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Why do people need to believe that there is life after death?


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It's 5am, I'm nihilist

I know there's nothing after this


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On 6/20/2022 at 8:32 AM, Queen. said:

There is actually life after death, its just depends on how you live here on earth will determine where you would go. And that's heaven or hell. 

this is the most ridiculous take.


the earth is literally BILLIONS and BILLIONS of years old.  Human life expectancy is like 80 years, and that like 0.000000002% of existence, and yet what we do during our time determines the rest of our ETERNITY?  You see no flaws in that logic? :laugh:  Either a really good place or a really bad place?  No in between?

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On 6/20/2022 at 4:26 AM, Tropez said:

Because humanity is still simple minded. We are talking about the same humans who believe there are mysterious forces that dictate their life, that a celestial object has an influence on their personality, and that there’s karma. 

Humans are still largely primitive. The same way we see ancient humans as less advanced and superstitious, future humans will look at us the same. 

You snapped.

The thread should have ended there. Before the dolls started acting as if religious nuts are the same level of harmful as "arogant atheists" on social media.

Talk about privilege.

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Because consciousness may predate

knowledge. You can describe how we are all made of atoms that are interacting on a purely material level, but you rely on your conscious observation to tell you that is true. 


For all you know, you are a brain in a jar tricking yourself into believing there is an entire world in front of you out of loneliness and boredom. Once you realize that there is no way to disprove that, you realize how fundamental the question of consciousness is.


I personally believe our consciousness comes from outside the physical world, and that this physical world is a test of some kind. Almost all major religions believe in a variation of this theme.


Don't believe me? Ask the universe for an irrefutable sign that life has meaning. You will be surprised at how quickly a personalized answer comes when your mind is open enough to look for it.

Edited by Pierrot
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On 6/20/2022 at 4:01 AM, AlanRickman1946 said:

So you don't feel sad knowing you will never see your loved one again.

We do but delusions are not a healthy way of coping with negative emotions.

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22 hours ago, spree said:

this is the most ridiculous take.


the earth is literally BILLIONS and BILLIONS of years old.  Human life expectancy is like 80 years, and that like 0.000000002% of existence, and yet what we do during our time determines the rest of our ETERNITY?  You see no flaws in that logic? :laugh:  Either a really good place or a really bad place?  No in between?

There's no flaw. Who you live for is the same way you will live in the afterlife. 

Your body will stay on earth while your soul will live forever. And again, the way you choose to live your life and be subject under a master that where will go. And that's either heaven or hell. 



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1 hour ago, Queen. said:

There's no flaw. Who you live for is the same way you will live in the afterlife. 

Your body will stay on earth while your soul will live forever. And again, the way you choose to live your life and be subject under a master that where will go. And that's either heaven or hell. 



Sounds ridiculous.  

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25 minutes ago, spree said:

Sounds ridiculous.  

Everyone doesn't like to hear the truth which is the norm in the world. 

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Because most people (me included) cannot bear the thought that, one day, they will enter an eternal, dreamless sleep and cease to be, cease to think, feel, taste, hear, see. Imagining death as simply the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another is far easier for us to do.

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The atheists in this thread acting like they have any clue about anything :bibliahh:Agnosticism is currently the only true, rational take until one side or the other can be 100% proven.

Sure, there are plenty of unintelligent religious people, but to think you've got the entirety of the universe unequivocally figured out says a lot about your lack of intelligence as well :rip:

Edited by scenekiller
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8 hours ago, scenekiller said:

The atheists in this thread acting like they have any clue about anything :bibliahh:Agnosticism is currently the only true, rational take until one side or the other can be 100% proven.

Sure, there are plenty of unintelligent religious people, but to think you've got the entirety of the universe unequivocally figured out says a lot about your lack of intelligence as well :rip:

Very presumptuous to assume people are

atheist If they don’t believe in the ridiculous bible god.  I’m agnostic. There could be something, but I’m certainly not going to a bad place unless I worship him/her/it. It’s absurd. 

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same reason people needed to create a god to believe in- the thought of there being no purpose and death being absolute is too much for people to grasp

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15 hours ago, RobDeWittBukater said:

Because most people (me included) cannot bear the thought that, one day, they will enter an eternal, dreamless sleep and cease to be, cease to think, feel, taste, hear, see. Imagining death as simply the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another is far easier for us to do.

Spot on. I've been thinking about the concept of eternal nothingness a lot lately. It absolutely terrifies me, now as a conscious being who sees, thinks and feels. And although I realize that this exact fear will cease too after death, it's still not very soothing. Hoping that there is some sort of consciousness or afterlife is far more easy than accepting eternal nothingness as a rational truth. 

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17 hours ago, scenekiller said:

The atheists in this thread acting like they have any clue about anything :bibliahh:Agnosticism is currently the only true, rational take until one side or the other can be 100% proven.

Sure, there are plenty of unintelligent religious people, but to think you've got the entirety of the universe unequivocally figured out says a lot about your lack of intelligence as well :rip:

Absolutely this :deadbanana4: denial of any possibility is honestly just as strange as devout bible believing 

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Besides the basic indoctrination from religion; life is SCARY, always has been but nothing, NOTHING frightens people more than an event that's out of their control. Death has been the outlier to human planning, we don't know what not "being" is like so we conjured up a way to know; the afterlife. It's human base instincts to seek a hold on what's going on, it's only natural we try to do the same with death too.

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