  And they came about in a time when science did not exist to explain things.  But the power of the mind is a very real thing.  Positive thinking attracts positive reactions.   Negative thinking attracts negative reactions.  I don't worry about money, so money comes to me.  If I was constantly worrying about money, then by the Law of Attraction it will never be bountiful in your life.  Like attracts like.

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