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Pitbull Attacks Small Dog At Restaurant


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10 hours ago, fentypark said:

pit bulls are literally the sweetest dogs… y’all probably have never cared for one but talking **** about them… the prejudice knows no bounds :toofunny3:


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I think we gotta remember all dogs are animals, even the smallest ones. They're cute, noble, loyal? Yes! Are they still not fully conscious of their actions and their natural instincts can overpower them? Absolutely. 


If a certain type of breed has more aggressive natural instincts by their selective breeding maybe don't get one of those? There are several other breeds that are just as big (or bigger) that can satisfy your necessities... Need a guardian? Get a German Shepherd! Need companionship? Get a poodle, Pomeranian or Maltese!


Pitbulls should stop being considered domesticated dogs. It's NOT worth the risk of losing anyone's life.

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There’s no need to hate on an animal but they really should not exist. Taking them to public spaces, and around children or other dogs is extremely irresponsible. 

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They are ugly and they hurt people and animals too. Why would you want to adopt a monster like that? :biblio:

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1 hour ago, Hallad173 said:

What’s with the PitBull bashing on here?? 

No dog is just inherently bad because of their breed. Every dog requires work to socialize and discourage unwanted behaviors. Some more than others due to breeding, but none of them are just lost causes based on breed alone.

Pitties are not the only dogs that attack and do **** like this ?

Golden retrievers good at retrieving cos of their breed.

Bloodhounds good at sniffing cos of their breed.

Border collies-herding



The list goes on: but for pit bulls it is nurture over nature.

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they couldn't find a knife real quick and stab that evil dog? 

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On 5/8/2022 at 11:17 PM, jordanjm said:

I carry a very large knife when I walk my dog just for pit bulls like this. They’re trash dogs and the second one lunges at me it’s over. 

The law (at least in my state) is very clear, if you fear for your safety, lethal force against a dog is lawful. 


On 5/9/2022 at 1:00 PM, jordanjm said:

Oh silly you. I said “pit bulls like this”. I was referring to the video in the OP where it clearly wasn’t on leash and the owner didn’t have control. Not one that is restrained, you little goofster. 

But I’ll rephrase for you since you need it. If there is a dog, that is off leash or the owner is too weak to control it, and that dog tries to attack me or my lovely well-behaved dog, I will not hesitate to go straight for the neck. Now this is not limited to only pit bulls, but they do seem to be the most common offenders. 

While I’ve never met a pit owner who isn’t absolute trash, whether or not it’s the owners fault for their behavior is not my concern. 


43 minutes ago, Attitude said:

If only @jordanjm was there with his knife.


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**** bulls are atrocious monstrosities, pure pieces of ****, and I don't care if anyone claims to have one that babysits orphan ducklings and goes to church during the midweek. Those disgusting creatures are genetically built to do horrendous **** like this. Pit bull defenders should be locked up along with their horrid beasts. I'm so tired of hearing of things like this, or even worse, like the much too common cases of poor children and elderly people getting caught in these things' eyesights.


**** like this is why I'm scared to even walk my pets out, since we have a dog park not too far from my house. :biblio:

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11 minutes ago, arceus said:

they couldn't find a knife real quick and stab that evil dog? 

Honestly, even a glass or fork to just smash to it so it lets the poor little dog's ear out of its mouth long enough to carry it away to safety :cries:

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11 hours ago, Katamari said:

i sure hope  yall arent vegans talking like this 


Patient Zero

Poopoobulls are definitely not vegans themselves, so I'd hope even they can agree we should all just grab some mallets and be ready to rightfully restore balance in the universe by dumping those fugly were-frog looking shits in a landfill.



Patient Zero

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That video is so disturbing, poor dog. pitbulls need to go extinct. 

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eawejhkljhghrge some of y'all... :deadbanana2: the way some of you can have your face mauled by this satan spawn and still be like AWWWW CUTEST AND HARMLESS BREED EVER, weird behaviour



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Most pet tigers are absolutely cute and harmless but I'm sure none of you would like to see them walking down the streets unregulated...and that doesn't mean being pro-tigers extermination.:rip:


It's the same with Pitbulls (or guns). Most are fine but statistics clearly show that the attacks aren't exactly isolated. Is the risk worth it?

Not as long as it's happening to somebody else, I guess...



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Correct me if im wrong, but I did not see a collar or leash on that Pitbull :rip: 


Problematic breeds like these should mandate muzzles in public places & whilst walking. That owner needs to be held accountable. 


My brother owns a Border Collie and whilst he is the sweetest dog ever, he has had 1 occasion where he got aggressive (barking) towards a smaller dog whilst walking him, despite years of never having history of being nothing but normal with other dogs. These are animals after all and still have instincts. Since then I make sure to walk him with a secure harness and actively divert off footpaths when approaching families with small kids or small dogs to avoid exactly this video, even though I know he would never do something like this, its just not a risk I'm willing to take. 

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6 hours ago, Hallad173 said:

What’s with the PitBull bashing on here?? 

No dog is just inherently bad because of their breed. Every dog requires work to socialize and discourage unwanted behaviors. Some more than others due to breeding, but none of them are just lost causes based on breed alone.

Pitties are not the only dogs that attack and do **** like this ?

that part! 

especially when a lot of these people have NEVER owned one nor cared for one... and the nerve of them to compare a domesticated dog to a wild animal ch... worms for ******* brains they have :toofunny3:

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3 hours ago, Oceania said:

Most pet tigers are absolutely cute and harmless but I'm sure none of you would like to see them walking down the streets unregulated...and that doesn't mean being pro-tigers extermination.:rip:


It's the same with Pitbulls (or guns). Most are fine but statistics clearly show that the attacks aren't exactly isolated. Is the risk worth it?

Not as long as it's happening to somebody else, I guess...



girl WHAT? no way you thought this made sense :bibliahh:

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7 hours ago, Attitude said:

If only @jordanjm was there with his knife.

:ahh: I wish! 

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Pitbulls are evil and so are their defenders. :mazen:

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6 hours ago, AlanRickman1946 said:




I love that I’m known for this. Just got back from a walk and actually just took it out of my pocket :heart2: 


Though my state just got rid of its conceal carry law. Maybe I’ll start carrying my firearm, it seems to work for the pigs :pancake:

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This is not a Pit Bull issue but rather an owner issue. That dog should have been leashed and controlled. If you have a dog (regardless of the breed) that doesn't get along with other dogs, then you need to keep them away from crowds and other animals until you properly train it. 

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Not surprised with the pitbull apologists in here, literally worms for brains

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Pitbull apologists literally serve mental illness

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7 hours ago, fentypark said:

girl WHAT? no way you thought this made sense :bibliahh:

You mean facts and basic logic? Yes.

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